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Cherry Popper (Cherry 1)

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“Does it matter?”

“It does to me.”

No one ever asked me these kinds of questions because they were intimate and rude. But Slate Remington had no problem asking—because he was paying for it. “I was planning on sleeping with my prom date in high school, but he ended up hooking up with someone else by the end of the night. In college, I found a steady boyfriend, but I wanted to take things slow. He got frustrated and started screwing someone else. I was about to sleep with him when I found out…and then it never happened. After that, I was kinda over men for a while.”

“Because you’re making it a bigger deal than it needs to be. Sex is just sex. People read too much into it.”

“Maybe you’re right…”

“I am right.” He finished his glass then waved to the waitress to bring him another. “I’m always right.”

“Sometimes, you’re right. But you’re always arrogant.”

The waitress switched out the glasses and walked away.

“So, I hear they call you the Cherry Popper.”

He gave a slight bow. “At your service.”

“You really call yourself that?”

He shrugged. “The name fits.”

“You’ve been doing this for a long time?”

“Five years and counting.”

He’d been fucking virgins for money for five years? “Why?”

“Why what?”

“Why would you pay a lot of money to fuck virgins?”

He cocked his head slightly. “Maybe it’s a lot of money to you, but it’s pennies to me. And I’m the one who should be asking the questions here.”

“I signed the NDA Max sent over, so I’m harmless.” If I told anyone about this, he would sue me for three times what he would pay me. It would put me further into debt and really ruin my life.

“I just prefer virgins.”


He raised an eyebrow. “I know you’re inexperienced, but think about it. A woman’s first time is sexy. She’ll never be tighter than she is in that moment. She’ll have to stretch for me as I ruin her. She’ll cry because it hurts. But I’ll still make her come, give her a good experience, rather than the nightmare she would receive from some other guy. A woman’s first time is almost always shitty.”

I’d been trying to lose my V-card for a while, but I always ended up in a crappy situation. If I had slept with either of those guys, it probably would have been a bad memory. “So you date women and fuck virgins in between?”

He wrapped his hand around his glass, his fingers feeling the condensation. “No. I only fuck virgins.”

It took me a minute to understand what he meant. “Exclusively?”


“And then it’s on to the next one?”


This guy was a bigger asshole than I realized.

“And that’s the only kind of woman I’ll ever fuck for the rest of my life.”

Only a truly arrogant son of a bitch would live his life that way.

“They’re clean. They’re tight. And they’re vulnerable.”

I shook my head in disgust. “Wow…you’re such an ass.”

“You’re the one who asked. You’re the one who wants to be like the rest of them.”

“Not want,” I corrected. “I just have to.”

He took a long drink as he kept his eyes on me, his masculine throat tightening and shifting as he got the liquor into his stomach. “Some of the women I fuck don’t ask for money. Some of them just want me to pop their cherry.”

“Why?” I asked, not having a clue why someone would do that.

“Because I’m good at it. I can make a woman’s first time be their best time.”

I had a feeling that wouldn’t be the case for me. “You just said you enjoy it when they cry.”

“Because my dick is so big that it hurts. But they push past that and start to enjoy it.”

I wondered how big his dick was. I would ask, but I’d probably find out soon enough.

“Why do you need the money so badly? You obviously wouldn’t do this unless you had no other choice.”

I grabbed my wine and finally took a drink, savoring the luxurious smoothness on my tongue. It was so much better than the boxed wine I had at home. I wanted to enjoy it as much as possible. “I have a shit-ton of student loans. I made a lot of mistakes I wish I could take back.”

“How is getting an education a mistake?”

“Because I paid too much for it. I went to UCLA when I should have gone to a cheaper school. I got my masters at NYU immediately after, when I should have skipped the masters altogether. Now I’m nearly $200,000 in debt…because I was too young and naïve to know better.”

“Where do you work now?”

“I’m a marketing executive at Cutie Clothes. It’s a good job and pays well, but the cost of living is so high and my loans are so expensive that I can barely afford to live. I would have been better off not getting an education and just finding a job in Connecticut.”

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