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Lucky in Love (Southern Bride 4)

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Then she moved to the other ball, her face now millimeters from my cock.

“Dude!” Roger whisper-shouted, like the doctor wouldn’t be able to hear him.

She paused for a moment and then looked up at me and smiled. “I don’t believe you have a penile fracture, Mr. Carter. Your penis seems to be working just fine.”

My entire body heated as I looked down and saw my cock stiff as a rod.

Betraying bastard!

“That’s…um…that’s good to know,” I whispered as I tried to think of anything that would make the hard-on go away. The sound of Roger laughing quietly in the corner should have done it, but not when I felt the gorgeous doctor’s warm breath on my freaking balls!

I jerked when she rolled my ball in her hand.

“Mmm,” she softly said, rolling it and causing me to jerk again. “Does your penis hurt now that it’s erect again?”

“Again? It wasn’t erect when I hurt it!” I grumbled.

She nodded. “That’s right. Well, is it tender?”

For a moment I thought for sure she was going to grab it. “No. It’s not. Just my…”


I nodded.

“Okay, Mr. Carter, I’m going to order an ultrasound of your testicles, just to be sure.”

With a groan, I dropped my head back.

“You can lower your gown now,” Doctor Turner said.

She walked over to the sink and washed her hands, then grabbed my chart. She wrote something in it and then pulled out a notepad. She scribbled something down and ripped the page off.

“I’ll have Lucy, the nurse, call down and get you in right away for the ultrasound.”

Lucy walked into the small room and the doctor turned to her. “Lucy, put it in as STAT so we can have it read, and if all is well, let the Carter brothers go about their day.”

Lucy nodded and left the room again, but not before she stole a glimpse of Roger.

“Thank you, doctor,” I managed to say as I silently willed my cock to go down. It wasn’t helping that the doc was now looking at me with a look I’d seen a hundred times in women’s eyes.

“I think everything is okay, but better safe than sorry,” she said, handing me the paper and then walking out of the small ER room.

Glancing down at the paper she’d handed me, I smiled.

If the ultrasound comes back with no issues, my number is 555-727-1111. I’ll examine you closer later this evening if you’re free.


“I’ve seen that smile before,” Roger said with a laugh.

Reaching for my shorts, I replied, “She gave me her number.”

“And why wouldn’t she, your cock was bobbing in her face like a hungry bastard. If I wasn’t in the room, I don’t even want to think what might have happened. Christ, how is it you get all the women? They feel sorry for your ass or something?”

I shrugged. “I guess she liked what she saw.”

He rolled his eyes and huffed. “Well, I can tell you one thing, I’m bigger.”

Shaking my head, I stared at him. “Is it a contest?”

Roger smirked. “Do I really need to answer that?”

Lucy walked back into the small room with a wheelchair. “I need to take you for your ultrasound, Mr. Carter.”

Roger stood, and I pointed to him. “No, you are not coming.”

“Dude, I think I’ve seen enough of your penis to last me another thirty-four years.” Then he faced Lucy. “You never did tell me if you were single.”

Her cheeks turned red. “I am.”

A smirk appeared on my brother’s face. “Then let me give you this.”

He pulled out his business card and handed it to her. Her brows rose slightly when she read the card.

“What kind of lawyer are you, Mr. Carter?”

He winked. “The kind that makes a lot of money.”

She giggled as she pulled the curtain back and proceeded to take me toward the elevator.

“I’ll be waiting for your return!” Roger called out. “Oh, and I’ll be waiting for you too, Truitt.”

When the elevator doors closed, I turned to Lucy. “Don’t call him, Lucy.”

She chuckled. “And why not, Mr. Carter?”

“He will wine and dine you with one goal only.”

“What’s that?”

“To sleep with you.”

The doors to the elevator opened as she leaned down and whispered into my ear, “I’m totally okay with that.”

I smiled and shook my head. If there was one thing my brother and I were good at, it was picking up women. Neither of us had ever had a serious relationship, much to my parents’ dismay. Our mother constantly nagged us about how old she was getting and how she wanted grandkids. The irony is that she was hardly around when we were kids and was still busy all the time. I found it hard to believe grandkids would change that.

For some reason, my mother thought my brother and I were getting too old. I was thirty-two and Roger was thirty-four. Both still in our prime, if you asked us. Besides, I never could find anyone who would measure up to the one girl I compared every woman to. The one girl I let get away.

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