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The Dare

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“Mom, I’m home,” I call through the front door as I walk inside, weary and a little broken. “I need to talk…”

Mom’s eyes are shining as she meets me in the hallway. She looks like she might have something herself that she wants to discuss which is only going to make this day even more overwhelming.

“Latesha is here,” she half whispers at me. “She is in the living room with Amelia at the moment so we can have the time to talk. You have been dealing with Karen, haven’t you? What happened?”

“Latesha?” I push passed my mom, needing to see this for myself. And there she is, just like she said. Latesha is sitting with Amelia, reading a story to her as my daughter cuddles up in her lap. They look like they have known one another for years and that they have a really tight bond. Amelia is clearly happy. “Oh, wow.”

“I know.” Mom grabs my arm and pulls me away. “They get on so well. She came here earlier today wanting to know how you got on with Karen, so I invited her in to wait for you. I wanted to get to know her.”

“And what do you think?” This is all a bit mental, but this feels like the most prominent question.

“She is wonderful. I adore her.” Mom claps her hands together in glee, making me laugh. I haven’t ever seen her this excited about anyone before. Latesha has made her mark in a positive way, just as I thought she might. But it’s Amelia’s reaction which is even more telling. That is wonderful. If my daughter took an instant dislike to her then it would end things immediately. There wouldn’t be any coming back from that. “And she is wonderful with Amelia as well. Your daughter is quite taken with her, and I think that you are as well.”

I nod without hesitation. We didn’t even last one whole day with keeping us a secret. Karen is responsible for that, she has basically forced us out of the closet before we are ready for it, but she has done us a favor as well. If my family is happy for us to spend time together then nothing else matters. As for the office… well, I can deal with my staff at a later date. As long as the gossip doesn’t affect the productivity of the office then I don’t care what they say. Latesha can make her own decisions on what she wants to do. My main priority is that she stays with me. I finally feel like I have her now and I never want to lose her again. She means too much to me.

“So, you approve then?” I smile at my mother. “You like her? This she’s good for me?”

“She is incredible for you. You might not be good enough for her!” Mom teases, making the pair of us laugh. “I think the pair of you could be really good together. I think you fit well together.”

Me and Mom then move away from the living room where I can finally explain everything to her. I don’t give the details of the video because there are some details that don’t need to be shared and my mother doesn’t ask, but I let her know about the money and the fact that Karen only wanted that from me.

“I should have known,” Mom scoffs. “She was always a gold digger, that one. Money is all she cares about.”

“Well, she got her money,” I tell Mom quickly. “But I made her sign some legal documents first. Not only is she not allowed anywhere near our family anymore, she has also signed over her parental rights, so I don’t ever need to worry about her coming back and trying to come back in to Amelia’s life when she isn’t wanted, because there is no way that she will be consistent and a good role model for my child. Amelia needs more.”

Mom sags with obvious relief. “Oh, thank goodness. That has always been a worry of mine. I never wanted her to come back and screw up Amelia’s life the way that she screwed up yours. I mean, there is no guarantee that this will all be over forever, there may come a time when Amelia wants to contact her, but that will be in the future. For now, we can relax because she’s gone. I know it cost you, but this is good news.”

“Oh, I am happy to pay the money if it makes her go,” I insist. “It’s for the best. To have that security, the knowledge that it’s just going to be us for the fore seeable future, it’s worth it for me. For us.”

“That chapter of your life is closed now. That’s amazing.” Mom points towards the living room. “And the next chapter of your life is there. Inside that room. So, go and spend time with her. I will get dinner cooked.”

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