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King of Hawthorne Prep

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I almost roll my eyes at his antics.

“It looks like we have a few classes together,” Delilah croaks, turning redder by the second.

Poor girl. I can’t tell if she’s thrilled by the prospect or dreading it.

“Great,” my brother murmurs. “You can walk me to class.”

Her gaze darts to him before skittering away. Another hot stain creeps into her cheeks. She clears her throat and glances anxiously at Mrs. Baxter before her gaze touches upon me. “Should I show her around, too?” A hopeful note threads its way through her voice.

The secretary shakes her head. “Sloane should be along momentarily to pick Summer up for her tour.”

Delilah’s slender shoulders fall as she gnaws her lower lip. “I guess we should go.”

“Yup.” My brother grabs the office door and jerks it open before a charming smile curves his lips. “After you.”

Uh-oh. I recognize the predatory gleam that has entered Austin’s eyes. I don’t envy this girl one bit. My guess is that she has no idea how to handle a guy like my brother. Sadly, I think she’s going to find out.

“Thanks,” she murmurs, shooting us a look full of dismay as she steps over the threshold into the bustling hallway. Austin stays close before tossing a glance my way. “I’ll see you at lunch.”

I nod in bemusement.

That girl is toast.

After the door closes behind them, the secretary says, “Your brother is going to be trouble, isn’t he?”

I snort as a smile tugs at the corners of my lips. My guess is that Mrs. Baxter will rue the day Austin drove through the gates of Hawthorne Prep. Girls will be in the counseling office bawling about their broken hearts and fighting with each other over him.

Now that my twin and his student guide have taken off, the older woman frowns before consulting the clock on the wall. I follow the direction of her gaze and realize the bell will ring for first period in five minutes.

“I hope Sloane didn’t forget to stop at the office,” she mutters before huffing out an exasperated breath. “I should have asked someone a little more—”

The office door is thrown open as a tornado of energy rushes in. “Sorry I’m late, Mrs. B! The parking situation was crazy. The front row of the lot should really be reserved for seniors. That would make life so much easier.”

I wince before my belly does a painful flip.

Oh, God. Please…not that voice.

All last night, it circled around in my thoughts like a hungry shark. My nerves, which had settled, seize up with dismay.

“The parking is the same as it’s always been, Sloane,” the secretary says wearily.

“Well, that might be true, but it’s the platform I’m going to run on for senior class president.”

Not bothering with a response, Mrs. Baxter clears her throat and points in my direction. “This is Summer Hawthorne.” Her kind gaze settles on mine. “Sloane will give you a quick tour before first hour begins.”

“Welcome to Hawthorne Prep!” The rude blonde from the store last night whirls toward me. “It’s so nice to meet you!”

I blink, knocked off-balance by her warm greeting and the toothy smile plastered across her pretty face.

This is the same girl from the store, right?

“Summer?” Mrs. Baxter prompts when I remain silent.

“Sorry.” I force my lips into a slight smile. “It’s nice to meet you, too.”

Sloane’s beaming face transforms into one of sympathy. “I’m sure this is all super overwhelming for you. New town, new school, no friends…”

“Summer already has a copy of her schedule,” the older woman interrupts.

“Great!” The blonde plucks the slip from my fingers before her gaze slides over it.

“You should probably get moving,” Mrs. Baxter encourages. “There isn’t much time before first hour begins. Perhaps you could help Summer locate her locker in the senior hallway and then head to class?”

“Sure thing, Mrs. B!” she chirps. “Maybe we can do more of a tour at lunch.”

“That’s a wonderful idea!” the secretary says, nodding her approval.

The other girl’s lips stay quirked as she turns to me. “Ready to go?”

“Yup.” I blow out a steady breath, unsure what to make of the situation. I’m almost positive it’s the same girl from last night, but it’s like she’s had a personality transplant. I don’t understand what her deal is. Maybe she doesn’t recognize me?

Sloane grabs the door and holds it open before calling out a jovial goodbye to the office secretary as the bell rings. Anyone loitering in the hallway scurries to class until it’s empty. Once the door closes behind her, the lock clicking audibly into place, Sloane’s smile melts from her face. A spiteful expression morphs in its place before she crumples my schedule in her hand and drops it to the tile at her patent leather heels.

“Good luck, bitch. You’ll need it.”

That being said, she elbows me in the arm and leaves me standing alone in the vacant corridor.

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