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Colters Woman (Colters Legacy 1)

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Adam looked at the others and shrugged. What sicko had taken the child and left him here in the cold to freeze to death?

He reached down and picked Sam up, cradling him in his arms. “We’re going to take you home now, Sam. Your mama’s been awfully worried. ”

“Don’t let the bad man hurt her,” Sam mumbled against Adam’s shirt.

“Don’t worry, son. He can’t hurt your mama. ”

Sam raised his head. “Not Mama. The woman. The bad man said he had to take care of a woman. ”

Icy prickles danced up Adam’s spine. He glanced over at the others, tendrils of dread clinging to him like a vine. “Take him for me,” he directed Ethan.

After Ethan hefted the boy into his arms, Adam dug for his cell phone. He punched in his home number and waited as it rang. He let it ring twenty times before he closed his cell phone. He swore softly.

“It’s the middle of the night,” Lacey offered. “They’re probably asleep. ”

“Yeah and my signal sucks,” Adam said, trying to dispel the heavy foreboding that swelled in his gut. “I’ll try again when we get to town. ”

“Ready to head out?” Lacey asked as she secured the rope to the rescue sled.

Ethan laid Sam down and arranged blankets around him. Then he and Adam took the rope and began pulling the sled through the snow. It was at least an hour trek back to town, and Adam carried a knot the size of a softball in his stomach.

Forty-five minutes later, out of breath and slogging much slower through the snow, Adam and Ethan stopped a moment to rest.

“It’s not much further now,” Lacey said.

Adam nodded, too winded to speak. The peal of his cell phone ringing rent the night air. Adam dropped the rope and dug frantically for his phone.

He flipped it open. “This is Adam. ”

“Adam…” Holly’s voice, faint and wavery, filtered through the line.

“Holly?” Relief surged through him.

“Adam, thank God. ” Her voice got a little stronger. “I don’t have much time. ” He could hear tears, thick in her voice, and his pulse began pounding in his head. “He killed Ryan,” she sobbed.

Adam’s blood ran cold. “Holly, Holly, baby, where are you? Are you all right?” he shouted.

“I don’t know where I am,” she said, her voice desperate. “He took me. Please come get me. ” Her voice broke.

“You bloody bitch, give me that!”

Adam held the phone, paralyzed as he heard the scene play out over the phone. Holly cried out. Adam heard the smack of flesh. Then the phone went dead.

“Sweet Jesus. ”

Ethan grabbed him by the shoulder. “What the fuck is going on?”

“Holly,” Adam said hoarsely. “She said Ryan’s dead. Someone has her. ”

Ethan dropped the floodlight he’d been carrying.

“We have to get to the cabin. Ryan. My God. ” Adam couldn’t form another coherent thought.

“You two go on,” Lacey said. “I can take Sam from here. You’ll go quicker without the sled. I’ll radio for backup, get a car out there as fast as I can. My guys are still out on the east end coming off their search. ”

Adam didn’t wait to hear anymore. He and Ethan began running through the snow. Ryan. Dead. The words hummed over and over, running through his mind in a sick litany.

The bastard had lured them out, kidnapped a child, and now he had Holly. His blood ran cold. Colder than the snow that wrapped around his legs. Holly would die if they didn’t get to her and get to her fast.

Ahead, the shine of the town lights glistened off the snow. Adam put on a burst of speed, his single-minded focus to get to the Land Rover as fast as possible. Ethan kept pace beside him, neither voicing the fears uppermost in their conscience.

The reached the back of Riley’s store and raced around to the parking lot and across the street to where the Land Rover was parked. Several townspeople, including Sam’s parents called out to them, but Adam ignored everything but the Land Rover.

He threw himself into the driver’s seat, started the engine and threw it into reverse. Ethan barely made it inside before Adam roared down the street.

The drive up the mountain took forever, and every minute, Adam whispered a prayer. God, don’t take them from me.

He gripped the steering wheel, taking the turns and switchbacks faster than he ever had. Let him be okay. Don’t take Ryan from us.

They tore into the driveway, and both men bounded for the door. The house was dark. Adam burst in, shouting Ryan’s name. Ethan shoved past him, flipping at the light switches.

Ethan swore a blue streak when the lights failed to come on then shouted Ryan’s name again.

Adam stopped cold when he heard a low moan. He leaped over the couch toward the hallway leading to the guestrooms.

“Get me a light!” he barked back at Ethan.

“Ryan! Ryan!” Adam threw himself to the floor beside his brother’s crumpled form.

Ethan appeared with a flashlight and shined it over Ryan’s body. His chest was bathed in blood, but his eyelids fluttered as the light hit his face.

“Ryan, it’s me, Adam. Can you hear me?”

“How could I not when you’re yelling in my damn ear?” Ryan grumbled.

Adam wilted in relief, his body going slack. “You ornery bastard, you scared ten years off me. ”

“Holly,” Ryan began, his voice cracking. “He got Holly. ”

“Where are you hit?” Adam demanded, not focusing on Holly for just a moment. He had to take care of them one at a time, and at this minute, he had to make sure Ryan was okay.

“Shoulder,” Ryan said, his breath coming in short gasps.

“Can you get up?”

Ryan moved then moaned in pain.

“Adam!” Lacey called from the door. “You in here?”

“Over here,” Ethan called, shining a light toward her. “How’d you get here so fast?”

“I dumped the kid in town and got up here as fast as I could. Jesus Christ, what the hell happened?” she demanded as she knelt beside Ryan.

“Help me up, damn it,” Ryan said desperately. “He’s got Holly. ”

“Who has her, Ryan?” Adam demanded.

He and Ethan lifted Ryan, and Adam wrapped an arm around him so he wouldn’t fall. They guided Ryan to the couch and set him down.

“We’ve got to get you to the hospital,” Ethan said.

“No. ”

“Ryan, you’re in no shape to be anywhere but in the hospital. ”

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