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Fated (Pyte/Sentinel 5)

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She would go…

God, she could be so stupid sometimes, because she’d always known since the day that her Pack had chased her off that she was never going to be able to go anywhere else.

She was stuck here with a mate that didn’t want her, but seemed to have a serious obsession with her breasts.

“So comfy,” he mumbled sleepily as he…

Did he just press a kiss against her breast?

Yes, yes he did, she realized with an eye roll as she once again forced herself to accept the fact that she had nowhere else to go, not if she wanted to live.


“Don’t you have a room?” Ryan asked, sighing heavily as he walked past them on his way to the kitchen.

“Get out,” Drew said, not bothering to take his eyes off the beautiful woman sleeping beneath him. He reached over and gently toyed with a strand of her hair, careful not to wake her as he rubbed the fine, soft threads between his fingers, loving the way the material felt falling between his fingers.

Closing his eyes, he inhaled her scent and nearly groaned with satisfaction as her scent invaded his senses, took over and destroyed the scent of every woman that had come before her, making them even more insignificant.

“This is fucking pathetic,” his Beta said with a look of disgust as he hugged a box of Lucky Charms in one arm and a bowl and a bottle of milk with the other arm as he headed for the door.

“Leave the magically delicious Lucky Charms and get the fuck out,” Drew said, unwilling to take his eyes off the bounty beneath him.

“Selfish bastard,” Ryan muttered, leaving the box of cereal on the table by the door before he opened the door and slammed it shut behind him with a chuckle.

With a heavy sigh, Drew released the lock of Kara’s hair that he’d been playing with and prepared himself for another fight about her leaving. She wasn’t going anywhere no matter what bullshit excuses she gave him. She was in danger and until he knew who was behind it, she wasn’t leaving his fucking sight.

He prepared himself for another argument that would end with him shifting and lying on top of her until the damn woman saw reason, but instead she surprised him by groaning in annoyance as she rolled over and curled her gorgeous naked body against his, greedy for his body heat and having absolutely no problem with taking what she wanted.

Chuckling, because this was typical of Kara after all, he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer until her large, firm breasts were pressed against his side. Closing his eyes with a sigh, he wondered what the hell he was going to do with this woman.

Besides throttle the little brat, he thought as his evil little mate threw her small leg over his hip, kneeing him in the balls just as his body registered the feel of the soft, warm hair between her legs pressing against his skin. Deciding that he’d rather die than move and risk losing contact with the place that his body craved the most, he endured the pain and remained still.

God, he really was a warped bastard, he thought as he closed his eyes and slowly breathed through the pain shooting through his balls. It was definitely worth it, he kept telling himself as he licked his lips and focused all of his attention on that one spot pressed up against him.

What he wouldn’t give to be able to roll her over, spread her legs and slide deep inside her, but he knew that if he ever tried, she’d turn him into a eunuch before he found out just how good it felt to have her sheathe wrapped around his cock.

Chapter 20

Okay, she couldn’t deny it any longer. Something was seriously wrong with her. One second she felt like she was burning up and the next she felt like she was on the verge of freezing to death. Every time she considered shifting to see if that would fix it, it would change to something else. She wasn’t sure if she was hungry, full, tired, sore, angry, happy or a million other things because it felt like her body and mind were on a goddamn rollercoaster and she would give anything to get off this fucking ride.

The only thing that she was sure of was that she wanted sex.

She needed it more than her next breath.

She wanted to feel a tongue licking her out, fingers fucking her and a large cock filling her. She knew sex would solve this, because no matter what her body did, all she could think about was sex. She wanted to take a large cock into her mouth, lick and suck on it as she ran her hand over the large, hard appendage. She wanted to get on her hands and knees and beg for a cock in her pussy, in her ass, anywhere as long as she was being fucked.

She’d finally started her first mating heat and she would really like it to stop now, she decided even as her grip on Drew’s shoulders tightened and the urge to climb on top of him and grind her pussy against his cock nearly had her crying. She’d gone through fifty-four heating seasons in her life and while she could honestly say that it wasn’t her favorite part about being a shifter, it had never been this bad.

At least now she knew that all the rumors about the first heat were true, it did make you want to scream and beg for someone to put you out of your fucking misery. The best part about this of course was that this was only the beginning. What she was feeling right now was nothing compared to what she’d be feeling tomorrow, in a week or even in a month if she didn’t get some relief soon.

She felt so sick, she thought, thankful for the change in mood so that she could push away from Drew before she did something that she was going to regret. Placing a hand over her bare stomach, she managed to stand up and stumble towards the back hallway where the bedrooms and bathrooms were. Not really caring where she ended up, she stumbled to the first door on her left, opened the door and sighed with relief when she saw the huge shower big enough to fit twenty people.

