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Her Savage Protector

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I laughed. “I’ve never met anyone quite like you before.”

“Yeah, I expect that. No one ever meets anyone quite like anyone else. We are all different individuals. No one is average as they think. But no one is as unique as they think either. I just find that the way the world is today where everyone is obsessed with who is doing what and what this person thinks and that person thinks—this whole social media trap—is a total waste of time.”

“I like your philosophy. Do you teach a lot of this sort of thing in your online courses?”

He nodded and took a big swig of his beer as he sat down. The steaks were starting to sizzle behind us. “I sure do. I love to share my views with others and I love for others to share their views with me. Even if I disagree with them down to every fiber of my being, I will always support their right to their own mind and their own beliefs.”

“I agree,” I said. “I think sometimes people are still afraid to share all of themselves because they are frightened by the possibility of that backlash. This is a shame because that means that no one really ever knows anyone else, right?”

He nodded slowly. “That’s right. That’s it exactly.”

“Well, here is to laying it all out there and letting the chips fall where they may.” I held up my bottle. He touched his to it. We both took long drinks of our beers.

I sat there and watched him intently as he stood up and went back to tending the steaks, turning them over so they began to cook on both sides a nice medium rare. He didn’t ask me how I liked mine, but just assumed. I could tell he was a true steak lover who couldn’t conceive of steak being consumed cooked any other way. I smiled at his ways and routines. He was so captivating to watch. As I watched him standing there, strong and solid, unwavering, unapologetic about who he was and what he believed was right, I knew that I was falling in love with him.

And I knew that it could be a potentially bad idea.

Chapter 6


Things were getting interesting. And I was loving every minute of it. I hadn’t expected to have the surprise of Zion standing there watching me as I stepped naked into the hallway. It was such a habit that I didn’t think anything of it. I was just taking a shower after my late afternoon workout like I did every single day. And there she was.

But I didn’t care that she saw me. In fact, I really enjoyed it. Watching the surprise in her eyes, the smile she was trying so desperately to hide, and the way she squirmed with desire and embarrassment at the sight of my tight body really turned me on as well. That electricity between us… ah that was the sweetest thing. I loved it. The buildup was perfect. I knew this moment was going to escalate into something else very soon. I wasn’t sure when, but I had a good feeling about it.

I could have chastised her about being stupid enough to go to her place on her own, but there was no point in it. Experience is often the best teacher. Harping on her like some nagging mother really wasn’t going to do any good here. I just had to let her do her thing.

But at least the cops around here finally showed they had some balls. I doubted they caught these guys that easily, but if they did it was a combination of good police work and dumb criminality. Those two things often cancelled each other out.

I finished off the last of my steak and then chugged the rest of my beer. It had been a good meal. I had steak and baked potatoes on the grill probably four times a week. The other nights I was too lazy and just ordered pizza. If I didn’t work out and I didn’t skip breakfast every day I would probably be a fat bastard.

I took our plates inside and then put them in the dishwasher. When I turned around I noticed that Zion had followed me with her beer bottle and her fork. She threw the bottle in the trash and then put the fork in the dishwasher. As she did, I did not move back. We were now very close to each other. Her face was close to mine, her beautiful eyes looking directly into me, her breath against mine and I could feel her heat entering my being radiating off her.

I leaned forward and pressed my mouth against hers. Her lips felt soft and smooth as they mingled with mine. I opened my mouth and her lips followed. A gush of warm breath entered from her mouth over to mine. I sucked hard on her mouth now, smothering her lips with my own. Our tongues intertwined and began their sweet little dance.

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