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Her Savage Protector

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“That’s good,” she said. “So, what are you not telling me?”

“What makes you think I’m not telling you everything?”

“Because I know you too well,” she said. “You need to come clean and unburden thyself.”

“I see,” I said. “I guess I can’t fool you.”

“No, you cannot.”

I sighed. “I guess I’ll have to tell you. Bill and I had sex.”

She gasped and then laughed. “I knew it. I knew that was going to happen. Ah, that is awesome. I want details. Tell me everything.”

She grabbed my arm and dragged me to the side where we could talk better.

I sighed. I wished I hadn’t said it but I was dying to tell someone about the amazing new man in my life.

“Ok, well it just happened. I don’t know how, but it did. It was sweet and sexy, and he is so dominant and animalistic that I just feel like putty in his hands. I just want him more and more all the time. It’s something I wake up with and I go to bed with that feeling. And now I’ve basically moved in with him for protection and he is also this amazing guy. I mean, it was bound to happen I guess. And now that it has, I find myself wanting it to stay that way and to take it to a new, higher level.”

“But I thought you said he was very much against that. Did you break him? Did you threaten him with something?”

“No, of course not. He and I just click. I don’t know if it will end up serious or not. Again, that is his decision. I would like it to go somewhere. I’m falling more in love with him every single day it seems. I didn’t know I could ever feel this deeply for someone and now I’m in the middle of it. My emotions have me so off balance that I just feel crazy.”

“And how much of this do you think is just you and the fact that he is keeping you safe? I mean being in danger, being afraid and having this gallant, white knight saving you is a pretty romantic idea. Are you sure you aren’t just getting caught up in that sort of thing?”

“Yeah, I might be, but I don’t care. I’m ready to go head first into it and see what happens. But Bill just isn’t. He’s been hurt before and he is very much into guarding his heart now.”

“Ah, he is one of those,” she said rocking back and forth on her heels.

“One of those?”

“Yeah, those who have been burned in the past so they automatically assume the future is going to end up the same way. Those types are hard to deal with. You have to cut them loose sometimes.”

“Yeah, I’m not sure I’m willing to do that. I mean, I’m falling hard for this guy. I really think about him all the time. I see a future with him when I close my eyes. I don’t know if I can handle not being with him.”

“You will just have to do the best you can. If he isn’t ready to commit yet then he isn’t ready to commit.”

I nodded. “How do you handle that though? I mean, when your heart says one thing and your head says another. You know you should run from the situation but you want it to be so bad that you just don’t care anymore.”

“I know,” she said. “Believe it or not but I’ve been there a time or two. You just have to keep pushing forward and hope that if it’s meant to be it will work out in the end. I know that is cliché but it’s the truth. There is nothing you can do and no sense driving yourself crazy about it.”

I saw Bill’s truck pull up outside just then. I nodded. “You’re right. I got to go.”

“See you later,” she said.

“Later,” I yelled as I walked out the gate and got in Bill’s truck. He quickly filled me in on what he and his friend Al had come across that day. I was excited to hear that they may have had a few leads at least. We got a damn name. Randy Dodd. That was something. I had to have faith that it would turn out to be even more important than I realized at that moment. It had to. It just had to lead to something. I couldn’t sleep properly with those psychos out there waiting to pick me off. I had to know who they were and I had to know that they were all locked up… or dead. Death would not have bothered me an iota. I wanted those pigs to pay.

“So, what happens next?” I asked.

“Well, we have to find this fucking guy. Then we can locate the other two. We can lay low, follow him and wait until he leads us to them. Then we can take them all out.”

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