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Truly Yours (Mason & Sophie 2, Roommate Duet 4)

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“Language!” Lennon gives him the evil eye. “We don’t need our kid’s first words being that.”

“I give up,” I finally say.

“Same,” Maddie agrees.

“We chose our wedding date,” Lennon exclaims.

I pull her into a hug. “Oh my gosh, that’s so exciting.”

“May seventh. It gives me a little time after the baby’s born to get back in shape, and then we can focus on finding a house after all the wedding planning is done.”

“Aww…I think it’s perfect,” I tell her, giving her a hug, and then her tears start again. “You’re a hormonal mess.” I laugh.

She nods. “I know. God. I cried over a diaper commercial yesterday. It was the stupidest thing. The baby was happy and walking, and I just burst into tears.”

I snort. “I can see that.”

“Have I mentioned how I can’t wait to start practicing making babies?” Maddie blurts out, looking at her nails with a smirk.

Lennon and I both glare at her.

“Practicing making babies actually makes babies.” Lennon points down at her tummy. “Don’t forget that.”

Hunter agrees as we make it to their car, and he puts Allie in her car seat and buckles her up. “So much truth to that.”

“Well, don’t forget that after this one is born,” I tease. “Then again, I want more nieces or nephews so…”

“Can I have this baby first before you’re pushing for a basketball team of them?” Lennon groans.

“I guess. But just know, they’ll be waiting a while before they get cousins, so they need siblings to play with for now.” I flash her a shit-eating smirk because she knows I’m right.

“Well, I don’t know…” Hunter begins. “According to Maddie, she’s ready to have Liam’s offspring yesterday.”

Lennon rolls her eyes and nudges him. “We aren’t encouraging that.”

Snickering, I pull Lennon into another hug and tell her how much I love her. Maddie wraps her arms around the both of us then, and we just stand there in an emotional mess and hold each other. “I love you two so much,” I say. “I don’t take a day of being here with you guys for granted.”

Lennon’s bottom lip trembles. “Stop, or I’ll be crying all damn day.”

Hunter turns and looks at us and shakes his head with a smile.

I wipe my face. “Okay. Okay, I’m going now. Maddie, you need a ride?”

“Nah. I’m gonna bother Lennon and Hunter for a few more hours.” She giggles.

Lennon looks at me. “She volunteered to babysit, so Hunter and I can have brunch without food being thrown on the floor.”

“Ahh, alright then. Love you. I’ll see you both sooner rather than later, okay?”

We say our goodbyes, then I go to my car and climb inside. I suck in a deep breath, feeling elated for Lennon and Hunter, considering they wanted this so badly. After not knowing if Hunter could have children, to finding out he could, and then not immediately getting pregnant, it’s been an emotional ride for them. In the end, though, it seemed to all work out just the way it’s supposed to.

I wipe away my happy tears, then drive to work. I show up to rehearsal a little late and play my ass off since our fall concert is set for the end of the month.

At first, I thought I was too broken and had lost my passion for playing again, but once I got over my mental block, I was able to find myself in the music again. Instead of dreading being around my colleagues, I’ve started looking forward to it. No one has really asked me any questions about what happened, and I’m grateful most musicians are introverts and mind their own business. There’s zero drama, which is exactly what I need. I’ve had enough to last me a lifetime.

We play through our setlist several times, then we’re released an hour early. Most of us could play the songs in our sleep anyway. Instead of going back to the house right away, I decide to go to the grocery store and pick up some steaks and potatoes for dinner tonight. Being the nice roommate I am, I grab some for Liam too, then check out and head home.

I’m excited to tell Mason and Liam the news about the wedding and the gender of the baby. Though, I’m sure by now Hunter’s already texted and told them, and if not him, then Maddie definitely spilled the beans to Liam. She’ll use any conversation starter to talk to him.

As I pull into the driveway, I see Serena’s car parked in my spot. A lump forms in my throat, and I try to swallow it down as I grab the grocery bags and my violin. I remind myself that they’re just friends, Mason doesn’t want her, and that I have nothing to worry about. But when I walk into the living room, she’s laughing and leaning her head on Mason’s shoulder, and I see red.

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