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Avoiding Responsibility (Avoiding 2)

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"Sorry I just needed some air," she said walking up to him and touching his arm reassuringly. No need for him to freak out about their alone time. She wasn't that girl anymore and anyways Brandon Calloway was no Jack Howard.

"Well everyone's heading out and I thought you would want to say goodbye," he said finally meeting her sweet brown eyes.

"I would. Thanks for coming to get me," she said walking past him and through the door. Brandon followed in behind her smirking at Ramsey as he walked past. Lexi said good-bye to the crowd and watched as most of them drunkenly stumbled out of the apartment. Brad and Jason had disappeared with their dates upstairs, and Lexi hoped that she didn't hear from them the rest of the night.

Chyna walked up to her and gave her a hug. "Congrats girl! We're going to head back to our hotel now," Chyna said with a wink.

Lexi shook her head, but couldn't help but laugh. She had the same thing in mind as soon as everyone else evacuated the premises. "Have fun. You'll be here tomorrow?" she asked hopefully.

"Nah we're going to take the early flight back to New York. He has work in the afternoon, and I have to start packing for Milan," she told her excitement evident in her voice.

"Oh come on Chyna you know you're not going to do any packing."

Chyna just shrugged. "You know me too well."

"I'm going to miss you," Lexi said wrapping her up in another hug. "Let me know you're safe."

"Will do chica," Chyna said kissing her cheek and stepping back. Adam gave Lexi a quick hug. "Take care."

"I will. Bye," she said watching the last guests disappear.

She sighed pleasantly at the quiet that took over the apartment. Turning around she looked for Ramsey, but realized that he must have disappeared upstairs while she had been talking with Chyna. She hadn't even realized it.

"Hey you," she said walking into his bedroom. "What are you doing up here?"

"Just giving you sometime to say goodbye," he said turning around to face her.

Lexi saw the same tension in his shoulders as when he had walked outside and found her talking with Brandon. She knew that he must be dwelling on it, and she didn't want him to feel like that. There was absolutely nothing between her and Brandon.

"Ramsey, you know I'm yours right," she said quietly after a minute of silence.

"Of course," he said reaching out for her and pulling her into his chest.

"I just…I just don't want you to feel like you have anything to worry about," she continued on. "You know my past, but that's all it is…the past." The last words were almost just a breath as she got them out.

"I know Lexi. I know," he said stroking her long brown hair.

"I'm serious, Ramsey," she said a bit more forceful as she pushed back to stare up into his green eyes.

"I know you are sweetheart," he said leaning down and brushing his lips against her. "And my uneasiness doesn't originate from you."

"So are you going to tell me what happened between you two?" she asked studying him carefully.

"Look that stuff doesn't matter. He's just…not a good person," he said carefully.

"I've heard the same thing about you before," she reminded him.

"This is different."

"How?" she asked unable to see a clear distinction.

"I'm not actually a bad guy and he is," he said as if it were obvious.

"I can't see that."

"That's because you don't really know him yet. And you shouldn't get to know him," he warned. "Lexi please tell me you won't keep talking to him."

"No Ramsey. I'm not going to do that," she said firmly. "You have nothing to worry about from Brandon. Whatever happened is in the past, and I don't want you to think that there is any reason to hide me from the world."

"That's not what I'm trying to do," he said quickly. "You just don't know what he's capable of."

"Well tell me," she said exasperated.

"Look it doesn't matter," he said shaking it off. "You are what matters. I know Brandon and the way he operates. He'll do anything to get close and that means you. Please promise to stay away from him?"

"I already told you that I'm not going to do that. I'll be extra careful around him, but it's not the end of the world. Just promise me you won't get angry with me," she begged.

He sighed heavily and dropped his head to her tiny shoulder. "You make things so difficult," he complained.

"You're the one imposing rules for who I can hang out with," she said sharply…a little sharper than she had even anticipated.

"You're right," he said straightening. "Of course you're right. I have my reservations, but they are my own. You're free to see whoever you want. But if he lays one hand on you or says one thing out of line," he warned, "you let me know."

Lexi nodded solemnly and hoped that she would never have to take him up on the offer.

* * *

K.A. Linde


I need another story

Something to get off my chest

My life gets kind of boring

Need something that i can confess

- One Republic "Secrets"

* * *

Chapter 17: Present

Rage Bar after midnight was everything she remembered Chamber to be from college. The new owners hadn't changed a single thing other than the name. Several bartenders worked the massive bar that stretched the length of the room. The medium-sized rectangular room was divided in two by sliding glass doors keeping the dance space and the more secluded lounge area separate. A raised platform designed in an L-shape was constructed against one wall in the dance hall so girls could show off their moves and easily be seen across the room. Large security guards now wore bright orange Rage polos and were stationed in precarious locations around the room.

The patrons never aged at this establishment. It was the same group of eighteen to twenty-one year olds sneaking in with fake IDs. She knew twenty-four wasn't old by any stretch of the imagination, but she might as well have been seventy with how old she felt at this bar. She smoothed out the ridiculous outfit Bekah had given them and tried to remember what it felt like to be nineteen.

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