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Cherry Lover (Cherry 2)

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“Good.” I would rather be free with the truth than hidden away with a lie.

“I guess I don’t want my mother to know… She’d be disappointed in me.” He leaned against the counter and gripped the edge with both hands, his muscular body sexy no matter how he held himself. “Not to mention, that would just be awkward.”

“Yeah…it would be. So what are you going to do?”

He shrugged. “I’m not going to let her walk all over me. That’s for sure.”

“I expected nothing less.”

“But I don’t know what to do about you…” He looked me in the eye with those deep wells of oil, full of murky handsomeness.

“Don’t worry about me.”

“I don’t want her to tarnish your reputation. It’s different for a woman.”

I shrugged. “It’ll just show me who my real friends are.”

He smiled slightly. “Are you always this brave, or are you just a good actress?”

“Neither. I just hate Simone to the exclusion of all else.” She strutted into every room like she owned it. She treated all of us like we were maids rather than company. That woman had gotten far by playing tricks, and I didn’t want her to go any further. She needed to be knocked down—once and for all. “Seeing the way she treats your family really pisses me off. And it’s hard for me to sympathize with Coen when it’s so glaringly obvious. There’s no way he’s unaware of how terrible she is.”

He shrugged. “I don’t get it either. It’s hard to believe that Coen used to be a cool guy. We used to go out every weekend, play basketball, the whole nine yards. But all of that changed when she cast her spell.”

I could hear the silent sadness in his voice, the pain from losing his brother. It seemed like Coen was dead, even though he was still among the living. His positive attributes were only spoken of in the past tense, like all those memories had been buried a long time ago. “Maybe she’ll divorce him and disappear.”

“She will divorce him, but she’ll never disappear. She’ll get what she wants and torture us for the rest of our lives.”

“I can’t believe someone would do that…for money.” If a person was willing to stoop that low for cash, it made me wonder how unhappy they were. They were willing to strip away their integrity, honesty, and humanity just to have a fat bank account. It was awful.

“I’ll believe anything at this point…because I’ve seen it all.” He left the kitchen and walked past the dining table on the way to bed.

I followed him and left the mess behind so the maid could take care of it tomorrow.

Slate stripped off his clothes and left a pile on the floor to be dealt with later. He ran his fingers through his short black hair before he set the alarm on his bedside. He stood in his boxers as his perfectly chiseled chest expanded with every breath he took. Like a living statue, he was all beauty and strength.

I got into bed in just my panties, knowing it would be pointless to pull on a t-shirt.

When he was done with his phone, he pushed down his boxers then got into bed naked.

The lights were off, and we were finally surrounded by silence. The echoes from the earlier conversation with his family had died away, and now this horrible night was officially a memory.

But his bad mood didn’t destroy his arousal. He grabbed my arm then rolled me onto my stomach as his heavy body pressed me into the mattress. He covered me entirely, his fists making the mattress sink directly underneath us. After he pulled down my panties, he slicked the head of his cock and pressed himself inside me.

He didn’t take me slowly and gently like he had the past few weeks. Now he just wanted to fuck me, to get exactly what he paid for. His hand gripped my neck, and he lifted my chin up so my back would straighten. Then he slowly descended inside me, a tighter fit because my legs were closed. He sank deep until his balls touched my skin. A light moan filled the darkness as he held himself on top of me, balls deep inside my cunt.

He pressed his mouth to my ear and breathed quietly as he enjoyed me, his cock throbbing with happiness. The slight twitches felt like the beat of a drum because his dick was so large. It was like a sword, and I was a sheath. It could rip me in two if he pushed too hard. “I’ll still take it easy on you…because it’s so deep.” He started to thrust, his large cock hitting me at the most intimate angle possible.

I moaned when I felt my body jerk forward. I was completely full, his enormous cock stretching me in every way imaginable. It was so big, so solid, and it was a miracle I had stretched out enough to take him like this.

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