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Honeymoon from Hell III (Honeymoon from Hell 3)

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What if they’d finally managed to break him? God, she couldn’t stomach the idea of him coming back changed, which was the only way that she could describe how most of the men came back after the initiation. She wasn’t sure that she could handle seeing a strong man like Connor flinching anytime a noise startled him or find h

im curled up in the corner, sobbing and muttering to himself because the memories had become too much for him to handle.

Once upon a time she may have willed that kind of hell on him, but with time and really great sex, she’d been able to get over their shared animosity. Sure, it would probably entertain her to see him dive for cover whenever the doorbell went off, but now that they were married it just seemed wrong to take immense satisfaction out of seeing someone screwing with his head.

Unless that someone was her of course.

Just because they were married didn’t mean that she was going to give up something that brought her such joy. She might take it down a notch or two, but she really just couldn’t imagine going through life without screwing with her husband in that way that always seemed to bring a smile to her face. It just seemed wrong somehow to give up that side of their relationship that had kept them together all these years, but she wouldn’t be able to screw with his head if he didn’t survive the initiation.

With that in mind, she climbed out of the tub, after enjoying five more minutes simply because it felt wrong to let all this decadent hot water go to waste, and reluctantly climbed out of the tub. She wrapped a large pink towel around herself and headed for the bathroom door, trying to decide which brother would cave the quickest and tell her where they were keeping Connor as she pulled her hair free from the loose bun she’d made so that she could soak in the tub without getting her hair wet. She stepped into the hallway and headed for the bedroom, deciding that Bryce was her best bet when she saw him.

Lying passed out in the middle of their bed.

Covered in varying stages of drying mud, leaves, clumps of grass, and twigs was her husband, lying passed out on his back. His clothes, the same clothes that he’d been wearing a week ago when he was released from the emergency room thanks to the beating her brothers had dished out to him, were torn, stained and definitely ruined. His short hair was in the same condition as his clothes, messy, full of bits of leaves, and small clumps of mud, but that did nothing to take away from just how truly handsome he was, even with his face covered in dirt, scrapes and about a week’s worth of whiskers, her husband was still an incredibly handsome man, she thought with a smile as she walked over to the bed, dropping her towel as she went.

She climbed on the bed and threw her leg over his lap in one smooth move so that she could straddle his lap while she got a closer look at the damage. Considering that he’d just spent the past week trapped somewhere with her brothers and cousins, she had to admit that he didn’t look so bad. She’d seen men come back worse from an “initiation,” a hell of a lot worse, so maybe they’d lucked out and weren’t going to have to spend a fortune on therapy to fix whatever her relatives had done to him.

At least she hoped they didn’t, she thought with a long drawn out sigh as she leaned over and gently ran her fingers through his messy hair and felt her lips pull up into a wobbly smile as she leaned down, unable to help herself, and softly brushed her lips against his.

“Missed me bad, huh?” he asked, smiling against her lips as his arms came around her and held her close so that he could kiss her back.

“Maybe,” she mumbled, theatrically squishing up her face with disgust when she caught his scent.

It wasn’t bad, but it also wasn’t something that she would want to wake up to every morning. He smelled like mud, pond water, fresh cut grass and for some odd reason…Christmas trees?

He chuckled with that bad boy smile that she loved as he released his hold on her. “I guess I should probably go take a shower, huh?”

“Probably,” she murmured teasingly, brushing her lips against his one last time before she climbed off his lap, but he didn’t let her go far.

“Join me,” he said, taking her hand in his as he ran an appreciative eye over her.

Having absolutely no willpower when it came to him and that wicked smile of his, she gave his hand a squeeze and let him lead her out of their bedroom.

“Do you want to tell me where you’ve been?” she asked offhandedly, doing her best to hide her curiosity, remembering all too well how much he enjoyed screwing with her head whenever the opportunity presented itself.

He turned around and walked backwards, cocking his head to the side, studying her with a curious tilt of his brow. “You really don’t know?”

