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Covet (Fallen Angels 1)

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Shit, maybe it should have freaked him out more, but he knew from experience that the unexplained and unexplainable were no less real for their being crazy. More important, Marie-Terese was on the other side of a thin door, and he was going to fight to the death to protect his woman - no matter what the f**k it was coming at her.

Human...demon...combo of the two. Definitions didn't matter.

Devina looked back at him. Slipping something into the pocket of her coat, she said in an oddly echoing voice, "I'll be seeing you both very soon. I have business elsewhere."

"You're going to get a facial?" he said. "Good call."

With a hiss, like she wanted to claw his eyes out, she dissolved into a gray mist and ghosted out of the room, boiling across the carpet and down the stairs.

Vin jolted forward, slammed the bedroom door, and locked it, even though he had a feeling that in that form she could just gust right under the thing. Whatever, it was the best he could do.

He went right to the bathroom and knocked. "She's gone, but I don't know for how - "

Marie-Terese threw open the door. She was white faced and scared to death, but her first words were: "Are you okay?"

It was at that moment that he knew he loved her. Plain and simple.

There was no time to go into that shit now, though.

Vin kissed her quickly. "I want you out of this place. In case she comes back here."

And as soon as Marie-Terese was safe, he was going to call Jim. He needed one hell of a wingman, and he couldn't think of anyone better than a son of a bitch who'd already beaten death once and didn't seem freaked out by shit that would make most guys take a crap in their Calvins.

Abruptly, she wobbled. "I-I think I'm going to pass out - "

"Put your head down - come on, kneel for me..." He laid his hand on her bare shoulder and gently eased her onto the floor. Then he bent her over so that her long hair touched the marble and her hands fell to her ankles. "Breathe nice and slow."

As she took a couple of inhales and her body shuddered, he wanted to peel his own skin from his bones. Goddamn him, he was worse than her ex-husband. Much more destructive.

Even though his heart was in the right place for the first time in his adult life, what he had exposed her to was more horrifying than anything the mob could pull out of their back pockets.

And it wasn't like that bunch of sleep-with-the-fishes types were nancies.

Marie-Terese glanced over at him. "Her eyes...What the hell did I just see?"

"Vin! Yo, Vin?"

At the sound of the muffled holler, he leaned around the doorjamb and called out, "Jim?"

"Yeah," came the response. "I'm here with reinforcements, as they say."

"In that case, come up." This was perfect. There was a back exit on the second floor they could get Marie-Terese out of - and wouldn't it be great to do that with some cover.

"I'm going to run across and get some clothes on," he told her. "How about you get dressed, too?"

When she nodded, he kissed her, went and gathered up her clothes for her and then closed the bedroom door on his way out.

As heavy boots hit the stairs, Vin went to his room, pulled on a pair of sweatpants, and got his gun out of the bedside table - all the while hoping like hell that the "backup" was along the lines of Jim.

And what do you know, they were. The two big bastards were the ones who'd been at the hospital after Jim had been electrocuted - and in spite of the fact that the pair were dressed as civilians, they had the stares of fighters.

Jim, on the other hand, had the glassy, hollow eyes of someone who'd been in a bad car accident. Clearly, he'd had some bad news recently, and yet his voice was still strong and level as he nodded to the one on the left first.

"This is Adrian. And Eddie. They're our kind of friends, if you know what I mean."

Thank f**k, Vin thought.

"Your timing couldn't be better," he said, shaking the guys' hands. "You wouldn't believe who just left."

"Oh, I bet we would," Jim muttered.

"So I got some questions for you," the one with the piercings said. "We know your girlfriend. Very well, unfortunately."

"She's not my girlfriend."

"Well, she's not out of your life yet, unfortunately. But we're going to try to take care of that. Our boy Jim here says that when you were seventeen, you performed some kind of ritual. Can you describe it?"

"It was supposed to get rid of what's inside of me."

Naturally, Marie-Terese opened the guest room door at that moment. Dressed in her jeans and fleece, she had pulled back her hair and tucked her hands into the front pockets of her pullover. "What's inside of you?" she asked.

Vin rubbed his face and glanced back at the men. Before he could figure out how to shade the truth appropriately, Marie-Terese cut off his mental gymnastics. "I want to know everything, Vin. The whole deal. And I deserve to know now that I've seen her up close - because frankly, I'm not sure what I saw just now."

Shit. As much as he wanted to keep her out of things, he was hard-pressed to deny her reasoning. But man, he wished like hell he didn't have to have this conversation.

"Gentlemen, will you give us a minute alone?" he said without looking away from her eyes.

"You got any beer around here?" Adrian asked.

"Fridge by the wet bar in the living room. Jim knows the way."

"Good call. Because he's the one who needs it. You two come down when you're ready - and don't worry, we'll make sure Devina doesn't get back in here. I'm assuming you have salt in your kitchen?"

"Ah, yeah." He glanced over with a frown. "But why do you need - "

"Where do you keep it?"

After he shrugged and told the guy to go to the dry-goods cupboard, the men hit the stairs again, and Vin ushered Marie-Terese over to the bed. He couldn't stay put, though, and took up pacing around.

Going over to the view, he wondered why life had brought him to this point. Wondered why he'd started where he had. it was all going to end for him.

Looking down at the highway by the river and seeing the cars traveling in their prescribed lanes, he envied the people behind those steering wheels and in those passenger seats. It was a good bet the vast majority of them were doing normal shit, like going home or heading out for a movie or struggling with weighty decisions like what to have for dinner later.

"Vin? Talk to me. I promise I won't judge you."

He cleared his throat, and hoped like hell that was true. "Any chance you believe in..." Well, now, just how was he finishing that one? By listing a bunch of crap like Ouija boards and tarot cards and black magic and voodoo and...demons...mostly the demons? Great. Fabulous.

She broke the silence he couldn't bear to fill. "You mean about the episodes you get?"

He rubbed his face. "Listen, what I'm about to say isn't going to sound real - shit, it's not even going to sound plausible. But can you please not leave until I finish? No matter how weird it gets?"

He kept looking out at the view because he didn't want her to see the weakness he knew was in his face, and at least his voice sounded halfway normal.

The headboard of the bed creaked, indicating that she'd sat back even farther on the mattress. "I'm not going anywhere. Promise."

Another reason to love her. As if he needed one.

Vin took a deep breath and threw himself off the proverbial cliff: "When you're young, you think whatever is going on with you, around you...inside of you, is normal. Because you don't know any different. It wasn't until I was five and went to kindergarten that I learned the hard way other kids couldn't move forks without touching them or stop the rain in their backyards or know what was going to be for dinner without talking to their mothers. See, my parents couldn't do any of the things I could, but I felt totally different from them anyway, so I didn't think it was weird. I just thought they weren't the same because they were parents, not a kid."

He refused to go into the various ways he'd learned he wasn't like other kids - and what those little shits did to punish him because he was out of the ordinary: The details of getting pounded on a regular basis by groups of boys or sneered at and laughed at by girls were not going to change whether or not she understood or believed him. Besides, pity had always given him a case of the scratch. "I figured out pretty damn quick to shut my mouth about what I could do, and it wasn't hard to hide. Basically, I just had parlor tricks at that point, nothing that got in the way of life, but that changed when I was eleven and I started to pull that on-my-ass babbling crap. That was a big problem. It happened whenever and wherever it wanted to. I had no control over it, and instead of growing out of it, like I did all that manipulation and small-scale clairvoyance stuff, it got worse and worse."

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