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The Dare

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“What is all this yelling and banging about?” Tracey leans out of her bedroom door to catch me trying my hardest to slide my clothing on my soaking wet body as fast as I can. “Oh God, what are you doing?”

“I did… something stupid…” I burst out rapidly. “I did something really stupid and now I… I might be about to lose my job.” Fuck, I need a bra. This dress requires a bra, especially if I’m wet. “I have to get to work fast before Zack sees what I’ve done, and he fires me on the spot. Not that I won’t deserve it…”

“I thought you were going to think about the risks before leaving a naked picture?”

I shake my head determinedly. “It wasn’t a picture. I…” Where the fuck are my shoes? I need my heels now. “I made a sexy video on his computer.” God, my heart is in my throat. I feel sick. “Just as a joke. But for myself, not for him. I was just… I don’t know, having a bit of a fantasy going on. It wasn’t supposed to be left there.” I find my shoe and shove it on my foot rapidly. “The cleaning lady came in and I just forgot…”

I finally catch Tracey’s eyes and I see that all the color has drained from her cheeks. Seeing my more sensible best friend looking at me in horror only highlights how bad this really is. No wonder I had bad dreams. I just can’t believe that I woke up and forgot all about it. Who does that? Who does any of this? Honestly, sometimes my craziness even shocks me. This is why people can’t just go around doing what they want. Because it’s dumb.

“What are you going to do?” Tracey asks me in a whisper. “This could be a real issue.”

“I need to get to the office right now, before he arrives, and I need to delete it. I have to get rid of it and forget that any of this ever happened.” I huff loudly. “Then I need to start being more sensible…”

Sexy fantasies are fun, usually, and certainly in the heat of the moment, but I’m starting to really see how dangerous they can be. And not dangerous in a fun way but in a bad, potentially life ruining way. I really love my job, and not just because of Zack but because of the work as well. I don’t want to lose my position and I also don’t want Zack to have seen it as well. It will be too embarrassing for words.

That is not the way to start a fling. Not in real life anyway. I don’t know what I was thinking.

“Brush your hair,” Tracey warns me. “Then get to work quickly. Do whatever the hell you need to do but get rid of that video. Whatever happens, you have to make sure that it’s gone.”

“I know, I know,” I groan. “This could be like, a legal thing as well, couldn’t it? Like a sexual harassment thing or an indecent exposure deal? I don’t know, but I do need to get rid of it.”

“Ergh, I don’t know,” Tracey admits. “I don’t know what this could be. But you do need it gone because things like this… well, they have a way of causing people all kind of trouble, I’m sure.”

Tracey assists me in getting dressed and she shoves me out the door so I can finally leave for work, much earlier than I normally would go but it isn’t exactly like I have the appetite for breakfast with all of this going on, and I tear off with my brain still racing rapidly. I might have done some crazy things in my life before, but nothing has ever got my life all messy like this. It’s terrible I don’t like it one bit. Never again.


I’m early to work. I want to leap around with excitement because I’m early. This is perfect, I have done what I needed to do, and now I can give rid of that God forsaken video once and for all. Right now, all I want to do is completely forget about it. I want to pretend it never happened because it is killing me…

“Oh, good morning, Latesha.” Oh God, Zack’s voice stops me from running through the office. “You’re early.”

Fuck. Why the hell is he here? He isn’t supposed to be in the office yet. I can’t access his PC when he’s here because he will want to know what I’m up to and I can’t explain… also him being here means that he might have already switched his computer on. He may well have already seen me touching myself in his chair.

“Er, yes.” There is a heat traveling through my whole body, burning all over my face. “I am.”

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