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Fated (Pyte/Sentinel 5)

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Chapter 35

“Get down,” Drew said with a resigned sigh that only confirmed her previous suspicions.

Drew had lost his goddamn mind.

Not that she hadn’t figured that out on her own when several of his Pack members, including Mick the traitorous bastard, had hunted her down, tackled her and dragged her back to the scene of the biggest shifter massacre that she’d ever seen.

Not that she’d seen that many, except for maybe that one time…

When she’d spotted Drew, still standing in that same spot where he’d let her walk away last night, covered in blood from head to toe and looking as though he had some issues to work out, she hadn’t known what to think. At that point, she’d decided that it would probably be best to escape her captors and once again start heading towards her unknown future since it looked as though Drew had apparently gone crazy. Her captors on the other hand hadn’t been willing to let her go until Drew, in the throe

s of another psychotic breakdown, had come for her.

At that point she’d tried to make her escape with a little more urgency, but Drew, having completely lost his mind, had grabbed her, carried her off to his truck, tossed her inside and started driving. When she’d finally managed to untangle her blanket from around her legs and sit up, she opened her mouth to ask him what the hell was going on, but then of course all that blood covering him from head to toe and that rather angry expression on his face reminded her that perhaps this was not the best time to have that conversation.

She figured that since he knew the truth that he was probably going to drive her as far away from his precious Boston as his truck would take them. What she hadn’t expected, and really, after she’d spotted him covered from head to toe in blood, she really should have expected anything, including the fact that he had definitely lost his mind, was for him to bring her back to his club.

He was driving back to Boston and he was determined to bring her with him, whether she wanted to go or not. If she was going to be honest with herself about this one, she definitely did not want to go back to Boston with a man who’d apparently torn apart an entire Pack with his bare hands. Call her crazy, but that just didn’t sound like a reasonable plan, especially since he had locked cells downstairs and the power to do whatever he wanted to her now that he knew the truth.

So, she’d made her decision that perhaps it was best if they went their separate ways. When she’d explained that to him, he’d simply continued staring straight ahead, appearing as though he hadn’t heard a single word that she’d said. It was at that point that she realized that if she wanted to ever see daylight again that she needed to test out her stunt skills and find out exactly how much it hurt to jump from a speeding truck.

Well, since he’d grabbed her before she could fully test that theory out, she was going to have to base her answer on the flattened road kill that she saw briefly before Drew managed to drag her back into the truck and lock the doors to prevent her from making another escape attempt. It probably would have worked if she hadn’t immediately shifted her attention to the back window. Within seconds, she was diving out of the open window, ready to live a life on the run, but unfortunately for her, the size of her ass had caused some problems for her escape plan.

Drew hadn’t seen it as a problem. In fact, he seemed quite satisfied with knowing that she was stuck with absolutely no way to escape unless she shifted, but since that would cause problems of its own and she really didn’t want to find out what it was like to be cut in two by glass and metal. So, she decided against shifting.

Drew, on the other hand, had decided that her current situation was the most beneficial one since it meant that her escape attempts were momentarily suspended and her round ass had offered him a comfortable armrest. When he’d shifted her blanket out of the way so that he could casually rub her bare ass cheeks while truckers drove by honking their horns in approval, she had not been amused.

His amusement had stopped when she’d renewed her escape attempts and somehow managed to shove her large breasts free from her blanket that still covered that part of her body, which had earned quite a few appreciative comments and horn honking that for some reason didn’t seem to please Drew. That’s when he’d pulled over at the rest stop, glared at everyone parked there until they got the hint and left.

Let’s be honest here, when a large, muscular man completely in the buff, covered in dried blood, had silver eyes and fangs, and growled at everything and everyone until people were running screaming for their lives it wasn’t exactly a surprise that he’d managed to clear the rest stop in less than a minute.

Then again, it hadn’t exactly surprised her when the State Police had shown up a few minutes later. Since there really was no way to explain to armed police officers about the nudity, blood, fangs and the whole growling thing, Drew had made an executive decision to throw her ass over his shoulder and carry her through the freezing woods while she’d made an executive decision of her very own, one that had her grabbing hold of the first decent sized tree branch above her and pulling herself up to freedom.

Unfortunately for her, freedom had come at a cost to her bare skin. Apparently frozen bark was not very gentle on human skin. Now, if she had shifted like any sane Alpha would have done, then she could have made her escape without any problems, but since she was top heavy, her blanket had shifted and she now understood the term “rug burn,” at least when it came to her boobs, she was kind of stuck on the branch, squeezing her arms tightly around her breasts and somehow finding the courage not to cry or mutter a few expletive words that would probably convey what she was feeling at the moment.


“I don’t have all day for this, woman,” he forced himself to say firmly when all he wanted to do was climb that tree, grab his mate and see what damage she’d done to those beautiful breasts that he loved so damn much.

“Then go,” she bit out, trying to sound brave, trying to sound like she wasn’t on the verge of crying and normally that would make him proud, but after the last twenty-four hours he had to admit that his patience was shot to shit and he really didn’t feel like playing anymore fucking games.

“Have it your way,” he said with a heavy sigh as he jumped up, grabbed onto the rough branch, pulled himself up, grabbed Kara when she tried to scurry off away, tore the blanket away from her and with a put-out sigh, because it was just part of the job, he leaned down and began to carefully clean her cuts and abrasions with his tongue.

Several times he had to tell his cock to mind its own fucking business and focus on the job at hand, but the damn thing wouldn’t listen to him. So, he simply ignored it and continued cleaning Kara’s damaged breasts with his tongue, sighing heavily when he came to a particularly bad scrape on the side of her breasts.

This mate business was really a tedious job, he told himself as he lost himself in those large breasts that he’d thought about way too much over the years. All those years he’d wasted, he realized with a sigh as he moved his tongue over to her nipple and flicked it just to be on the safe side.

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