Praying that she made it there before she did something stupid like fall to her knees and scream for Drew to fuck her until all the pain and misery went away, she stumbled into the large shower stall, turned on all the shower heads to ice cold water and nearly screamed in frustration when the cold water turned to steam as soon as it touched her skin.

This was too much, this was too goddamn much and she knew that this was only the beginning. She wasn’t sure that she was going to want to survive until to see the end.


“Please…don’t,” Kara begged as she lay curled up on the floor, emitting the most delicious scent that had his cock going rock hard and making him lick his lips, imagining how good it would taste on his tongue.

She was finally ripe and oh God, was the scent intoxicating. He could barely think past how good it was going to feel when he slammed his cock inside her. He groaned just thinking about how she was going to feel wrapped around his cock, hot, wet and tight and he was going to-

“Drew,” she said, looking up at him through terrified green eyes, “please don’t.”

She’d never begged him for anything before and God help him, but he prayed that she never did again, because he honestly wasn’t sure that he could handle seeing her brought down this low again. Closing his eyes, he slowly exhaled, trying to shake his thoughts free from that damn intoxicating scent. When it became obvious that nothing was going to help, he gave up trying to fight it.

She was his mate.

His by rights and she was in her first mating heat. It would never be like this ever again…

And thank fucking God for that.


“I’m dying,” Kara said dramatically as she lay there, wondering why she was still alive when every sore muscle in her body told her that she should be dead.

“No, you’re wrecking the movie,” Drew said as he absently shushed her.

Frowning, because that’s really all that she seemed capable of doing at the moment, she tried to raise her head and failed. So, she simply settled on turning her head and-

“Are you watching Harry Potter?” she asked, admittedly confused about the most powerful Alpha in New England laying on the bed with his legs stretched over her prone naked body and eating a shit-load of junk food while he watched a Har

ry Potter movie.

Was it possible that she was already dead, she wondered as she tried to push his legs off her body, but apparently he wasn’t done using her as a footrest.

The bastard!

Not bothering to shush her this time, he simply stuffed a large handful of caramel chocolate covered popcorn in his mouth as he reached over and placed his hand over her mouth.

“Shhh, this is the good part,” he said with his gaze locked on the screen, making her roll her eyes as she tried to shove his hand off her mouth, but either she was incredibly weak or he was really an asshole, because she couldn’t seem to find the strength to move his hand so she simply-

“Mother fucker!” he snapped as he removed his hand, but he didn’t yell at her or try to retaliate in any way. He simply grabbed another handful of popcorn and ate it as he shook the sting out of his hand.

“Why exactly are you using me as a footrest?” she asked as she found herself shifting her attention to the movie and silently agreeing that this was definitely the best part of the movie.

“You were thrashing,” he simply said as he grabbed a Coke and took a sip.

“I was thrashing?” she repeated back slowly as she wracked her brain, trying to remember what happened, but all she could remember was something about the showers and feeling sick to her stomach.

“And screaming my name,” he said, shooting her a wink as he handed her the rest of his Coke.

Deciding that he was a lying bastard, at least about her screaming his name, she returned her attention to the movie and finished off the Coke. When it was empty, he handed her another one and then another one, apparently realizing how much sugar helped during a regular heat cycle.

At least she wouldn’t have to worry about the size of her ass tripling after this, she thought as she accepted a slice of lukewarm cheese pizza from him and lost herself in the movie.

By the time the movie was over she could barely keep her eyes open. She struggled, but in the end she was too exhausted to do anything more than lay there as Drew climbed off the bed, wearing only a pair of black boxer briefs, picked her up and promptly tucked her in bed beneath the covers. She would have demanded that he leave her alone and let her die in peace, but the pushy bastard wouldn’t have listened to her.

When he turned the television off along with the lights, she sighed with relief, closed her eyes and decided that perhaps a few more hours of sleep couldn’t hurt. Not that she really had much of a choice in the matter since her body was apparently on strike and refused to do anything else. That was really a shame, she decided a few minutes later when she felt the big bastard climb in bed behind her.

Too tired to tell him where he could go, she simply settled on, “Go. Away.”

“Not happening,” he said as he had the audacity to kiss her bare shoulder and wrap his warm body around hers.

The heat radiating off his body felt so good, she thought, wondering if she should protest this whole situation so that he didn’t think that she welcomed this sort of thing, but it felt too good to risk pissing him off and losing his body heat that was allowing her muscles to start to relax.

“Do you want a bath?” he whispered as he pressed another kiss to her shoulder.

She actually did, but right now she was too comfortable to move, but it wasn’t just that. She felt safe. Thanks to Drew the Prick, she actually felt safe for the first time in her life and for that alone she would keep her mouth shut and savor this moment, because she had no idea when she would ever get the opportunity to feel like this again.

Chapter 21

“Okay,” he said slowly, keeping his hands where the large werewolf growling at him could see them so that she knew that he wasn’t going to do anything fucking stupid.

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