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Take My Breath Away – Second Chance Babies

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“What are you looking at?” I asked loudly as they both jumped.

“Sterling! You never change,” Callie told me as she glared at me.

“Hi, sis. What’s up?” I asked as Molly looked at her twin and then at me.

“Did I hear someone scream out here?” My elegant mother walked down the stairs, searching the rooms with her bright green eyes. “Sterling. You’re here!” She rushed over to me for a hug and I wrapped my arms around her. I loved my mom, but I wished that she’d stand up to Dad occasionally. He was so focused on work and never spent time with her, nor did he spend it with us when we were little.

“I am. I was just saying hi to the girls,” I replied sarcastically as they both groaned.

“Scaring us is more like it. Some things never change.” They leaned back and looked at the phone again.

“Where’s Dan?” I asked, pulling away to look at Mom. I didn’t bother asking about Dad.

“He’s driving right now. There was an emergency surgery at the hospital.” She smiled warmly as she spoke of my older brother. He was the star of the family as a top surgeon in Seattle. If he did anything better than working with Dad, it was being a surgeon.

“Good. What are these two up to?” I asked, nodding at the twins.

“Callie got her ultrasound today. First one.” Mom smiled, and I remembered that my sister was pregnant. Since her fiancé worked with Dad, it was wonderful news. I was happy for her since he was a nice man, but I hated the whole connection to this family. “I hope it’s a girl.”

“Drew wants a boy,” Callie said as she rolled her eyes. “The next few months should be fabulous.”

“It will be once you’re over this morning sickness,” Molly promised her as she hugged Callie.

I watched them, admiring their bond. I didn’t have that with Dan though we got on well.

“How’s school? Are you excited to be done soon?” Mom asked, leading me to the kitchen.

“Sure, I am. I am still going on to law school though. It’s not over yet,” I reminded her as she frowned at me.

“You’re still planning that?” I stared at her.

“Yes, I am. Nothing has changed with that,” I assured her as she sighed.

“You know your father wants you to join the company, Sterling.” Her eyes were pleading with me and I kept my temper in check.

“I have my own dreams, Mom. I always have,” I told her, hugging her again. “It’ll be fine.”

I took my bag upstairs to my old room, thinking about Rosie. Years ago, she used to spend time in this house. There were a few pictures I brought to school with me of us as kids. I loved looking at them. I loved looking at her now, particularly when she was making herself come with her own hand. That was the hottest thing I’d ever seen. I knew it would be the chosen fantasy in my head to jerk off to from now on. I opened the door and dropped my bag on the bed.

There were so many memories in this room.

I unpacked what I could and got things organized. I heard voices downstairs and listened through the open door, hearing Dan’s voice. I headed downstairs and walked into the living room, seeing him standing there in his scrubs as he hugged Mom.

“Hey, Dan.” I said as he glanced up. “How are you doing?”

“Great. Tired. Hungry.” He walked over and hugged me. “It’s good to see you. It feels like you’re going to school in another state sometimes.”

“I hear that. I just get busy,” I replied, thinking that law school might be further away than the university.

We sat down and caught up as Mom grabbed beers for us. She only did this when we were staying for dinner for several hours. Dan also assured her that he didn’t have a shift for a couple of days though he did joke about falling asleep on the couch. The twins came in to greet him and he asked Callie how her appointment went. She showed him the ultrasound, and he looked it over as she sat beside him.

I watched, thinking in part about how I didn’t feel like I was a major part of this family and Rosie. I had never thought about having a kid, hence my strict policy about protection. I don’t know why I let it go with Rosie so easily. I knew that she had a future planned and wouldn’t be careless about it. She was responsible, and I couldn’t see her not always being prepared. It didn’t mean that I’d ever sleep with another woman bare because I wouldn’t. I just couldn’t go back with Rosie now.

“Sterling?” I blinked and looked at Dan. “Where were you?”

“Just thinking,” I replied quickly, sitting down, and forcing myself back into the present.

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