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Lucky in Love (Southern Bride 4)

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I smiled and gave him a nod.

Then I waited. And waited. And waited.

Finally, I hopped off the table, wobbled to the curtain and jerked it back. I was about to call for Lucy when someone small ran smack into me. The warmth of her body instantly had mine coming to attention. Her smell was familiar, and it made the little hairs on the back of my neck instantly rise. She looked up at me as I looked down at her.

And there went my dick. He decided to show up for the party, ready to have a good time.

A slow smile spread over Saryn Night’s face.

“Truitt Carter.” She let her gaze sweep over me, a little quicker this time, but the same heat was there. “Seems like you have a reputation at this place. I’m told our Christmas bonus will come solely from the amount of times you’ve visited the ER.”

I snarled at her. “No one likes a snarky nurse, Ms. Ackerman.”

“Night. My last name is back to Night.”

“Glad to see you didn’t simply get rid of the husband, but his name, as well.”

Her eyes widened in shock, then narrowed as she gave me a sweet yet sexy smile. “Will you get back into the room.”


“Please what?” she asked.

“No, you demanded. You should ask me nicely, to please get back into the room. After all, I am providing part of your bonus. I was even thinking of making a donation to the hospital. Maybe they can give me a private room.”

Her eyes rolled. She motioned for me to step back into the room as she tried not to smile and failed. I did as she commanded.

“I’m going to take your vitals, then the doctor will be in to tell you what your X-rays say.”

“I just need an ice pack.”

A perfectly arched brow slowly rose. “You sound so sure.”

“I am sure. I’ve broken my ankle before. Twice. I know what it feels like. I think I simply pulled a tendon. I heard a pop. I’m only here to appease my pain-in-the-ass brother, Roger. If you could just get the doc in here to sign me off, I can get back to the job site.”

She nodded, then pushed a thermometer under my tongue.

“You need to have it elevated with ice on it. Not go back to work.”

My words sounded muffled as I replied, “I need to get back to work.”

“You need to stay off your ankle,” she insisted.

The thermometer beeped and she took it out. “No fever.”

I sighed. Then the doctor walked in. Thank God it was Pete.

“Thank fuck you’re working,” I said.

Pete laughed and reached for my hand. Saryn folded her arms over her chest and I tried not to focus on how it made her breasts look even more incredible. Never in my wildest imagination would I think breasts could look good under a nurse’s uniform.

Shit. I needed to get laid. Preferably with the pretty nurse standing to my right.

Ugh. Knock it off, Truitt.

“You really are here a lot,” Saryn stated.

Pete shook his head. “Truitt and I went to college together. Met in our frat house. This guy talked me into moving to Boerne, Texas, instead of going somewhere amazing, like New York City. Or Denver.”

Saryn’s brows pulled in tight. “Denver?” she asked with a chuckle.

Pete laughed. “I’m from Denver. It’s a joke,” he said before focusing back on me. “It’s not broken.”

“I knew it wasn’t.”

“Roger texted me. Offered me three-hundred bucks to tell you it was broken and another three if I put a cast on it.”

My jaw dropped. “That rat bastard.”

“I thought about it, but the last time I put a cast on you it only lasted three days and you cut it off.”

“You cut it off!” Saryn gasped.

My gaze swung over to her. “Roger offered him a thousand that time.”

Saryn swung her gaze back to Pete.

“It was too good to pass up,” Pete said.

Saryn looked like she wasn’t sure what to say. “Um.”

We both focused on her, waiting.

“Was it broken, at least?” she asked.

Pete barked out a laugh. “Slight fracture.”

She shook her head. “So it’s true, you are accident prone.”

I shrugged. “I like to call them small incidents of unfortunate luck.”

“Heard about your broken penis,” Pete said, writing on a pad of paper.

Saryn’s cheeks turned pink as she looked from me to Pete.

“It didn’t break, because it wasn’t hard when the branch hit it. Besides, my balls took most of the hit and it sorta grazed the…the, um…my…penis.”

That made her eyes jerk down to my junk, then back up. “I’ll go get his discharge papers ready,” Saryn said and quickly spun around and walked out.

I laughed as I rubbed the back of my neck. “Thanks for that.”

Pete smiled. “She is so out of your league, dude. She’s nice, and if I wasn’t engaged I would ask her out. Although she’s been asked out six times so far today by five different guys and one woman.”

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