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Lucky in Love (Southern Bride 4)

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I reached for the pitcher of tea, then faced my mother. “Is something going on with Ryan and Miranda?”

She stopped mixing the salad and looked at me with wide eyes. “Why? What did you hear?”

I almost laughed at how excited she looked when she thought I had a bit of information.

“Nothing, they just seem…off.”

Mom looked past me and through the kitchen door. She nodded. “They’ve been that way for the last month or so. I think she’s tired of waiting for the ring.”

My brows shot up. “Oh. He’s still not ready, huh?”

She shook her head. “Not anywhere near it. I hate to say it, but I don’t think she’s the one.”

“Well, for both of their sakes, if she isn’t and he knows it, he needs to break things off.”

With a huff, she replied, “Maybe you should tell him that. From what some of the ranch hands have said, they argue a lot.”

I frowned and looked back out at them. Ryan had just said something that made our father laugh, and I couldn’t help but notice that Miranda rolled her eyes. She acted as if being here was a waste of her time.

“Do you think she’s only with him for money?” I asked, chewing on my lip and hating that the thought had crossed my mind. My brother and I did get a monthly trust from our grandparents. It was enough that if I wanted to, I could rent a small house and only work part time, which was something I had considered. I really wanted to be able to do things with Liliana as she grew up, like my own mother did with us. Yes, she owned a store and helped on the ranch, but I don’t think she ever missed a single school function or class party. Not one.

“Honestly?” my mother asked.

“I wouldn’t except anything less from you, Momma.”

“Yes. I do. I think your brother knows it, as well, but deep down he cares for her. The girl hates it here on the ranch, though. I think we’ve all known that from day one.”

I exhaled. “I’ll see if I can talk to him later. If I learned anything from marrying Tim, it’s always go with your gut.”

“Amen to that,” Momma said with a chuckle.

The rest of the evening had an awkward feel to it. Miranda seemed to be in a piss poor mood and jumped at Ryan every chance she got. She was cold toward Liliana, and hardly spoke two words to me throughout dinner. I’d met her once before, last year when I had come home for a visit with Liliana. Even then she seemed distant.

Once dessert was cleared from the table, Miranda stood. “Thank you for dinner, Ryan and I need to be heading off.”

Ryan jerked his head up and glared at her.

“Is that so?” he asked.

She glanced at him with a look that dared him to defy her. I was honestly tired of seeing her treat my brother like this, and was two seconds from telling her to sit her little ass down and knock off the diva attitude. I didn’t have to, though. It appeared my brother had had enough by the way he was glaring at her.

“Miranda, Ryan offered to help me get the guest house set up for me and Liliana to move in,” I said.

“The guest house! How lovely!” my mother gushed.

I looked at her and raised a brow. Instantly, she lifted her hands.

“Like I told your daddy, I promise to respect your privacy, just like I do your brother’s.”

Then she motioned with her index finger over her heart, making an x to signify her promise.

“You didn’t tell me that, Ryan,” Miranda bit out, causing all of us to look at her once again.

“It must have slipped my mind.”

She huffed. “Well, I have things to do. We need to get back to the house.”

“Why don’t you take my truck, and Saryn can drop me off later.”

Miranda looked at me, frowned, then rolled her eyes. “I’ll see you at home. Thank you for dinner, Evie, Will.”

And like a leaf on a breeze, she rushed out of the room as everyone stared after her. The fact that she hadn’t said goodbye to me or Liliana hadn’t gone unnoticed.

“I don’t remember her being so charming,” I softly said as my mother pressed her mouth into a tight line to keep from either saying something herself, or from laughing at my comment.

“Lord Almighty, that girl needs to remember her place,” Daddy said. “She was downright rude this evening.”

Ryan sighed and scrubbed his hands down his face, let out a few sounds that made Liliana laugh, then focused on me. “Thanks, Saryn. I really didn’t want to leave with her.”

I winked at him. “Don’t get too excited, I really do need your help over there. I want to make sure everything is working okay before Liliana and I move in.”

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