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Cherry Lover (Cherry 2)

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I’d stood at the kitchen counter just minutes ago, tears leaking down my face because we were never getting back together. Now he was on my doorstep, saying things I couldn’t have even dreamed of.


I lifted my gaze because my eyes had wandered to the ground in between us. My hand loosened on the doorknob because I suddenly felt lighter than air. All the sleepless nights were over. All the longing was in the past. “I…I didn’t expect you to say all of that.”

“I know. I should have said it a long time ago. I just hope it’s not too late.”

The man I loved was standing right before me, scared that I wouldn’t take him back. It was ridiculous because he was all I ever wanted. I went out to a bar to meet someone else, but I had to force myself to do it. All I wanted was to go home to one man, to sleep in his bed every night and never look for someone new ever again. “Of course, it’s not too late.”

He crossed the threshold and slid his hands into my hair just the way he used to. His foot kicked the door shut behind him, and he kissed me under the antique chandelier. His fingers became reacquainted with my hair, and his lips softly treasured mine. It was the same kiss he’d been giving me for months, but this time, it was different.

This time, it meant something new.

He gave me purposeful kisses as he felt my mouth, as he adored me with his sexy embrace. His hands trailed down and felt other parts of my body, from the skin over my collarbone to the curves of my hips. He enjoyed me like he’d never had the opportunity before, like he needed all of me right then to feel sane. It’d been an eternity since I’d been the recipient of that kiss—and it set me on fire.

He guided me into the living room as he pulled my top over my head. Clothes dropped to the floor, and we were naked in seconds because we were so anxious. His chiseled physique was searing hot to the touch, like he was a personal heater that could keep this entire place warm.

He guided me to the air mattress, and the second we were on the flimsy material, we rocked and shifted from our heavy weights. He was twice as heavy as I was, so he made the air mattress practically burst. It kept rubbing against the floor and making loud popping noises as we got into position.

It didn’t deter him in the least. He got me in the position that he wanted, my legs pinned back and my body completely open to him. He moved on top of me and dominated me with his size, covering me completely and keeping me warm.

“I want to make love to you.” His hand moved into the back of my hair, and he gripped me tightly. “For the first time.” He slowly pressed his head inside me, found my moisture, and then slid completely inside.

“Slate…” I hadn’t felt him between my legs in so long. It’d felt like months rather than weeks, and the last thing I wanted to do was go home with any other man. I only wanted this man inside me, this man who had all of me.

He looked me in the eye as he paused on top of me, his large dick stretching me wider than it ever had before. He throbbed inside me, like his cock was reunited with exactly where it wanted to be. His lips brushed mine, but he didn’t kiss me. Instead, he teased me, his massive girth teasing me as well.

“Make love to me,” I said against his mouth.

“I want to savor this.” He placed a soft kiss on the corner of my mouth before he kissed my jawline. “Because I’ve never made love to a woman before—you’re my first.”

My alarm disturbed the silence of the living room. The faint sound of cars driving past the front of the house registered in my mind. In his penthouse, it was dead silent so I was used to the sound of nothing, but after a few days, I’d gotten used to the quiet sounds of life.

I grabbed my phone and silenced the alarm.

His naked body was wrapped around mine, his weight putting the maximum pressure on the air mattress before it popped. Any movement he made caused the air mattress to shriek in protest of his size. Without opening his eyes, he pulled me tighter against him. “Turn that shit off.”

“It’s off. But we still have to get up.”

“We aren’t going anywhere.” He rolled me to my stomach then moved on top of me, his strong abs brushing against my backside. His hard dick rubbed between my ass cheeks as he pressed his face against the back of my head. His lips moved into my hair, and he inhaled deeply, like he wanted to treasure my smell.

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