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Dauntless (Sons of Templar MC 5)

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Lucky’s jaw hardened as he pulled into the gas station. “Recent events make me think otherwise.”

That one stung. I didn’t let on, of course. “It’s obvious that you think a lot of yourself, but I’m sure even you’re not delusional enough to think you can cure addiction with muscles and the sense of humor of a seven-year-old.”

Lucky stopped the truck, turning his body to me. “I do have mad skills at most things, and great muscles, thanks for noticing. But no, sadly I can’t cure it. But I can take you somewhere where you can cure yourself.”

On that note, he got out of the truck and let me digest his words for approximately three-point-five seconds. Then my door was opened and Lucky was in my space, his scent and presence engulfing me as he reached up to unlock my cuffs. He seemed to know that my arm felt like lead because instead of it hurtling down, it was engulfed in warmth as he gently circled it with his hand and placed it on my lap. His eyes held mine the entire time.

“I got you, Becky,” he murmured. “I know you’re determined to face this storm alone, but give me two days. You want to leave after that, I’ll drive you anywhere you want to go.”

He let the offer hang in the air and didn’t move, his thumb gently massaging the feeling back into my arm. I wasn’t sure if the pins and needles prickling my skin were the sensation returning or my body’s response to his touch. I’d like to believe it was the former, but I feared it was the latter.

He pushed a tendril of hair behind my ear. “You think about it while you visit the mythical ladies’ room where the door to Narnia resides. I’ll get us supplies. You want anything?”

I blinked at him. “Five Twinkies, an ice tea, and box of tampons,” I said, knowing how much an alpha male would love getting feminine products.

He didn’t react, only nodded. “Your wish is my command.” He stepped back, letting me out of the truck. “Remember, my cardio’s already done for the day and I know you wouldn’t do anything as cruel and making me work out twice in one day.” He winked and leaned in to shut my door before turning and sauntering into the gas station. I watched him—the way the leather on his cut moved along his muscled back, the confidence in his stride, the way two girls walking out of the store actually stopped and watched his journey through the double doors.

I didn’t blame them; he was a fucking sight. Too bad he was the most annoying person I’d ever met. My gaze flickered around the gas station, noting the sign for the ladies’ room. I made a beeline for it. I hadn’t ruled out escape yet, but it was hard to think on a full bladder.

After I’d done my business, I stared at myself in the grimy mirror.

My hair was cascading down my back, a tumble of curls. The ends were freshly died, electric blue this time. That was about the only part of me that had semblance of order. My foundation had washed off and I was starting to worry that the purple under my eyes was permanent. The black cardigan I was wearing over my short lace dress covered my skinny, blotchy arms, but my collarbone was still visible and protruding. “Still a mess,” I muttered to myself.

I splashed water on my face and reached into my handbag to rinse my mouth with mouthwash and spray some perfume. My bag was always stocked with emergencies supplies, though it was missing one thing. The thing I craved with an intensity that had my entire body shaking.

I braced myself on the cracked porcelain sink. It was insane, the itch. The need was nothing more than annoying background noise the entire time I’d been in the car with Lucky, but now I was drowning in it again as it filled my entire body with its power. I had decided to slip out the back and hitchhike back home not seconds before, but now I wasn’t so sure. Whatever the fuck was going on with Lucky wasn’t good, for me and, more importantly, for him. But I was selfish. Desperate not to fall down that rabbit hole that didn’t lead to Wonderland. So I made my decision.

“I didn’t know what to get, so I just got one of every flavor,” Lucky declared, handing me a bag overflowing with feminine products.

I took it from him, expressionless. I glanced down; the bag was actually filled with every ‘flavor’ of tampons gas stations offered. I saw the telltale Twinkie wrapper along with about four different kinds of chocolate. My gaze went back up to Lucky, who was munching on a burrito. He held out an ice tea. I took it wordlessly.

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