“Do you think if I did I would have left you at the tender mercy of my brothers and cousins?” she shot back, kind of hurt that he thought so little of her.

Okay, granted there had been a time when she might have sat back with a big cup of hot cocoa and savored the moment, but things were different now. A year ago she would have treated her brothers to dinner and a round at McKay’s Bar, but not now. Now she was already planning her revenge, because Connor was hers.

It was as simple as that.

He shook his head, his smile never wavering as he said, “No, I know you wouldn’t.”

“Good,” she said, immensely pleased that he believed her. “Now tell me where they took you,” she demanded, too curious to pretend otherwise now, especially since the men were usually hogtied and left on the front step where they usually stayed until someone stumbled across them sometime the next morning after their release.

“Hmm, I’m not sure that I can tell you that,” he said, that devastatingly sexy smile of his turning mischievous as he led her across the small hallway and back into the bathroom of her dreams.

“And why’s that?” she asked, returning his smile as she released his hand, walked over to the large stone shower stall, slid the glass door open and stepped inside.

“I’ve been sworn to secrecy,” he said, shooting her a wink as he grabbed his toothbrush.

She blinked at him. “You’re kidding me, right?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” he asked, chuckling as he turned around and focused on brushing his teeth while she stood there, hating to admit that yes, yes she really would like to know.

Chapter 2

“Are you planning on pouting all night?” he asked, chuckling even as he somehow resisted the urge to grab her and make a strategic retreat while they still had the chance, but after a week of being away from her, he just couldn’t force himself to do the right thing, not when she was standing naked in the shower, wet and waiting for him.

God, she was so fucking beautiful, he thought in a daze as he rinsed his mouth out, tossed his toothbrush aside and headed towards her, pausing only long enough to toe off his boots and tear off the clothes that he was going to have to incinerate. But, that was a problem for later, because right now he had the most beautiful woman in the world waiting for him.

“Are you planning on telling me what happened?” she asked, absently adjusting the temperature of the water as she waited for him to join her.

“Depends,” he murmured absently as he shoved his boxers off, finally stepped inside the large shower stall and wrapped his arms around his wife, closed his eyes and simply savored the feel of her in his arms.

“Depends on what?” she asked, smoothly turning in his arms even as she maneuvered him beneath the spray of hot water and man, did that feel good after spending a week stuck out in the woods.

“Many things,” he whispered as he leaned down and pressed a kiss to her neck as he let his hands glide over her body, reacquainting himself with her body as she reached over and grabbed a bottle of shampoo.

When she moved to step back in his arms, he allowed it and simply stood there, savoring her touch as she began washing his hair, running her fingers through his hair as he simply stood there, watching her. When she was done, he simply closed his eyes and dropped his head back, allowing the hot water to rinse his hair clean while she shifted her attention to the rest of his body as he told himself that they would put an end to this in a few minutes and go before it was too late.

He licked his lips hungrily as she ran her soapy hands over his shoulders, down his arms, over his chest, his back and down to his ass where she gave him an apprec

iative squeeze and used her hold to bring him closer. The move caused his erection to brush up against her flat stomach and had him instantly forgetting that they needed to leave and soon. All thoughts of self-preservation went flying out the door when she released a hungry little moan.

“Oh, fuck,” he groaned, leaning down and taking her mouth in a hungry kiss that had all thoughts of leaving the state for an extended period of time evaporating as he pulled her tightly into his arms.

“I missed you,” she admitted on a needy little moan that had his heart racing and reigniting the fire inside him that had him fucking over every single one of her brothers and cousins so that he could return to her.

He’d never been so fucking desperate in his life than he’d been over this past week to get to her. He’d missed her so damn much that sometimes it had been difficult taking his next breath without feeling that sense of panic that came along with not knowing that the person that you loved most in this world was okay. A whole week without seeing her, talking to her or knowing that she was safe had taken its toll on him.

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