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Lover Unleashed (Black Dagger Brotherhood 9)

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Avoiding the whole dining room scene, he headed for the door beneath the stairs and put the thing to good use. The instant it closed behind him, the chatty patter of people talking was cut off and silent darkness rushed up to greet him. Which was more like it.

Down the shallow stairs. Through another coded door. Into the underground tunnel that ran from the main house to the training center. And now that he was alone, he ran out of gas, making it only about two feet before his legs stopped working and he had to lean against the smooth wall. Letting his head fall back, he closed his eyes . . . and wanted to put a gun to his temple.

He’d had that redhead back at the Iron Mask.

Had that hetero good and hard.

And it had happened exactly the way he’d predicted, starting with the pair of them yakking it up at the bar and checking out the chicks. Not long after, a set of double-Ds had gone trolling by on black platform boots. Talked to her. Drank with her . . . and her friend. Hour later? The four of them were in a bathroom, squeezed in tight.

Which had been part two of the plan. Hands were hands in cramped spaces, and when there was a lot of moving and pawing going down, you could never be sure who was touching you. Stroking you. Feeling you up.

The whole time they’d been with the chippies, Qhuinn had been strategizing on how to get rid of the females, and it had taken waaay longer than he’d wanted. After the sex, the girls had wanted to hang out some more—trade numbers, kibitz, ask if they wanted to go out for a bite.

Yeah, right. He didn’t need no digits, because he was never going to call them; he wasn’t into kibitzing even with people he liked; and the sort of bite he could offer them had nothing to do with greasy-ass diner food.

After filing the requests under Bitch, Please in his head, he’d been forced to brainwash them into leaving—which had led him to a rare moment of pity for human males who didn’t have that luxury.

And then he and his prey had been alone, the human male recovering against the sink; Qhuinn pretending to do likewise against the door. Eventually there had been eye contact, casual on the human’s side, very serious on Qhuinn’s.

“What?” the man had asked. But he’d known . . . because his eyelids had grown heavy.

Qhuinn had reached behind himself and turned the lock so they wouldn’t be disturbed. “I’m still hungry.”

Abruptly, the redhead had stared at the door like he’d wanted to leave . . . but his cock had told a different story. Behind the button fly of those jeans . . . he got hard.

“No one will ever know,” Qhuinn had said darkly. Hell, he could have made it so the redhead didn’t remember—although as long as the guy hadn’t tweaked to the whole vampire thing, there’d been no reason to pull out the skull Swiffer and clean things up.

“I thought you said you weren’t gay. . . .” The tone had been on the plaintive side, as if the man hadn’t felt entirely comfortable with what his body wanted.

Qhuinn had closed the distance between them, putting his chest against the redhead’s. And then he’d grabbed the back of the guy’s neck and yanked him over to his mouth. The kiss had done what it was designed to do: get all that thinking out of the bathroom and leave nothing but sensation behind.

Shit had gone from there. Twice.

When it was over, the guy hadn’t offered his number. He’d gotten off spectacularly, but it was clear that it had been a first-and-only experimental thing on his end—which was just fine with Qhuinn. They’d parted without a word, each going on about his life, with the redhead heading back to the bar . . . and Qhuinn leaving to go wander the streets of Caldwell alone.

Only dawn’s imminent arrival had made him return here.

“Fucking hell . . .” he said to himself.

The whole night had been a lesson in scratching poison ivy—yes, there were times in life when proxies worked: at a council meeting, for example, when you sent someone else to give your vote. Or when you needed something from a supermarket and you gave your list to a doggen . Or when you’d promised to play pool, but were too drunk to hold your stick, so you got someone else to snap your balls.

Unfortunately, the proxy theory most certainly did not work when you wished you had been the one to take someone’s virginity, but you hadn’t, and your best follow-up idea was to go to a club, find someone with a similar physical trait, like . . . oh, say . . . hair color . . . and fuck them instead.

In that proxy situation, you ended up feeling hollow, and not because you’d come your brains out and were floating on a little postcoital cloud of ahhhhh, yeah.

Standing in this tunnel, all by himself, Qhuinn was utterly empty in his own skin. Ghost-towned from the inside out.

Too bad his libido was far from out of bright ideas. In the quiet solitude, he started to imagine what it would be like if it were him instead of his cousin coming down with Blay for dinner. If he was the one sharing not just a bed, but a bedroom with the guy. If he stood up to everyone and said, Hey, this is my mate—

The mental lockdown that followed that little ditty was so complete, he felt like he’d been punched in the head.

And that was the problem, wasn’t it.

As he rubbed his mismatched eyes, he thought back on how much his family had hated him: He’d been raised to believe his genetic defect of having one blue and one green iris meant he was an abnormal freak, and they’d treated him as an embarrassment to the bloodline.

Well, actually it had been worse than that. They’d ended up kicking him out of house and sending an honor guard to teach him a lesson. Which was how he’d ended up a wahlker.

To think they’d never known about the other “abnormalities” he harbored.

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