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“You are a virgin?” I whisper desperately. “You were a virgin? You lost your virginity to me?” And, she nods slowly. I can almost feel the agony rolling off her in waves. I don’t know if this is her final layer, but it’s certainly one that leaves her vulnerable and exposed. All raw and laid out for me. “And you didn’t tell me?”

“Should I have told you? Oh God, I didn’t think about it. I got caught up in the moment.”

I catch her hands just before she falls apart in panic and do what I can to reassure her. “Sorry, I didn’t mean that to sound like you have done something wrong, I’m just surprised, that’s all. That you trusted me…”

“I liked you… I still like you. Of course I trusted you. I would love nothing more than to keep exploring what me and you have, but I’m trying to be sensible about this. I want to make sure that we aren’t making a mistake.”

“Wouldn’t it be more of a mistake to always be left wondering what if?” I take her in my arms once more, needing to protect her even more now. She’s so pure, so innocent, she has given so much of herself to me, and she wants to give more but she can’t because she’s so scared. “I don’t want to let you go, Serena. I want to be with you, forever.”

But with the way that this night has been going, I know that my words won’t be enough. I have to show her. I kiss her deeper this time, understanding her a little bit better this time around. As she molds into me and accepts my kiss, at least for the moment, I know for sure that I am going to make sure that this is the best night of her life, just like I would have done had I known that she was a virgin on that first night. God, I would have been so much better for her. But I can make up for that now. I can make sure that she is blown the hell away tonight and then she will never want to leave me again. She’ll find a way to make it work with me no matter what. I just want Serena to realize that nothing else matters but me and her. Everything else will find a way of figuring itself out.

“Come with me,” I whisper. “Come with me to the bedroom. Don’t leave me just yet. Please.”

Chapter 11 – Serena

What the hell am I doing? Why am I allowing Will to lead me into his bedroom? I’ve just pretty much let him know that we can only choose either to work together in the same office or carry forward our personal relationship. I was strong… at least, I thought I was. I thought I made it clear that I was letting him go. Yet somehow, he has me following him into his bedroom and I’ll be a willing victim for whatever that would come next. I’m weak, I’m pathetic for him, but my feelings for this man are too hard to ignore.

With a gentle kiss on my lips, Will places me back on his bed. He’s treating me differently this time, he’s caressing me, stroking me, touching me with a softness. I think it’s because he now knows that I’m new to all of this. He’s changed his way towards me because he knows that he took my virginity. I don’t know how to feel about this, but since I haven’t done anything to stop him yet, I can only assume that it’s fine… or I’m being more curious.

There is such an intense loving look in his eyes as he tugs my clothing off of me, it’s impossible not to get sucked in by him right now. I barely even notice that he’s completely undressing me while keeping his own clothing on. At least, I don’t until his lips crash against my breast and he delicately takes my nipple in his mouth. His tongue twists and twirls at the bare skin around my nipple making me feel all the more excited and I grab his hair to hold on to something. The way he is licking my nipples is making me feel so good, which is much more than I was ever expecting. I never knew that a man could make me feel so good with only my breasts alone.

It helps that his fingers are lightly grazing over my hips, making me shudder with anticipation. Whatever I should be doing flies out the window and I get lost with only him and the sensations he has careering through me. How can I even consider giving up on a man who makes me feel this good? Right now, that seems utterly impossible.

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