Colters Promise (Colters Legacy 4) - Page 4

“I missed you too, dolcezza. Now take your medicine so I can build a fire and make you more comfortable. Want your pj’s or one of my shirts?”

“Mmm, your shirt, please. ”

He smiled. It was a wonder he had any sort of a wardrobe left, because she routinely stole his shirts to sleep or lounge in. It gave him a ridiculous thrill to see his clothing on her. Just another stamp of his possession. Like the bands she wore on her wrists. She was his.

Oh, she had a wedding ring. A gorgeous princesscut diamond that had appalled her with how much it cost. But the platinum cuffs she wore around both wrists … Those were more special than even the symbol she wore on her finger. They were what signified her bond to him. Her submission.

They were intricately designed, made especially for her, and he’d had them engraved. On the outside of one, along the bottom, read two halves of a whole. And on the other was we are one. And on the inside of each in

flowing script, Max and Callie.

He gently placed the pills on her tongue, then held up the glass so she could sip at the water. She winced and swallowed hard, putting her hand to her throat as the pills finally went down.

“I should take you to the doctor,” he said. “You might have strep throat. ”

“If I’m not better by tomorrow, I’ll go. Promise. Going to the doctor means having to move, and right now I just want you to hold me. ”

He eased her back onto the couch, pressing another kiss to her temple. “I’ll be right back. Just need to get some wood to start the fire. I’ll get one of my shirts and pillows and another blanket. ”

She opened her eyes to stare up at him. “I’m so glad you’re home. ”

His heart softened at the love in her eyes and voice. He touched her cheek and then hurried toward the door leading outside to the patio where he kept wood stacked.

A few minutes later, flames licked over the dry wood. He hurriedly collected the items from the bedroom and returned to Callie.

He sat her up and she leaned into him as he undressed her down to her socks. He left them on, not wanting her to get cold, and then pulled his shirt on her and buttoned it all the way to the top.

After kicking off his shoes, he settled onto the couch, propping pillows around her before pulling her against him.

She let out a sigh and snuggled deeply into his arms, burrowing until she was damn near underneath him.

“I feel better already,” she said against his chest.

He kissed her again, unable to stop himself from touching her. His arms were full of the woman he loved. He was home. There was no better feeling.

“Is Lauren all right?”

He blew out a long sigh and clutched her a little closer to ease the pain that had suddenly crept through his chest. “No. She’s not. ”

Callie tried to raise her head, but he pulled her down, holding her against him.

“What happened?”

“The man she was with …” He couldn’t even form the words. It made him angry to even think it. He closed his eyes and rested his cheek against the top of Callie’s head. “He abused her. ”

Such a simple word that in no way conveyed what this man had done to his baby sister. He’d savaged her. Broken her in body and spirit. Abused? No, the word simply didn’t do justice to the damage he’d inflicted.

“Oh, Max, I’m so sorry. What happened? Where is she now? Why didn’t you bring her back with you?”

“I tried. She wouldn’t come. She’s ashamed. God, Callie, I can see it in her eyes. She can barely even look me in the face. She called me only because it had gotten bad, and she was afraid he’d kill her. She was hiding at a friend’s house, terrified that at any moment the bastard would find her. ”

This time Callie did sit up and fire was in her eyes. “Max, she has to come here. She shouldn’t be alone now!”

“No of course not,” he soothed. “I’d never leave her alone and unprotected. I’ve taken care of it. And yes, I agree. She needs to be here. I don’t plan to back off, but she’s overwhelmed right now. I was …” He broke off and sighed. “I was afraid to push her too hard. She seems so fragile and so near her breaking point. I moved her into an apartment. I’ve hired someone to shadow her at all times. I also reported the asshole who abused her to the police. There’s a warrant out for his arrest right now. ”

“What did he do to her?” Callie asked, tears brimming in her eyes.

“He beat the hell out of her,” Max said, bleakness nearly overwhelming him. . “She says he didn’t rape her, but I’m not sure I believe that. I’m so angry. And I feel helpless. She was ashamed to call me and wouldn’t have if it hadn’t been a last resort. ”

“She’ll be safe here,” Callie vowed.

Max nodded. “I want her here by Christmas. I’m giving her space and time for the bruises to fade. She didn’t want anyone to see her as she is now. It’s frustrating because I don’t care. I just want her here, with me, where I know she’s safe and taken care of. But she refused to even consider coming right now, and as I said, I was afraid to push too hard. I have a cop friend who’s going to check in on her as well, and he’ll also keep me posted when they find that little bastard. ”

Callie hugged him tightly and he shook his head at the idea that as sick as she was, she was offering him comfort. He kissed her again and hugged her back, letting her sweetness wash over him.

“I should have seen it. ” He let some of the pent-up despair that had lived with him for the last few days ease from his chest. Grief was thick in his throat. “I’ve always checked up on her boyfriends in the past. But this time I let it go. I told myself she wasn’t a baby anymore. That I should trust her judgment. ”

Callie reached up and cupped his face. She looked at him with such love and tenderness that, again, he was shamed by the thought that he should be doing all he could to offer her comfort.

Tags: Maya Banks Colters Legacy Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024