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Lucky in Love (Southern Bride 4)

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I wasn’t about to stop, not when I was bringing him close to orgasm. The power I felt was amazing, and I almost reached down and touched myself I was so turned on. I moved my hand faster as I sucked on him harder.

“Christ, I’m going to come. Baby, oh God, I’m coming!”

My body hummed with delight. Then it all changed. The feel of his cum hitting the back of my throat and the taste of it was not what I had expected, nor was I ready for it. I pulled back in shock, and then gagged until I nearly threw up.

When Truitt attempted to help me, I put my hand out to stop him and took a handful of water to wash out my mouth. Tears ran down my cheeks from gagging so hard. Once I got myself under control, I faced Truitt, who was still standing in the shower.

The moment my eyes met his, I couldn’t help but start laughing. Truitt looked horrified. Stunned into silence. I must have looked a fright after all the coughing and gagging and laughing like an idiot. He looked utterly confused as to what he should do or say.

“I’ve…I’ve never done that before, and I guess I wasn’t sure what to expect when you came.”

His mouth opened and closed a few times before he snapped it shut. “Why didn’t you tell me? I would have never…oh, shit. Saryn, baby, I’m so sorry.”

Truitt pulled me into his arms, and I practically melted against him. Even under the water, I felt the warmth of his body. The way he held me just felt so right.

“I wanted to do that for you, and the last thing I wanted to do was ruin the moment by telling you I’d never given a blowjob before.”

I felt his body shake and heard him chuckle.

“Your ex really was an asshole to not appreciate the amazing woman you are.”

“He’s the last person I want to talk about.” Drawing back some, I smiled. “I will be honest with you, though, I think the next time I’ll tap out before you come.”

Truitt let out a roar of laughter. Then he kissed me with so much passion that I almost wanted to tell him I was falling in love with him. Truth be told, I was in love with him. A part of me always had been, but I had always told myself it was a high school crush.

When he had said it to me not once, but twice, I had to hide the smile that threatened to appear, and the fact that I wanted to say it back. The ease with which he said it—and with which I felt it—scared me, though. This wasn’t just the two of us in this situation. Liliana was in the mix, as well.

“We better get you out of here and give your knee a rest,” I said, turning off the shower and getting us both out safely.

“Thank you for taking care of me,” Truitt said while he dried off his perfectly chiseled body. The way each muscle moved had me fascinated with him even more.

“It was my pleasure. Now, let’s go get something to eat.”

An hour later I had Truitt sitting in the chair in the living room, the ice pack on his knee and a game of Yahtzee going.

“Okay, seriously, I think we need to switch this to strip poker,” Truitt said before he rolled the dice on the table I’d pushed up next to him.

With a chuckle, I gave him a stern look. “No strip poker because that will lead to sex.”

Giving me a look of dismay, Truitt said, “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

“It’s not a bad thing, but I actually enjoy simply being with you.”

He smiled. “I do, too. I’ve been meaning to ask, did you always want to be a nurse?”

“No, not always. I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do, to be honest with you. Business was my original major with a minor in art.”

Truitt lifted a brow. “What made you change?”

I let out a long, deep breath. “Honestly, I was bored with business. I told Tim I was going to switch my major to nursing. It just appealed to me. And I knew I wanted to do neonatal.”

“Does it ever get sad working in neonatal?”

“Yes,” I said with a soft smile. “But there are more happy times than sad ones. Tim didn’t like my career change, and I’m pretty sure that’s when things really started to go south for us. I’d actually pick up shifts just to be away from home. I know that sounds terrible.”

He narrowed his eyes and studied me for a long moment. “If you were unhappy with him, why did you stay?”

I let out a humorless laugh. “I have no idea. Maybe I was afraid to fail. Or afraid to come back and be lonely. A part of me wanted to walk away, and the other part wanted to fight for my relationship. I should have listened to the stronger side.”

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