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All or Nothing

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Like opening a clinic in Africa? Conrad had definitely used his money and influence to change the world for the better. Why the hell couldn’t he accept the happiness he’d earned?

The sound of the French doors opening pulled her attention back to the present.

Hillary sat up quickly, her fingers landing on the folded towel that covered a handgun. “Troy?”

A tiny canine ball of energy burst through in a frenzy of barking. Jayne gaped, stunned. Surely it couldn’t be her little...


Her French bulldog raced on short legs in a black and white blur straight into her arms. Oh, my God, it was her dog. Mimi covered her chin in lapping kisses.

Jayne’s heart tumbled over itself in her chest because there was just one way Mimi could have gotten here. Only one person who would have known how important it was to have her dog with her right now.

The final question that remained? Had Conrad delivered the dog in person as a peace offering or just arranged the travel in a final heartbreaking gesture of thoughtfulness? She squeezed her eyes shut and buried her face in Mimi’s neck to hold off looking for a moment longer, to hold on to the possibility that her husband might be standing behind her even now.

Bracing herself, she looked back and found, thank God, Conrad stood in the open doorway. Her heart leaped into her throat and her eyes feasted on the sight of him after a nightmarish day of thinking she would never see him again. He wore jeans, a button-down shirt with rolled-up sleeves—and dark circles under his haunted eyes.

She didn’t rejoice in the fact that he’d been miserable, too—okay, maybe she did a little—but above all she wanted him to be happy. He deserved to be happy. They both did.

A rustling sounded from the lounger beside her as Hillary stood. “Is there word on Zhutov?”

Jayne sat upright, swinging her legs to the side of her own lounger. Why hadn’t she considered he might be here for that reason? If Zhutov had broken Conrad’s cover, ending his career with Interpol, then she would never know if he would have returned to her on his own. Trust would be all the tougher when they already had so much between them.

Bottom line, she wanted what was best for him, his cover safe, even if that meant he walked away from her.

Conrad shook his head. “No word on Zhutov yet. I’m here for Jayne. Just Jayne.”

He stared straight into her eyes as he spoke, his voice deep and sure. She almost forgot to breathe. And while she was disappointed not to have Salvatore give them the all clear, she couldn’t help but be grateful that whatever Conrad had to say wasn’t motivated by losing his work with Interpol.

Hillary grabbed her bag and her hat. “I’ll, uh, just step into the kitchen and make, um... Hell. I’ll just leave.” Her hand fell on Jayne’s shoulder lightly. “Call if you need me.”

Angling sideways past Conrad, Hillary slipped away into the suite, closing the door behind her.

Jayne hugged her dog closer as Mimi settled into her lap. “This was thoughtful of you. How did you get her here?”

He stuffed his hands in his pockets and eyed her warily. “I phoned your friend Anthony and asked for help retrieving the dog.”

“You spoke to him?”

Conrad nodded, pushing away from the door and stepping closer. “I did. He’s a nice guy actually, and he was glad to pick up Mimi and take her to the airport because he knew seeing her would make you smile.” He crouched beside her, one knee on the ground. “Which I have to tell you, makes me feel like a mighty small bastard, because I should have thought to do this sooner. I should have thought to do and say a lot of things. But I’m here to make that right.”

The hope she’d restrained in her heart swelled as she heard him out, her thoughtful husband who knew she would appreciate her precious dog far more than a lifeless diamond bracelet. “I’m listening.”

“I’m sorry for telling you we should make the divorce final. I was certain I would let you down again, so I acted like an idiot.” He drew in a shaky breath as if...nervous. The great Conrad Hughes, Wall Street Wizard and casino magnate was actually anxious. “I’m a numbers man, always have been, ever since I was a kid counting out my French fries into equal piles. I’m not good at seeing the middle ground in a situation. But I’m getting there.”

“What do you propose?” she asked and saw no hesitation in his eyes as he opened up and answered her.

“Compromise.” He met her gaze full-on, such sincerity in his espresso dark eyes they steamed with conviction. “On my part this time. When we were together before I asked you to do all the changing and insulted you by giving nothing in return.”

And clearly that was tearing him apart now.

“Not nothing. You’re being too tough on yourself. You always are.” She sketched her fingers along his unshaven jaw. Apparently he hadn’t wasted a second getting to her, between arranging to pick up Mimi and flying to the Bahamas. He hadn’t even stolen a second to shave.

“Then you’ll help me work through that.” He pressed a kiss into her palm. “Jayne, I’ve faced down criminals. Made and given away fortunes. But the thought of losing you nearly drives me to my knees. I see you with all that unconditional love in your eyes, a total openness I never gave back. You knew the truth about me and my crooked family, and you loved me anyway. I’d put us in an all-or-nothing life. Well, the past three years of ‘nothing’ has been hell.”

“I completely agree with you there.” Her eyes burned, but with happy tears and hope.

“But back to my compromise. And if it’s not good enough, tell me and I promise you, I will listen to you this time. After you left, I realized I can’t go through this again. I let you go once, and it almost killed me.”

“Conrad? I don’t know what to say.” How funny that she was the one speechless now. She’d hoped for a moment like this, prayed that Conrad could find the peace to embrace a life together, but the reality of it sent joy sparkling through her.

“If you want me to quit the Interpol work, I will.”

“Shh!” She touched her fingertips to his mouth, moved that he would offer, hopeful that he truly was willing this time to make the compromises needed to build a life together. “You don’t have to do that. I just need reassurances that you’re all right.”

He nipped her fingers lightly, smiling his appreciation. “I can do that. I will tell you everything I’m cleared to share about my work with Salvatore. I can promise you I’ll check in every twenty-four hours so you won’t worry.”

“And that’s safe for you?”

“We have the best of the best technology. And I intend to make use of it to keep you reassured—and to keep you well protected. I kept pushing you away to keep you safe, but all it did was tear us both apart. I will do better. And if you change your mind about the job with Interpol, say the word, I’m out. I would give up anything to keep you. I honest to God love you that much, Jayne.”

Unable to hold back any longer, she leaned forward into his arms and kissed him, pouring all the love, hope and dreams out and feeling them flow right back to her, from him. There was something different in him now; the restlessness was gone. And while it had shredded her heart to walk away from him again, maybe that’s what it had taken to make him see what she’d already realized—they needed each other. Two pieces of the same whole. Conrad seemed to understand that now. He’d found a new peace and maybe even some forgiveness for himself.

Mimi squirmed to get free, squished between them. Laughing, they eased apart and her dog—their dog—jumped from Jayne’s lap to sniff the balcony furniture and potted plants.

Jayne looked back at Conrad, still kneeling in front of her. “Is it all right to have a dog here?”

“I bought the place two years ago. I can have a whole damn pack of dogs inside if I want.”

“And is that what you want? A pack?” She toyed with the open V of his collar, the fire rekindling inside her.

“Actually I was thinking more like a soccer team of kids. Our kids, babies first, of course.”

Shock froze her. She stared into his eyes and found one hundred percent sincerity.

“I’d like that, too,” she whispered.

She’d learned to leave the past behind and step outside her safety zone without losing the essence of herself. Life wasn’t an all-or-nothing game. It was a blending of the best of both sides. A marriage.

Her marriage.

Just as she started to reach for her husband, the French doors opened and Hillary stuck her head out, cell phone in hand. “Folks, you’re going to want to hear this update from Salvatore.”

Jayne’s stomach knotted. Was it bad news? Could their newfound peace be so short-lived? She felt Conrad take her hand and squeeze reassuringly. She looked into his eyes and realized she wasn’t alone—and neither was he. They truly were a team now and whatever happened, they would face it together.

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