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Biker Baby (Kings of Mayhem MC 3)

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“You’re not sleeping in here?” I asked wearily as she moved away.

She paused and stood across the room looking at me, thinking. Her eyes gleamed like big shiny orbs. I sat on the end of the bed wanting her to join me. Wanting to fall asleep in her arms. Wanting her. Needing her. But not wanting to hear her say no.

Without a word, she came to me and pressed her lips to mine. It was a closed lip kiss, but it lingered as if we were frozen in time. And when I parted my lips, they parted hers and my tongue moved into her luscious mouth.

For a moment there was hesitation. But then she exhaled breathlessly and her tongue brushed against mine and a soft moan caught in her throat.

In an instant, desire replaced reminiscence. Lust replaced pain. Action replaced hesitation. With a hiss I pulled her onto my lap and held her to me, my eyebrows slammed together as I kissed her with every part of my soul. The pain of my brother’s accident nipped at my heels, but when Honey kissed me it was like we were flying so high nothing could catch me.

Without words, I undressed her, slowly, savoring every reveal of exposed flesh as I peeled her clothes away from her beautiful body. She was so tanned, so smooth, and the way she slid her hands around my neck and kissed me passionately had me so hard it hurt.

I was so lost in desire it barely registered when she climbed onto my lap and sank down on my cock with a deep, breathless moan.

With a slow rise and fall of her hips she rode me, her head tilted back, her milky, slender throat smooth and creamy, her heavy belly rubbing against the bumps and grooves of my stomach. She closed her eyes and her plump, delicious lips parted as she moaned with the pleasure she was taking from me.

She arched her back, allowing me easy access to her perfect breasts. I took one in my hand and enclosed my mouth over her perky, pink nipple, sucking it into my mouth and lapping at it with my tongue. She moaned and lost herself in the sensation, my name falling from her lips as her eyes found mine.

And suddenly we weren’t fucking. It was so much more than that. There was real emotion and it filled the room and wrapped us in its arms as Honey moved slowly against me, gently rolling her hips over mine. My climax was building, but I wanted this to last because this was like nothing I’d ever known. The warmth. The emotion. The electrical charge in the air.

Honey’s eyes held mine as she placed a cool hand on my shoulder to steady herself, and I couldn’t look away. There was so much more in those smoldering blue eyes than lust. When she closed them I felt her clench tightly around my cock and I groaned as the pleasure swelled in my balls, and again I had to resist the urge to give in to my orgasm. She dropped her head back and moaned, her pussy gripping my cock as she started to come. And Christ Almighty, she looked like a fucking angel. So creamy and smooth. Her beautiful, long hair swirling around her polished shoulders and tumbling over her breasts as she took everything my cock had to give her. Her breathing hitched and she cried out, her tight pussy milking me. Her muscles tightening around me, her body quivering and trembling as her orgasm tore through her. That was it. There was no point fighting it. No point resisting. It was a slow build but it erupted into a giant supernova, ferociously consuming me with a force I’d never known. Blinded by ecstasy, I grabbed her face and smashed my mouth to hers, kissing her wildly as I came hard inside her, my hips thrusting, my cock violently ejaculating with months of pent-up desire.

Breathless and my mind blown, I fell back onto the bed and pulled her down with me and into my arms, my heart thundering as I savored the sensation of her naked skin against mine. I kissed the top of her head and closed my eyes, my mind wiped clean of the darkness brought on by Chance and the uncertainty of his survival. This woman. This angel. The mother of my child. She’d given me a small space of time free from the torment of worrying about my brother by loving me with her beautiful body and soothing me with her gentle touch. She fought off my pain as fiercely as if it had been her own, and the strongest of emotions bloomed in my heart because of it.

I held her close and got lost in the warmth of her sweet body covering mine. It had taken a while, but we were finally where we belonged.

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