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The Dare

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I definitely would. Even more so now I know how this feels because heart break fucking sucks.

“Do you want a cup of hot chocolate?” she offers me, leaning in to smile. “The kettle is on.”

“Sure, sounds good. Thank you.” I try and smile back but I can’t. “Biscuits as well, if there are any.”

What I really need to do while I’m lying here is focus on the idea of getting back to myself, because clearly everything that happened today wasn’t me at all. I never act wild like that over a man. I am usually great at walking away from things if I isn’t right for me, not that it’s happened many times. And I ignored so many red flags when it came to Zack. I let him treat me badly over and over again, and I was too blinded by my emotions for him to shut him down completely. Then I followed him, I acted like a stalker and I followed him before confronting him and his wife. That isn’t me at all. I don’t ever want to be out of control like that again.

Ring, ring… Ring, ring… Ring, ring…

I groan and lean down to grab my cell phone, to see who’s calling me. If it’s Zack, then I will throw the phone across the room and watch it smash in to a million pieces because I’m that determined to never speak to him again. I don’t imagine that he would be so cheeky as to try… unless things did get messy with his wife and he wants me to try and smooth things over. I don’t know why he thinks that I would lie for him though.

But it isn’t Zack. It’s a number that I don’t recognize, so I bolt upright immediately. This is probably going to be the wife, isn’t it? She is going to want to find out exactly what’s happened with me and Zack and I will have to be honest with her because I started this confrontation. All of this is my fault.

“Fuck.” My heart races. I nearly don’t answer, but I know that I need to. I can’t cause a trail of destruction of my own and not deal with the consequences. I can’t be that person. I have to answer. “Hello?”

“Hello, is this Miss Aston?” the surprisingly male voice asks me. “Latesha Aston?”

“Erm, yes speaking.” I rub my fore head hard, willing the head ache away. “Who’s speaking?”

“This is Bill Martin, calling from Extrapries. You sent us your resume last week.” Oh my God, a job. One of the jobs that I have applied for. This is crazy and absolutely amazing timing. I couldn’t need this more. “I was wondering if you are still searching for a new job, and if you would like an interview with us?”

“Oh yes, of course.” I don’t know exactly what this job interview will be for because I have applied for so many different positions, but that’s okay. I can do my research and work it out afterwards. “Thank you.”

“Well, we have interviews running at the end of this week. Thursday or Friday. Or Monday if needs be…”

“Thursday is perfect.” The sooner the better. “That would be great. Thank you for the chance.”

As Bill reels off the details of the interview for me, I write it down excitedly. This is just what I need, a chance at a fresh start somewhere else, an opportunity to be someone else and to start fresh. I really don’t feel like there is any going back to Zack’s company now after what has happened. There is too much water under the bridge.

Of course, I might not get this job. It sounds like they are considering a number of people, but I am going to make sure that I present the best version of myself possible. At least if I give it my all then I will know that there is nothing else I could have done. I can see it as good practice for the next one anyway.

By the time I hang up the phone to Bill, I feel a whole lot better. I feel like I can make something of myself after all. This experience has dented my confidence, but I’m only twenty-four years old. I can pick myself back up and try again. I can keep trying again until I get everything right and I find success at last.

“Who was that?” Tracey asks me idly as she brings the drinks in to the room. She hands one to me and I take it gratefully with a grin. “Someone who has made you smile anyway which is nice.”

“A job interview for the end of the week.” It feels incredible to say this aloud. “Someone who actually wants to take me away from the shitty situation that I am in. Can you believe it? I’m so happy. I know that it might not become anything, but it’s a start and I really freaking need it. This could be the answer.”

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