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Avoiding Responsibility (Avoiding 2)

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Then Lexi saw someone she really hadn't been expecting. Parker stood off to the side smiling brightly at Lexi as she entered the room. Again, Lexi was struck with how similar they looked, but maybe the more time they spent together the more she would be able to look past that. Though at the same time, she hoped that she wouldn't be spending a significant amount of time with her.

Lexi noticed that Jack and Bekah were strategically absent. That was likely the best thing they could have done for her. And behind all of her friends were a group of other people who it appeared were here for the free booze.

"What's this?" she gasped shocked beyond belief. Her eyes traveled the large crowd against before resting on Ramsey's shining green orbs. He seemed to be enjoying this immensely.

"It's a graduation party silly," Chyna announced coming up next to her and kissing her on the cheek.

"You were just on the phone with me," Lexi cried staring at Chyna in disbelief.

"Yeah someone had to find out where you were," she said knowingly.

"But you sent me off on the plane," Lexi said trying to make sense of Chyna's appearance.

"Private plane doll. Takes you way longer to get here what with security and boarding and all that," she explained rather diplomatically.

"And you," she said rounding on Ramsey. He looked at her his smile waning for the first time. He seemed to realize for the first time that she might not actually enjoy a party the first thing after flying from New York. There could be...other things on her mind. "You did all of this for me?" she demanded.

"I missed your party and needed to make it up to you," he said simply setting the cake down on a platter and walking towards her. He looked spectacular that day. He wore a green polo that matched his eyes and a snug pair of jeans.

"You're a wonderful man Ramsey Bridges," she whispered flying into his arms.

He chuckled as he caught her and pulled her against him. "Don't you forget it," he whispered back kissing her shoulder as he held her close to him. She breathed in the familiar peppermint scent and nuzzled into his muscular chest.

"Alright, alright get a room," Chyna chimed in breaking up the happy couple. "Oh wait you have one." Her eyes drifted to the stairway.

"There will be plenty of time for that later," Lexi mumbled pushing a lock of hair behind her ear. Really all she wanted to do was grab Ramsey's hand, pull him up those stairs, and have her way with him. But he had gone through all of this to surprise her, and she was going to revel in her party until she could weasel her way out of the festivities.

"I'm sure there will," Chyna muttered under her breath.

"Oh my luggage," Lexi cried realizing she had been too stunned when she had come in to go back and fetch it.

"No worries. I'll get it. Enjoy the party," Ramsey said kissing her forehead and exiting his apartment. As if on cue, as soon as Ramsey left the apartment, everyone broke off into groups and began chatting up their neighbors. The party had officially begun with her entrance.

"So how does it feel?" Adam asked extracting himself from the group. He stood just behind Chyna and draped his arm over her shoulders.

Lexi eased into her new environment. As everyone made the apartment feel more like a party atmosphere, she centered her attention on the friends in front of her. "Pretty damn good. Now I just have to pass the bar and I'll be a real lawyer," she said a big smile on her face.

"That's so great!" Chyna cried.

"And Ramsey," Adam added his golden brown eyes staring into her. Her smile faltered at his intense look. For some reason, she wasn't certain of the way he said that. Was Ramsey a good thing or a bad thing?

Lexi quickly broke his penetrating gaze and looked over to where her boyfriend was pulling her luggage through the door. There was really only one answer to that question. Ramsey was definitely a good thing. She wasn't even sure why she got a bad impression from Adam's statement now that her sights were set on Ramsey.

"Yeah exactly," she agreed hesitantly shifting her eyes back to Adam. He always seemed able to look straight through her. She gulped a little uncomfortably as their eyes met. His smile was light and friendly, but there was just something in his hazel eyes that she was never certain of.

"Well I'm…we're proud of you chica," Chyna said grabbing her for a big hug.

"Thanks. I just can't believe you guys put this all together for me," she said in awe.

Chyna shook her head and threw her hands up. "Don't give us any credit. This was all Ramsey."

Lexi turned back to stare at her handsome boyfriend dragging her suitcases across the room so he could put them up in the guestroom...her new room. She doubted she would spend much time there, but it was good to have nonetheless. She just couldn't believe him. She knew he threw parties for a living, but this just felt different. He had done this for her...just her. And he had completely surprised her. She had had no clue.

Of course, she had been disappointed when he had left New York so quickly after graduation. This was so important to her. She had spent three years working towards this. And she had wanted him to be there the whole time.

She had tried to understand. He had a business to run. Sure she didn't much approve of his job, but what woman would. He was surrounded by gorgeous women all day long. Not to mention they were all too eager to throw themselves at him. These women got naked and turned men on for a living…and she was a million miles away.

But those were her own insecurities talking. If he wanted any of those women, he could have had them when he used to sleep around. He was hers now though, and she trusted him to stay that way. After all, he had asked her to move in with him, and he had never done that before with anyone else...he had never even had another girlfriend.

Then this surprise party really topped it all off. He sure did know how to make up for lost time. "I'll give credit where credit is due," Lexi acknowledged tracking Ramsey's movements until he disappeared upstairs.

"Congratulations!" Parker cried coming up to Lexi from amongst the crowd. "I'm sure you're so proud."

"Whoa!" Chyna yelped. "You two are surreal similar."

"Uh..." Parker murmured awkwardly.

"Chyna!" Lexi gasped staring at her wide-eyed. "Don't be rude."

"You must be Parker," Chyna said extending her hand.

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