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Colters Promise (Colters Legacy 4)

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It wasn’t that she didn’t trust her husbands. They’d promised her that if and when she was ready to ever have another child, they’d be with her every step of the way and she’d never have to shoulder the burden alone.

But what if it happened anyway?

Sudden infant death syndrome.

Just thinking the words paralyzed her.

How would s

he be able to sleep for fear of having her baby snatched away in the space of a stolen moment of rest?

“I don’t know what to do,” she whispered again.

She closed her eyes and bowed her head, whispering the first tentative words of a prayer she’d gone long without saying.

Warmth slid over her as the sun peeked from the thick cover of puffy gray clouds. She opened her eyes and lifted her head as a single ray slipped over her, warming her skin, a barrier to the cold.

The wind picked up and the trees rustled and swayed. The scent of pine was strong and the breeze dried the wetness on her cheeks.

It will be all right.

She imagined the nearly silent whisper that sounded as if it was carried through the trees from the valley. But it comforted her, still.

She hunched forward and carefully put a hand over her still-flat abdomen.

A life.

A tiny, defenseless life lay nestled there underneath her fingers. Already precious. And loved. Loved so very much.

She hugged herself and rocked back and forth, willing the fear to dissipate. She was strong. So much stronger than before.

But no matter how strong she was now, she wouldn’t survive another loss.

The peal of her cell phone disturbed the peaceful solitude. She jumped and then reached into her pocket for the phone. It was her mother-in-law’s ringtone and Lily’s pulse ratcheted up.

Someone had probably seen her at the doctor’s, and Holly was likely calling to see if everything was okay. Lily wasn’t ready to divulge such unsettling news. She needed time to come to terms with her pregnancy before she blurted it out to her family.


She closed her eyes, wrapping herself in the comfort and knowledge that she had the best family in the entire world. They loved her and she loved them dearly.

With shaking fingers, she hit the button to receive the call and put the phone to her ear.


“Lily, dear, it’s Holly. How are you?”

“F-fine. I’m fine. How are you?”

“I’m on my way over, actually. I hope you’re home! I didn’t even think to call before I left. You know how I am. Once I get an idea in my head, I act. And to be honest, I was more focused on being able to get past the husbands without the third degree. You know how they are about me driving myself into town. ”

Lily smiled, picturing Holly rolling her eyes as she always did when she talked about the three older Colter men.

“Yes, I’m home. ”

“Oh good,” Holly breathed. “I have a huge favor to ask. ”

Lily let a sigh of relief. Her mother-in-law wasn’t calling because she knew Lily had been to the doctor.

She stood rapidly, still holding the phone as she headed toward the back door. It wouldn’t do for Holly to see the mess Lily was in. She’d latch on and there’d be no avoiding the issue.

She wiped frantically at her face even as she murmured a good-bye to Holly. She tossed the phone onto the counter and then headed into the bathroom.

She had about fifteen minutes to make it look like her world hadn’t just been tilted on its axis.


LILY smiled broadly at herself in the mirror. She grimaced and then let her lips fall. The smile looked exactly the way it felt—fake and forced. When the doorbell rang, she sighed and turned away.

Makeup did wonders, though Lily didn’t normally wear much—and she didn’t have much on now. Just enough to disguise the signs of grief that had ravaged her face earlier.

She hurried to the door, putting on a genuine, warm smile before opening it.

Holly bustled in from the cold, immediately pulling Lily into a huge hug. Holly wasn’t a large woman by any stretch, but she hugged like a bear. Lily felt it to her soul and closed her eyes as her mother-in-law soothed and patted and made Lily feel like she was bathed in sunshine.

“Are none of those boys of mine home today?” Holly asked when she finally released Lily.

Lily shut the door, took Holly’s coat, and shook her head. “Dillon went in early because Callie was working the bar last night. He never likes it when she does and neither does Max. Max called, wanting him to at least make sure she didn’t sleep on the couch in the office, so I’m sure he went in and made her go home. ”

“Ah,” Holly said. “Well, Max is home so he’ll take care of that, I suppose. ”

“I’m so glad they’ll be here this Christmas. ”

Holly’s entire face lit up. “Oh yes, me too. My whole family here for Christmas. I’m so excited, I can’t stand it. ”

As they entered the living room, Lily paused and turned to see Holly staring intently at her.

“Are you all right, Lily? You look a little pale. ”

Lily swallowed and forced a brighter smile. “I’m fine. ”

Holly frowned but didn’t pursue the matter, and now Lily worried that she’d mention her concerns to her sons. Impulsively, she reached for Holly’s hand and squeezed, feeling better for the contact.

“Holly, I’m fine. Now tell me what favor you need. You know I’d do anything for you. ”

Her mother-in-law turned, took both of Lily’s hands in hers, her eyes dancing with excitement. “I want you to teach me how to cook. ”

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