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Her Savage Protector

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I heard static cackling on the monitor. Instantly my ears perked up and I looked at it. We both stared at it in silence for several seconds and then we heard it crack again. It was happening. I pulled up the security footage on my phone. I selected infrared and it immediately showed the men exiting their truck and coming up to the wall at the front of the property. Yeah, they were about to make that mistake. Damn.

“It’s time,” I said.

I blew out the candles and Zion quickly ran to the tarp lying on the floor. We pulled it off and then grabbed the best guns we could. We would find others strewn around the compound. That was how I liked to think of my house now. It was in fact a compound. It was a compound of pain and death for these morons. They were going to get it so bad. I was almost giddy with anticipation.

I hunched down with Zion and I whispered to her “Ok, you stay with me. We do this together. It’s time to take your life back.”

She nodded, but I could tell she was terrified. I was too, but there was no room for it here. We had a job to do.

I led Zion down the steps and around to the front of the house. That’s where the men were approaching from. We had to get to them quickly before they had time to spread out. We could take them all out one by one at the same time in a row. That would be nice and simple like.

We snuck out to the front of the house and then hid behind a large wall that I had about midway on the property. The outer edge of the property was more open and had different type of grass that was kept a different length. It was all part of that mystique.

I looked over at Zion. She was clutching her guns tightly and waiting for the right moment. I wasn’t sure she’d do it or if she would hesitate. If she hesitated then she would be dead. We both would be. I just hoped I was able to take the out by myself. I was the first wave. She was the second.

I watched the screen on my phone until I saw the men were almost there. They were approaching very slowly as if there would be nothing waiting for them. I wanted to believe it was some sort of a trap on their part, but it was becoming clear they thought I would never think in a million years that they would find this place, when in reality I was counting on it.

This might be easier than I thought it was going to be.

They were almost at the wall. This was the perfect time. I took a deep breath. I put my phone in my pocket quietly and then I double checked to make sure the guns were ready.

I leapt up and opened fire on the three men. I hit the shortest man right away and he went down. The other two had time to drop and roll away. Fuck. Zion was firing as well, but she hit no one. Now she was clutching her gun on our side of the wall.

I rose up above the wall and began firing down at them, but to my surprise they were gone. What? Where did they go?

Then I heard the twig snap. I turned around and there was the biggest of the three. He tackled me to the ground ramming his shoulder into my solar plexus. How the hell did he get over the wall without me knowing? It was damn dark out there that was how. In these shadows it was hard to see anything. I wanted to turn the field lights on, but it would have looked weird to have them on before. And now I just didn’t have the right time.

I clutched tightly onto my gun and tried to get it in position, but he was fighting me for it. If he got the gun I would be done for. As of right now I didn’t see him with a weapon. He brought his big, meaty fist down on my face and I missed the block. It dazed me. I saw stars everywhere dancing around. I was hurt. Shit. I had to keep it together.

He raised that beefy hand again and dropped it down on me as hard as he could. I blocked this one but dropped my gun in the process. He tried again with that huge punch.

Suddenly, a loud shot went off and his body flung backwards to the ground. I quickly got up and grabbed my gun ready to shoot this fucker, but he was already shot. I looked to my left and there was Zion with the gun in hand. She’d gotten him alright.

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