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Bound to the Warrior King

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“What did you remember about your father?” she asked, her throat aching.

“That he loved Tahar. That he loved my mother. That he loved us. And I know for a fact Malik loved none of those things. If he loved any one thing, it was himself. It is the absence of love that hurts. That wounds beyond repair. If there is no love, every action is empty.” He pressed his forehead against hers. “I am tired of being empty.”

“You aren’t. You never were. Being with you... Seeing your strength... It’s what made me find mine.”

* * *

Tarek looked down at the woman he was privileged enough to call his wife. And he could no longer hold back the words that were bursting to be released from him like a torrent of water. He had used his words so sparingly over the years. Preserving them as though they were precious things. Perhaps he had saved them for such a time as this. Perhaps he had saved them for her.

Those things he’d hoarded inside him. His splintered humanity, the things that made him human... Perhaps they had all been saved for her. She made him feel as though he might not be splintered at all.

She made him feel as if he was whole.

“When I speak of love, I speak of love in general. But it is not love in the general sense that made me realize this. It was my love for you.” He pressed a kiss to her temple, everything inside of him shaking. “I love you, Olivia.”

He felt her sag in his arms, her whole body trembling. “Oh, Tarek. I love you, too. I love you, too. I’m so glad you love me.”

“Love is powerful. We have good reason to fear it,” he said, smoothing her hair. “Like any weapon, you must wield it well. And then it is an asset. Even if it is still dangerous.”

“That makes sense. Since I first met you, you told me you were a weapon.”

“And you told me you were a genteel, cultured queen. You did not tell me that you were, in fact, much more deadly than I.”

A smile curved her lips. “I didn’t know.”

He recalled the first time he had seen her. He had thought her frail. A white lily who would dry quickly in the harsh desert heat. But she had not been changed by the desert. Rather, the desert had been changed by her. He had been changed.

“Be my wife, Olivia,” he said, his voice rough.

“I already am.”

“You became my wife for politics. Stay my wife for love. When I ask you now, I ask you for no other reason than that I cannot live without you. I have lived without a great many things, but I could never survive without you.”

She drew a shaking breath, and pressed a kiss to his lips. “I will be your wife.”

“Do you remember, that first day, you told me you needed to be with me because there was no other place for you?”

“I remember,” she said, her words a whisper.

“You have made a place in my heart. And you will always have it. I swear this to you.”

A tear rolled down her cheek, a smile tugging at her lips. “More vows?”

“Yes. And I may yet make more. I’m new at this after all.”

“So am I. But that’s okay. We can learn together.”


TAREK DID MAKE more vows to Olivia. He made several every night, often while he was lost in her body. He never could get enough of being so close to her. Of being so connected, so loved, when he had spent so many years alone.

With her, he relished a great many things he had forgotten to want. Soft beds, good food. Birthday cakes that were never thrown away, and always shared together. Smiling. Olivia gave him so many reasons to smile. And less than a year after they were married she gave him yet one more.

Olivia walked into their shared bedchamber. They had not spent one night apart since he had come to get her in Alansund all those months ago. And, not coincidentally, he no longer had nightmares. There were no more ghosts in the halls of the palace. They had all been laid to rest by her.

“I have some news for you,” she said, her tone serene. But he was not fooled, because it was the same tone she had used when she had first come to the palace and proposed a marriage agreement between them. It was the tone she often used when she was about to broach something quite monumental and was trying to catch him off guard.

So strange to know another person so well. So wonderful.

“Unless you have invaded Germany, I imagine we can deal with it.”

“No,” she said, waving her hand, “no invasions today. However, I have been to see the doctor.”

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