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Lucky in Love (Southern Bride 4)

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When I finally stood up straight, Pete was staring at me, clearly worried he had fucked up big time.

“I wasn’t sure how you would feel about it. I asked Roger what you’d do if Saryn ever got pregnant, and he said you’d freak.”

I rolled my eyes. “Don’t ever ask Roger anything about relationships. He’s going to stay single his entire life.”

“Are you okay?”

“It depends, what did Renee say?”

He turned, putting his back toward me. “When Saryn walked out of the building and Renee saw her…”

“Wait. Pete? What in the hell are you doing? Why are you standing with your back to me?”

“I can’t tell you directly. I told her I wouldn’t, so I’m just sort of talking to myself in the same room as you.”

My mouth dropped open. “This is what you’re going to tell yourself? That you were talking out loud and I happened it overhear it?”


I shook my head. “How are you a doctor? Seriously? How?”

“Do you want to know or not?”

“Yes, I want to know, you dickhead, but turn and look at me, goddamn it!”

He spun around. “Fine! Renee saw Saryn and laughed. She said that she was a patient of theirs and had just found out she was pregnant, and when the doctor told her, Saryn apparently threw up. All over the doctor. Then I said something like holy shit, Saryn is pregnant, and then Renee freaked because I knew her, and the rest is history.”

“She threw up on the doctor? Why?” I asked.

Pete shrugged. “Nervous, excited, scared? I don’t know. Dude, did y’all ever have sex without a condom?”

“I already said—”

I stopped talking, and Pete raised one brow.

“Shit. The second time we ever had sex the condom broke. Saryn said she was on the pill, so I honestly never thought anything about it.”

“Well, neither is a hundred percent accurate, you know.”

“No shit, Sherlock.”

Pete attempted to hide his smile. “So how do you feel about this? About Saryn being pregnant so early in your relationship?”

I thought about it for a moment or two. Then a strange feeling of warmth settled over me. I looked at Pete, and that happy feeling was replaced by anger.

“How in the hell could you tell me? Why would you tell me? It should have been Saryn telling me, not you, dickhead!”

He looked at me, befuddled. “Are you angry because you’re going to be a dad, or because I’m the one who told you?”

I balled my fists. “Because you told me, you idiot!”

“Right. I can see that…now that I think about it. Probably wasn’t the best thing for me to do.”

With a frustrated groan, I turned and headed to the door.

“Where are you going?” Pete asked as he followed me out. I ignored him as we made our way back to the table.

Taking a twenty out of my wallet, I tossed it onto the table. “I’m heading home.”

“What happened?” Ryan asked, looking from me to Pete.

“Nothing, I’m just eager to see Saryn, that’s all.”

Roger laughed. “Dude, I know Ryan is cool with it and all, but I’m pretty sure he doesn’t need to know you want to…”

“Shut up, Roger,” I said as I looked at Ryan. He appeared amused by me leaving.

“This is why I refuse to settle down with anyone,” Jack said. “Once they get their claws in, all the fun is sucked right out of you.”

I slapped him on the back and said, “Just wait until you fall in love.”

He and Roger both made gagging sounds as Pete and Ryan laughed.

With a wave goodbye to my brother and friends, I quickly headed to my truck and drove straight to Saryn’s house.


I PACED THE living room as I thought about how I was going to tell Truitt I was carrying his baby.

Yes, things had been good between us. So good. Great, in fact. But a baby.

A baby.

A surprise baby.

I was over the moon, but how would Truitt feel? He hadn’t even mentioned not using condoms anymore. He still put one on every time we had sex, and I assumed it was a double precaution because he wasn’t ready for a baby.

I thought back to when I had thrown up on the poor doctor, and then asked her how in the world I had gotten pregnant. I knew it only took one time, one thing going wrong. The condom had broken in the shower. But I had still been on the pill. Then it dawned on me. I’d missed taking my pill back in November for a few days. With everything going on and seeing Truitt again and the move back home, I hadn’t given it a second thought.

“Oh, Truitt. How are you going to react?”

I glanced at the clock on the mantel. Liliana was spending the night at my parents’ house, and Truitt had texted to tell me he was meeting some of the guys for drinks at the Rusty Nail. I already felt guilty as hell that I’d found out yesterday and hadn’t told Truitt yet. I was nervous though. Scared of how he would react and worried he would think I was attempting to trap him.

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