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Cherry Popper (Cherry 1)

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“Yes.” It hadn’t been three months yet, but I didn’t want to start then stop, so I’d already made an appointment for the next one. My insurance covered it anyway. Besides, I thought I would have a regular sex life whether Slate and I worked out or not.

“Good.” Instead of looking out the window like he usually did, he stared at me, watching me with those dark eyes that matched the nighttime around us. His fingers caressed me, lightly rubbed my soft skin. “How do you want it, sweetheart?”

I gave him a blank look. “What do you mean?”

“You’re still new to this. How do you want me to take you?”

“I didn’t think I had much of a choice in the matter.”

“You always have choices—with me.”

Just because my virginity was gone didn’t mean I wanted to fuck hard like I was broken in. I wanted to take it slow, for him to be gentle. “Like last time, but easy…”

Slate didn’t seem disappointed. “Easy it is.”

Slate made good on his threat.

Once we were inside his penthouse, he was on me fast. His hand snaked into my hair, and he pressed me against the wall as he kissed me. Aggressive and territorial, he smothered me with his rock-hard body and stole the air directly out of my lungs. With a single hand, he popped the button of his jeans and pulled down the zipper so his pants would start to sag. He hiked my leg over his hip and ground his fat cock against my panties as he kissed me, so hard that his erection must have started back in the car.

My dress was bunched up at my waist, and I felt my panties grow wet as he continued to grind against me, pressing my clit like a magic button. My hands gripped his shoulders, and I felt my body smash into the wall, my mouth suffocated by his kisses. I started to grind back against him, my panties growing so wet they stained his boxers.

He kept one hand anchored in my hair as he kissed me, like there was any possibility I would get away from him. His intensity didn’t fluctuate as he kissed me, his passion burning bright in his kiss and his thrusts.

A man had never kissed me like this before, had never made me feel overpowered. I was up against the wall with a wet thong, growing impatient because I wanted that cock inside me, not just against my clit.

He must have grown impatient too, because he scooped up my other leg and lifted me against his chest. He kicked away his jeans and carried me across the living room and into the hallway, his face pressed close to mine with heated breaths. He didn’t kiss me, but he stared at me instead, and that seemed to make it more intimate, with just the connection of our eyes.

He laid me on the bed before he pulled his shirt over his head, revealing the perfect body I’d pictured in my mind last night. He gripped the strap of my thong and slowly pulled it down, getting it off my legs and to my ankles. My dress was still on, but he didn’t bother taking it off.

I pulled his boxers over his ass so his cock could be free. I pushed them down to his thighs and let them sit there, knowing they would come off on their own.

He slipped two fingers inside me without warning, getting past my entrance easily. When he closed his eyes and moaned, it was obvious he’d found what he was looking for. “Sweetheart, you’re so wet.” He removed his fingers then sucked them. “Ready for me.” He opened the drawer to his nightstand and grabbed the bottle of lube he smeared on his length when he jerked off.

Just looking at the bottle turned me on.

He spread the lubricant all over his length, rubbing it on his balls too. He closed the bottle and left it on the bed as he separated my thighs, hooking his arms behind my knees. He held his heavy body on top of mine then pressed his thick crown to my entrance. “You look even more beautiful than last time.” He slowly sank inside me, pressing his thick head past my small lips. “And just as tight.” He paused as he closed his eyes and enjoyed it.

“Maybe you just have a big dick…” I breathed as he stretched me, panted as he tried to fit the enormous cock in my small channel.

He opened his eyes and sank a little deeper. “I do have a big dick, sweetheart. But you have virgin pussy—very virgin pussy.” His rock-hard cock slowly moved past my tightness, taking advantage of our mutual slickness to get inside. He got a little deeper every few seconds, slowly sliding into me until he fit most of his length.

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