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The Dare

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“Oh no,” she insists much too quickly. “Nothing you can help with. I’m fine. It’s just… admin stuff.”

“Okay sure.” I smile thinly at her. “Well, I will see you in the morning then. Goodnight, Latesha.”

I act like I’m leaving but don’t really exit the office. I feel a bit like a spy on a mission here, trying to unveil some secret information, which I have to admit is a little bit of a weird thrill. It’s the most out of character, out of routine thing that has happened to me in a very long time, which has my pulse racing and pounding.

I wonder if this is why Latesha made the video. Perhaps this is what she wanted. This little thrill. As I check her out to see her still at her desk, the nerves and excitable anticipation are almost all consuming. She’s waiting, biding her time, checking that I’m not coming back any time soon. I’m hoping she believes that I have left though, otherwise this is about to get far messier than it needs to be. It’s already bad enough.

There she goes. My heart leaps up in to my throat as I spot her rising from her seat and tip toeing towards my office. This is it. I don’t move right away though. I need to see exactly where she’s heading first, and it’s hardly a shock to see her aiming for my computer. Obviously, she is doing whatever it is she wants with the video which means its time for me to act. I can’t let it get as far as being sent out to the world to ruin my reputation. Not that I think she’s going to do that, but I’m trying to consider every single possibility, every outcome, just in case.

Well, I think to myself as I move silently through the office. Here goes nothing…

Chapter 5 – Latesha

“Latesha?” His voice makes me jump. I nearly lose my footing and topple over because it’s so unexpected. Now the thing that I have been trying my hardest to avoid has happened. Zack has caught me at his desk and I honestly have no excuse for it. What can I say for me being here? There isn’t anything. “What are you doing?”

“Erm, I… I…” I step away from the screen even though I can see the video right there in front of me. It confirms that Zack must have seen it too. He saw me naked, touching myself over him, and now I don’t know what to do. Do I just be honest and try and get passed the awkwardness or do I bluff? “I just needed to access an email that I don’t have on my machine anymore. It’s to do with… with the project…”

“I don’t think that is what you’re doing,” he declares as he steps a little closer to me. “I think you’re trying to get something from my computer that’s important to me. Perhaps sensitive information…”

Oh God, is he teasing me? Does he want me to confess? I can’t work this out at all. If this is a sexual game that I accidently started, then I’m already losing. He is eons above me, and I’m freaked out.

“I would never try and steal sensitive information from you,” I attempt to insist weakly. “You can trust me.”

“It’s just that someone has been accessing my computer after hours when they aren’t allowed and now all signs are pointing to you. You seem to be here fiddling with my machine once more.”

I don’t know what to say, I have no words. I’m utterly speechless because I can’t work out what he wants me to say here. I don’t know how to make this right. All I want to do is escape this nightmare.

“I better go home… I don’t want you to think badly of me. I will start leaving before you…”

I don’t make it out of the room before I hear the sounds of my video coming to life. My eyes slide closed and I groan loudly because this is utterly humiliating. It’s supposed to be sexy but instead I feel all on edge. This is all wrong. Plus, I’m pretty sure that I’m going to end up fired right here and now with the sound of my growing orgasm in the background, just to torment me that little bit further, only to make it

“See, I found this today.” There is a slight teasing edge to his tone, but I can’t bear to meet his eyes to see if that is reflected in his expression as well. “And I have been trying to act okay all day long, like this hasn’t affected me deeply, but now me and you are alone so I think we should have a chat about it, don’t you?”

“Do we have to? I man, we can just forget that it ever happened if you want.”

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