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The Dare

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This must be his wife. It’s obvious, isn’t it? I have known that from the very first moment that I saw them together that she must be the woman that he chose to marry, and I can see why because she’s gorgeous, but spelling it out to myself makes my heart sink. The wife as a concept is one thing but seeing it in front of my face is something else. I can’t stand it. It’s shattering me in to pieces, absolutely wrecking me.

I tug out my cell phone, wanting something else to look at rather than them because I want to distraction to be the much-needed trigger to allow me to get out of here, but instead I find myself messaging my friend for help.

Latesha: Tracey, Zack came in to work today, but only for a moment. He was being weird, so I followed him.

Tracey: Oh my God, Latesha. That’s insane. I know that you’re hurt, but you don’t need to do this. Do you want me to leave work and come to get you? I’m worried that something will happen to you.

Latesha: I’m going back to the office in a moment. I know where he is now. He was leaving the office to meet with his wife. She is beautiful, Tracey. I don’t know why he would cheat on her.

Tracey: This could be the time for you to tell her, Latesha. Like I told you, she deserves to know. I know that you’re worried about the children, but this is all going to erupt at some point. Take your power back and do this.

Latesha: I don’t know if I can be the one. I think I might throw up. I’m scared.

Tracey: Throw up on him. That piece of work deserves it. I can still come if you want me to?

Latesha: I don’t think so. I think that it might be best for me to go back to work. My head is all messy at the moment and I don’t want to do anything crazy. I don’t want to destroy myself because of him.

Tracey: Whatever you decide to do, I’m here for you. Call me if you need me, okay?

I slide my phone away and stare back inside the café, willing my legs to walk away from this whole mess before I ignite the flames, but still I don’t go anywhere. I can’t explain it, even to myself. It’s almost as if my legs have been encased in ice and I can’t do anything until something comes along to thaw me out.

The woman laughs. She tosses her head back and chuckles, somehow still managing to look gorgeous as she does. The way that Zack continues to stare at her like she’s precious makes me want to die inside. I want a large hole to open up to swallow me whole, so I don’t have to continue staring at this nightmare.

“He is the one in the wrong,” I remind myself quietly. “I never did anything wrong. I was a girl who fell for a guy, who never knew that there was anyone else in his life. I might have been a part of the cheating, but I didn’t know.” I ball my fists up by my side. “I am a victim as well. Just like Tracey told me.”

It doesn’t matter that I feel all dirty and used, that he has made me feel lesser. I’m not. I still have power if I want to grab it. I can take back control of the situation if that’s what I want to do. I just need to decide. I think I might have already made the decision, but I need to check in with my friend once more just to make it more real.

Latesha: I’m going in. I have to, you are right. That poor woman deserves to know who she is married to.

Tracey: You go girl! I’m leaving work now to come and pick you up. We can celebrate together. I will pick you up near your work building as soon as I can get there. Be strong, remember that I love you!

Latesha: I couldn’t do this without you, Tracey. I love you too!

She is awesome, I don’t know what I would do without her. Thank goodness because I really don’t know if I had to deal with all of this alone. I’m already struggling to catch my breath, to calm my heart rate down, and I haven’t even gone inside yet. There is no telling what state I will be in afterwards.

Chapter 12 – Zack

“So, you are really here.” I stare at Karen, still in shock. “I wasn’t sure what to expect.”

“You didn’t think I would come?” She tosses her head back and laughs. “Of course, I would. I told you that I wanted to get back in touch with you before, I just wasn’t quite sure how to go about it.”

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