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Lover Unleashed (Black Dagger Brotherhood 9)

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She did just as he asked, her graceful legs parting.

“Trust me,” he said roughly. And she could. He already felt bad enough that all these firsts were happening with him. He was not going to violate the boundaries he’d set for them.

“I do,” she moaned.

God save them both, he thought as his palm slipped into the juncture—

“Fuck . . .” he groaned. Hot and slick, silky smooth. Undeniable.

His arm shot out, the sheets went flying, and his eyes whipped down to lock on the sight of his hand nestled in close to the core of her. As her body arched up, one of her legs fell to the side.

“Healer . . .” she groaned. “Please . . . don’t stop.”

“You don’t know what I want to do to you,” he said to himself.

“I am in pain.”

Manny gritted his teeth. “Where.”

“Where you have touched me and gone no farther. Do not stop this, I beg you.”

Manny’s mouth opened and he breathed through it.

“Do this thing you want to me, healer,” she moaned. “Whatever it is. I know you are holding back.”

A growl came out of him and he moved so fast that the only thing that could have stopped him was her saying no. And that word was evidently not in her vocabulary.

In a flash, he was between her thighs, his hands spreading her wider, her sex laid open and weeping in the face of his male urge to dominate and mate.

He gave in. Fuck him, but he let himself go and kissed her core. And there was nothing gradual or gentle about it; he dived in with his mouth, sucking at her and tonguing her as she cried out and scratched at his forearms.

Manny came. Hard. In spite of the number of times he’d orgasmed out there in the office. The tingling buzz in his blood and the sweet taste of her sex and the way she moved against his lips, rubbing herself, seeking even more . . . it was all too much.

“Healer . . . I am . . . on the verge of—I know not what I—”

He licked his way up off the top of her sex and then returned to get serious in a slow, thorough way. “Stay with me,” he said against her. “I’m going to make you feel good.”

Flicking his tongue lightly, he took one of his hands down and stroked her without entering her, giving her exactly what she wanted, just at a speed that made her struggle with impatience. But she was going to learn that this anticipation before the release was almost as good as the orgasm she was about to have.

God, she was incredible, that hard body of hers flexing, her muscles going tighter, her chin just visible on the far side of her perfect breasts as her head fell back and kicked the pillows off the bed.

He knew just when the snap in her sex happened. She gasped and grabbed the sheet that covered the mattress, ripping it with her nails as she stiffened from head to foot.

His tongue sneaked in.

He simply had to penetrate her a little . . . and those subtle pulses he felt left him dizzy.

When he was sure she had been finished properly, he pushed himself back

—and nearly bit his own lip in half. She was oh, so ready for him, glossy and glowing—

Abruptly, he shoved himself from the bed and had to pace it off. His cock felt like it had swollen to Empire State Building dimensions, and his balls were July Fourth blue—so desperate for a release they had their own marching band and fireworks brigade. But that wasn’t all. Something in him was roaring at the fact that he wasn’t inside of her . . . and the urge was about more than merely sex. He wanted to mark her in some way—which made absolutely no sense.

Strung out, panting, on the edge, he ended up planting his hands on the jambs of the door to the hall and leaning in until his forehead was against the steel. In a way, he almost hoped someone barged in and knocked him the fuck out.

“Healer . . . it persists. . . .”

For a moment, he squeezed his eyes shut. He wasn’t sure he could go through it again with her so soon. It was nearly killing him not to—

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