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The Dare

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Chapter 4 – Zack

That video… wow, that video… I don’t even know what to make it of it. It was a real shock to get in to the office to find a little personal porno movie made just for me. By my assistant. My hot, curvy, petite, violent eyed, raven haired beautiful younger assistant who was touching herself in my office thinking about me.

It had to be a trap, right? What else could it be? After all, I am a decade older than Latesha, there is no way that she can be thinking of me in that way. It seems more like some kind of honey trap than anything else. I can’t help but wonder if she wants to black mail me somehow, to extort money from me. It seems pretty far-fetched, but then what other explanation can there be for the sex video randomly appearing on my computer?

And now Latesha is here, at work early, acting all sketchy and I don’t know what to do about it. This isn’t exactly the sort of situation that I have found myself in before, so I don’t know what the protocol is. Right now, all I’m trying to do is play this out, to see if what Latesha really wants from me is about to be revealed. So far, she isn’t giving me anything, but surely, she can’t keep this up for long? She has to crack soon enough…

Stop it. my brain screams at me as I nearly find myself clicking on the video to watch it again. I really can’t look at it now. Not with the star of it sitting within eye view of me, and the other members of staff in the office as well. If I do that then I might be playing right in to the hands of Latesha’s plan. I need to keep it together.

What is it with me and women? Why do I always end up in these weird situations? I have been actively not looking for romance, not seeking out any kind of attention, yet somehow this has found me anyway. I’m starting to think that I might be the issue here. That I could be the magnet for everything odd.

But what if this isn’t a trap? The depths of my mind ask me, dredging up yet another theory that I have been trying my hardest not to think about. Because if it isn’t a trap, then it could be a sexy surprise, a hint that Latesha really does like me. If that’s the case, then I have no idea what I will do. I mean, I can’t deny how hot she is, I would have to be blind not to see that inside of her, and the video does excite me. I have been hard as a fucking rock ever since I first laid eyes on it this morning, which isn’t helped with the length of time it’s been since I last saw a naked woman, but that doesn’t mean I can trust myself to act on it. No way.

We work together, she is my assistant, she is too young for me, she doesn’t know anything about my familial situation because no one in the office does… plus, I always pick the wrong women for me. Those are just a few reasons why me and Latesha can’t ever make this kinky little fantasy come true.

As the time rolls on, I find myself watching Latesha a lot throughout the day. Partly because I want to see if anything is going to happen, if she’s finally going to reveal her purpose to me, but also because despite myself I am considering her in a way that I have never considered her before. It’s like I’m really seeing her for the very first time. The more that I look at her, the more I see of her, the more beautiful she is.

“Wow,” I whisper to myself under my breath. “What am I going to do about this?”

I try to get on with my work, but it’s really difficult with the video sitting on my desk top, constantly reminding me that this isn’t a normal day, and honestly, I get far too worked up about it. It’s getting to the point where I need to ignite something, to force her to admit what she’s doing, because the anticipation is killing me.

I jump up from my seat quickly and stomp over to her desk, the words of accusation burning behind my tongue. “I’m just headed to the coffee machine. Do you want anything while I am there?”

I’m hoping that she will act while I’m not at my desk, that I will finally get to see what’s going on. This might not be the smart thing to do. I should probably delete it off my PC and get rid of all chases so no black mail can take place, but if I can’t trust my own assistant then it won’t be a good place to work. I have to figure out what she’s doing. It’s the only way that I can move forwards with this situation.

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