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Boss Next Door

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“I’m just worried that he’s keeping an eye on me.” She taps her chin thoughtfully. “Like, he has been hanging around all day long, checking in on me, looking at what I’m after, taking my new staff away…”

“I’m not a spy,” I toss my head back and laugh. “Just a poor girl trying to make it through her first day.”

I hope she buys it. I mean, I’m not a spy, but I am hiding a connection to Will that she doesn’t know about and I’m scared that my lie will shine through in the worst way. I don’t want anyone to get the worst impression of me, just because I’m not good at keeping things to myself. I should be really, since I have always kept my family situation to myself, but put on the spot about this, about something that I have been happy about… well, it’s hard.

And if me and Will are going to carry on dating and working together, it will only get worse, won’t it? The relationship will only grow and so will the lie. I don’t know if I’m going to be able to do it. I already feel like everyone can see through me and they know that I am doing something wrong.

“I really doubt Wi… Mr. Brent would need to keep an eye on you anyway,” I reassure Alisha. “I might have only been working for you for one afternoon, but it’s enough for me to see that you run your department really well. I’m sure everyone is going through the same thing and it’s more because there are lots of new employees. The expansion must be stressful for him, so…” God, is this working? I can’t quite tell. “Yeah, you’re doing great.”

Alisha nods slowly as she allows my words to sink in. I’m sure that I spot relief covering her face as she finally accepts that I might well be right with what I’m saying…thank goodness. I don’t want Alisha to feel bad because she really hasn’t done anything wrong. She has been so great with me, I wouldn’t know what to do without her.

“Yeah, maybe so. I suppose it is a big change. Thank you, Serena. You have stopped me freaking out.”

“Oh, well that’s okay.” A hot blush hits my face. “Any time. I have had a really great time learning with you…”

“Well, if that’s the case then it might be a good idea for you to get to know the team better, don’t you think? If you will be sticking around. And, you can only get to know people at work so much when you’re in the office, which is why we go out every Friday night. We try as many of us who can, each week, anyway. We would love for you to come along because then you can become one of our friends as well as someone we work with.” Alisha leans in closer as if she is sharing a secret that she only wants me to hear. “I think this is why we work so well. Because we do all get along.”

A warmth surges through me as I think about that possibility. Myself, with an actual group of friends! How wonderful would that be? That’s one of the things I’m still missing in my brand new, maybe not as perfect as I first thought, new life and I am more than keen to get on board with that idea. I have always wanted a circle of people.

“I would love that.” I grin from ear to ear. “Thank you, Alisha. That sounds like a lot of fun.”

“It’s always a good time. Although sometimes people go too far. Dan often drinks too much…”

As she launches into the tales of fun that her team has had on a night out, I get all buzzy and excitable. I manage to forget all the drama going on around me with Will and our little mess. I even manage to push my worry that my mom hasn’t bothered to call me yet to one side. This is going to be really good for me, I just know it. This night out is going to bring me much closer to people and it’s going to help me get even closer to discovering the real me. I’m already becoming her, learning who I am and what I like in life. Friends will only take that further.

I smile at Alisha with the hope that me and her are going to be the sort of friends who get incredibly close and even end us as best mates. I have always been jealous of people with that relationship and I’ve always wanted it for myself as well. Even if she is my direct line manager. Oh God, what is it with me and the bosses? I am a mess.

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