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Truly Yours (Mason & Sophie 2, Roommate Duet 4)

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“That motherfucker,” he barks after reading the thread. “He’s stolen my fucking sister!”

I appreciate how protective he is of Sophie too. He’s marrying her sister and has known her as long as I have. When I glance back at the picture of her tied to the chair, it makes me sick to my goddamn stomach. Her lips are busted, and her face is already bruising. When I find him, he’s a dead man.

“You can see why we can’t tell Lennon or Maddie right now,” I say so he doesn’t message them.

My phone buzzes, and it’s Jerad. I immediately answer on speaker.

“I’ve got some info,” he greets.

“Tell me,” I demand.

“Okay, so I was able to track her number, and it looks like she’s on the north side of town. It’s picking up at the cell tower over by Glenwood Meadows. So she’s got to be in that area.”

“Glenwood Meadows?” Liam confirms, and I nod. He immediately heads out the door, and Hunter and I follow him.

Jerad continues. “If you need backup or want me to put out an alert, please call me, Mason. I don’t want you getting into any more trouble or, hell, hurt. It’s the last thing you need right now. You need—”

“I got it,” I interrupt. “If I need anything else, I’ll let you know,” I tell him. “And thank you, man. I appreciate your help. I’ll keep you updated.” I end the call before jumping into the truck.

Liam speeds out of the driveway, and my phone vibrates again with picture after picture of Sophie crying and screaming. His fucking sick messages have tears threatening to fall because I can’t even comprehend what she must be going through or how she’s feeling. I’d give up everything just to get her back, even my own life.

The images burn in my mind, but I force myself to look at them. I want the anger to fuel my every move, and I plan to make him pay for this. He’ll be sorry he ever went near her, and I don’t give a fuck about the consequences.

Mason: Hurt her and see what happens…I’ll be your worst nightmare.

He sends a text back with a cut down the length of Sophie’s arm. Blood is everywhere. It doesn’t look deep, but that doesn’t mean he won’t go deeper next time he feels like proving a point.

Dalton: You’re not very smart, are you? This is a game, fucker. And you’re losing.

“He’s cut her,” I wail, my heart lodging into my throat as I gasp for air. Liam steps on the gas, and we’re practically flying down the highway.

“Where are we going?” Hunter asks.

“Weston’s house. He lives close to Glenwood Meadows. That bastard probably took her there,” I reply, kicking myself for not thinking to go there earlier, considering he’s probably been staying there.

In no time at all, we’re pulling onto the street. The last time I was here was when I helped Sophie pack up her shit and move her to my house. The inside was a wreck from the fight they had before the wedding reception. The same day the gun went off and killed him. The same day he could’ve murdered Sophie. Dalton had gotten away with killing his wife, so couldn’t he do the same? I’m sure that’s exactly what Weston thought too.

“We should go in through the back,” Liam orders. “Don’t want to look suspicious and get the cops called on us by the neighbors before we get the chance to grab her.”

Liam leads the way, and Hunter and I follow as he walks around the side of the house. Liam pulls out his gun, then places his back against the brick, and whispers, “Everything sounds quiet, doesn’t it?”

I shrug. “That doesn’t mean anything. He had her mouth duct-taped,” I remind him.

Seconds later, he lifts his leg and kicks the back door in with the heel of his boot.

“Damn, dude,” Hunter says, impressed, but Liam’s built for shit like this. Liam keeps his arms stretched out as he points the gun in front of us and walks inside, then clears the room before walking into the kitchen. On the counter, we see Sophie’s phone with a piece of paper. My heart fucking sinks when I read the note.

You really think I’m that fucking stupid to let you track her number? If so, then you’re the idiot. Say goodbye to your little girlfriend, killer. See you soon, motherfucker. You’re next.

I suck in a ragged breath, but it doesn’t help. I lose my balance and lean against the counter, nearly falling to my knees. Liam and Hunter read the note.

“This is all part of his game,” Hunter says as another photo comes through my text.

Dalton has Sophie’s hair wrapped around his fist with a knife to her throat, and I try to choke out words, but nothing comes out.

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