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Her Savage Protector

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We made our way out of the shower and dried off a little bit. Then we finished up in the bedroom. Between the covers, Bill entered my asshole missionary style. It felt even better face to face as he kissed me and held me, effectively making love to me through my tight asshole. I continued to finger my pussy as we made our way towards another orgasm.

I never wanted to leave this place with him.


One year later


I shut down my office computer and then collected the materials from my desk. I would finish going over these briefs at home. It was getting late and I really wanted to get home to see Bill and Nelly, our sweet daughter who was just three months old this week. It was amazing to me that she was that old. She was growing more every single day and starting to try to explore her surroundings more all the time. Soon, she’d be crawling, walking, talking, potty training, etc.

I left the office and walked down the long hallway to the elevator. I was one of the last to leave the building as I usually was. It wasn’t that unusual to leave so late when you were a brand-new associate in the firm. They worked us to the bone. I regularly put in eighty plus hours a week, but I made it very clear to them that my family came first and sometimes I would be going home earlier than they would like. I’d make up things on the weekends, but I wanted to have dinner with my daughter and husband every night and I was going to put my daughter to bed as well. I wasn’t going to make that sacrifice. I would do both. If the firm wanted me and my skills that badly then that was the payoff. They’d have to live with that.

When I pulled inside the driveway and entered the house, dinner was already there. Bill had ordered Chinese takeout. I’d timed it up perfectly as he was just starting to put everything on the plates. I didn’t have as much time to cook as I would like, and while Bill was an awesome cook sometimes he didn’t either. The man had magic chef talent. I wasn’t sure where he learned to cook the way he did, but he was the best. Yet, sometimes ordering some delicious Chinese food or even pizza would hit the spot.

“Hey, honey,” Bill said, giving me a kiss. “How was your day?”

“Good. Yours?”

“Not bad. Got some good filming done. I just picked up the baby from daycare a bit ago. They say she keeps trying to talk, so she might be accelerated a bit. That’s cool to hear.”

“Really? Way to go sweetie!” I hugged my little girl and nuzzled her cheeks with my nose. She giggled and tried to hug back. She loved her mama.

I smiled and teased her a bit as Bill put my food in front of me. I hadn’t eaten since breakfast so I was very hungry. I quickly began to wolf the food down. I didn’t have time to take a lunch break which was becoming more of a common thing. If I was lucky I could grab a quick sandwich and eat it at my desk.

“So, what is the plan for tomorrow?” Bill asked “Are we still doing that party thing?”

I sighed. “Yeah, we should. I do need to make an appearance. It will be good for my career.”

“Cool. Do you need me to be on my best behavior and schmooze everyone?” Bill teased.

“Yes. You will dress dapper. You will be charming and friendly and you will flirt with the ladies who flirt with you. I have no problem prostituting you out a little bit,” I teased.

“Ok, I guess sometimes I have to do some dirty work. I’m ok with that.”

I laughed. “You are crazy.”

“I am. That’s why you love me. But you are going to owe me big after the party.”

“Yeah, what did you have in mind?”

“I was thinking we’d spend a lot of time together naked.”

“Oh, that can be arranged.”

Bill grabbed us a few glasses and poured some wine. “That’s good to know,” he said. “Hell, maybe we can practice for that tonight after we put the baby down.”

“Oh, if I’m in the mood.”

“When are you not in the mood?”


We finished up dinner and got the baby ready for bed with a bath and her bottle.

I closed the door to the nursery and then made my way down the hallway to our bedroom. I was exhausted, but I was also in the mood a bit. I was always in the mood for Bill. We made love at the most random times and in the most random locations, really whenever the thought struck us. There were many times when Bill would show up at my office and we would go at it right then and there. I’d been so lucky to be given an actual office. This kind of pissed a lot of the other associates off, but I was on the fast track and I’d been with the firm for a while since my internship began. Plus, the fact that I had come through the ordeal I had and I was still doing ok was a huge plus with them. They wanted to keep the Tyler thing as quiet as they possibly could.

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