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Boss Next Door

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“So, what number are you in?” he asked with a heart stopping smile. “Oh, I’m Will, by the way.”

“Number eight two,” I practically whisper back. “Quite high up. I’m sorry about that.”

“Oh right, you are in the empty apartment next to mine!” He sounds surprised but not half as shocked as I feel. I never even considered what neighbors I would have here, but knowing that it’s him is something else. “That makes it a lot easier. I can even help you with the rest of your stuff if you would like.”

“Wow, that’s crazy.” I gulp back the thick ball of emotion. “And, I’m Serena. Thank you very much.”

He’s like a knight in a shining armor, a desperately good looking one. The sort of man from the fairy tale books that I used to love as a child. I used to dream of being the princess in the tall tower with the evil troll trapping me, just waiting for my prince charming to come and get me. No prince rescued me, I got myself out of that situation, but it still makes me feel like the damsel in distress with the hero from next door saving my ass…

“So, you are just moving here?” Will asks me as we get further up the stairs. “Any reason in particular?”

“I have just finished college and landed a job here which I am really thrilled about.” I can’t stop the giant smile from spreading across my face as I think about work. I am looking forward to the beginning of my real life now. “And as for this apartment block in particular… well, it’s affordable, isn’t it?” I let out a laugh. “So, that’s why…”

But as I look at this man, I wonder if I have made a mistake with my words. To be perfectly honest, he doesn’t look like he would need to pick a place because it’s affordable. That tailored suit which is sculpted perfectly to his body just screams money. But then, he does live here and there must be a reason for that.

“Yes, it is good.” He nods and smiles, clearly not offended by my comments. “I like it because it’s near my work…”

“That’s true for me as well!” I interject, much too happily. “Yes, it’s within walking distance, which is important.”

We finally reach my new apartment and I shove the door wide open. I try my best not to be embarrassed at the mess everywhere because he must know that it’s no fun when you are moving in. I’m sure I won’t be getting judged…

“Oh, look… I love that book!” Will grabs a book off the top of my pile of books and smiles. “You have good taste, Serena. I like your movie collection as well. You might need to give me a glimpse of your music as well.”

“Really? Oh, well thank you. Books have been my favorite things growing up.”

“Me too.” His smile makes my heartbeat to stop once more. Does he have to be so damn handsome? It’s making it hard for me to breathe. He does seem to look quite a bit older than me, but he isn’t looking down on me. “I love reading…”

We chat about our love of books for a while, connecting on a level that I certainly wasn’t expecting, and it seems that the more Will helps me, the more he seems to like similar things to me. I’m trying my hardest not to lose my head because this is the first person I have met since starting my new life and the first man at that, but there are definitely butterflies flapping around in my stomach, completely unnerving me.

My brain keeps picturing all kinds of crazy things as well… things that I don’t think I should be day dreaming about. His lips, his hands, his tongue… oh God, I am not ready for that yet.

“I bet you’re glad that the place is already semi-furnished?” Will asks as we set the final boxes down. “It means that you don’t have to spend hours setting up your bed just so you have something to sleep in.”

“That’s true.” I nod emphatically. “But I am going to have to spend the rest of the week unpacking which isn’t a pleasant thought.” I rest my hands on my hips. “I don’t even know where to begin. I wish it was all just done.”

This is why I had to move home before starting the job, because I know that my new work position will keep me incredibly busy. Too busy to get organized at the same time. I probably should get started now, but I’m not in the mood. I have to admit that I am far too exhausted for any of it and I just want to chill out…

“You know, if I am the only person that you know here,” Will starts. “Then I feel like it’s my duty to take you out for dinner tonight. To get you a little used to your new place. Don’t you think?”

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