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Secret (Betrothed 9)

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He nodded slightly. “Well…he’s a lucky guy.” He turned around and walked off.

We hadn’t hooked up in a long time, so a part of me wondered if he only wanted me because I was unavailable. That seemed childish, especially for him since he was almost ten years older than me, but he was also artistic, emotional, spontaneous…a lot like me. “Thanks.”

We had dinner, cut the birthday cake, and after a few hours of having a good time, everyone started to file out and go home. I walked out with Tracy.

“You didn’t bring your man?” she asked.

“No. It’s nice hanging out with you guys without him all over me.”

“Really?” she asked, walking with me out of the bar. “You seem pretty miserable when he’s not there.”

“At the bar, yes. There’s nothing for me to do while you guys get laid.”

“Hmm…I guess that makes sense.”

“But when we go out to dinner, we’re just hanging out, so it’s fun.” I got to spend time with just them, not having to worry about guys sending us drinks and taking all their attention.

“Well, we’ll make more time to do things like that since he’s not going anywhere.”

I hoped he never went anywhere. I’d just stepped out of the door when I realized what I’d forgotten. “Ugh, I’m so stupid. I forgot my purse.”

“You want me to wait for you?”

“No, girl.” I rolled my eyes. “I’m parked the opposite way anyway.”

“Alright. See you later.” She kissed me on the cheek.

“Bye.” I headed back inside and reached the table that the busser was cleaning. It hung over the back of my chair, out of sight, which was how I’d forgotten it in the first place. I grabbed it and headed out again.

But stopped when I saw Heath.

He sat at a table with a beautiful brunette, their hands together on the surface. With striking blue eyes, he stared at the woman like she was the only thing that mattered…exactly the way he looked at me.

What the fuck?

I looked at his hands, seeing the sleeves of his shirt reach his wrists, and just below that was the skull ring he always wore, glittering in the candlelight.

I was frozen to the spot, unable to believe this was real.

It couldn’t be real.

He would really do this to me…after everything that already happened?

The waiter brought the bill, and Heath reached into his pocket and grabbed a wad of cash before he slipped it inside the tab. Then he and the woman rose from their seats and headed to the main doors, his arm around her waist.

Then he grabbed her ass.

The same emotions that hit me in my bedroom rushed back to me, suffocating me, drowning me. The betrayal was like a knife to the throat, cutting my windpipe so blood flooded my airway.

Heath told me I was wrong, even made me apologize for it, and then he did this shit?

Tears burned in my eyes because I was devastated.

Fucking devastated.

I should just leave and cut him off from my life, block his phone number and change apartments so I could get rid of him for good. But taking the high road was never my style, so I went after him, ready to release my wrath.

I pushed through the double doors and watched them walk down the sidewalk, his arm still around her waist.

“Hey, asshole.” I walked fast in my heels, as if I were wearing flats.

He didn’t turn around.

“I’m talking to you, piece of shit!”

He halted and slowly turned around, his blue eyes narrowing on my face like he was annoyed.

Fucking prick.

Instead of slapping him like I always did, I did something worse. I pulled my elbow back and punched him hard in the face, getting a clean shot to his cheek that actually made him step back because he hadn’t been expecting it.

He groaned and stumbled back, his hand on his cheek as he looked at me incredulously.

I could kill him right now. “I can’t believe I bought a word you said. I can’t believe you had the audacity to tell me to trust you when you’re a lying, worthless asshole.” I moved toward him again.

The brunette stepped in front of him. “Touch my husband again and see what happens.”

Heath placed his hand over her stomach and gently pushed her back, moving forward so she was behind him.

My hand slowly lowered, my breathing more labored, my eyes stinging with painful tears. “Husband?” How was I so stupid? How did I not see any of this? How did Heath hide everything from me without giving me any clue?

He raised his hand, as if he was ready to catch my fist if it launched at him again. “I’m not who you think I am, Catalina.” He lowered his hand. “I’m Balto…Heath’s brother.”

I had no idea why I laughed, but I did. “How stupid do you think I am? I know I shouldn’t have believed you before, that’s on me, but I’m not gonna fall for this bullshit.” I pointed at his hand. “You think someone else has the exact same ring as you do?”

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