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Wishing For Us (Danvers 9)

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Mia propped her face in her hand and studied her. Finally, she asked, “So you’re going to pretend to be his wife to make him look like a better father? What if he doesn’t deserve it? He could be a horrible parent.”

“He’s an amazing dad,” Lydia piped up enthusiastically. “His daughter spent the day with us yesterday. We went to Ripley’s Aquarium and then to dinner. She is simply precious, and he hangs on her every word. Their bond was readily apparently whereas the one she has with her mother showed more signs of resignation than affection.”

“Whoa,” Mia croaked. “You’ve already met the ex as well? Yikes! How did that go? What’s she like?”

Lydia laughed at the rush of questions from her friend. Mia was nothing if not curious. “Well, she’s—different,” she said, trying to be diplomatic. “She wasn’t happy about me being at Jake’s house that morning and didn’t mind letting it be known. She basically called me a tramp and stomped off in a huff with Casey. But a few minutes later she was back needing Jake to babysit because she had plans.”

Wrinkling her nose, Mia deadpanned, “She sounds awesome. If she was calling you those kind of names so quickly, then she must still have some feelings for our Jake.”

Lydia took a drink of her tea before placing it down. “Oh, yeah, she does, but I’m not sure they have anything to do with loving him. According to him, she’d been putting on the pressure in the last year for him to marry her. Then when she never got anywhere with it, she thought attempting to take his daughter away would finally get him where she wanted him.”

Mia finished the bite of food that she’d just taken before asking, “If he was willing to marry a stranger, then why not the mother of his child?”

“That’s the same thing I asked him,” Lydia admitted. “It didn’t make sense to me. But he explained how toxic the environment was for Casey when he and Chris were together for any extended amount of time. And just from being in the same room with them for a few minutes, I can see that he’s right. Apparently, she was a one-night stand and they never had any type of relationship outside of that before she got pregnant. He believes she’s only interested in marrying him for the financial security. Outside of Casey, I don’t think they can stand each other.”

“Wow, that’s sad,” Mia sympathized. “It’s hard enough on kids when their parents divorce, but when there’s not a good relationship to begin with, that must be horrible for everyone involved. Has he told her about his new wife yet?” She looked Lydia up and down before adding, “I assume he hasn’t since I don’t see any scratches or loss of hair.”

Grimacing, Lydia said, “Nope, he didn’t want to tell her in front of Casey since she’s likely to freak out. He’s supposed to talk to her sometime this week, I believe.”

Mia leaned back in her chair and wiggled her eyebrows. “Now that we’ve got all the heavy stuff out of the way, let’s circle back to your desire to jump his bones.”

“Um . . . what about it?” Lydia asked haltingly. “We don’t really know each other. And he probably doesn’t think of me in that way. I’m helping him out of a situation and that’s it. He hasn’t made any moves toward me since we’ve gotten home.”

“Blah, blah, blah.” Mia opened and closed her fingers to simulate someone’s mouth moving. “Everything doesn’t have to be complicated. Sometimes sex can just be about feeling good.” Laughing, she added, “Of course, in this instance, Jake married you before he slept with you, so you’ve already put the proverbial cart before the horse.”

Feeling embarrassed, Lydia admitted, “I’ve only ever been with one man, and we dated for quite a while before we slept together. I loved Brett so much. But . . . I feel something completely different when I’m with Jake.” Guiltily, she added, “I was never this sexually aware around Brett. But when Jake is near me, it’s almost as if I don’t recognize my own body or the intense that he brings out in me. I want him with a force that I’ve never even experienced—how can he have this kind of effect on me?”

Mia put a hand over hers as she said earnestly, “There is nothing to be ashamed of. The average person loves more than one person in their lifetime and your reactions to two different men will always be different because they aren’t the same person. I know it’s hard, but you’re single, Lydia. There’s nothing wrong with you desiring another man.” Quirking a brow, she added, “I was going to say every relationship doesn’t have to end in marriage, but that’s a moot point now.”

Lydia giggled, grateful for the comic relief before Mia continued. “Remember when we were talking to Crystal about how lustful she felt toward Mark and how she just needed to go for it?”

“I think it’s safe to say she took our advice and then some,” Lydia agreed.

Snapping her fingers, Mia said, “Exactly! And now you need to do the same. If you want Jake, then you go after him. And trust me, honey, I saw the way he looked at you at Crystal’s wedding. There is no way he’s opposed to heating up the sheets with you. If I had to hazard a guess, I’d say he wants you as much or more than you want him.”

“Really?” Lydia blinked, hardly able to believe Mia could have the right read on the situation. Was Jake feeling the same pull of physical attraction?

“Oh, yeah.” Mia nodded. “Now, I want you to go forth and seduce that man. And trust me, there won’t be any challenge there. He might feel like he can’t approach you because you’re doing him a favor by helping with his custody situation. But if you crook your finger and let him know that you’re ready and willing, he’ll come running.”

“I don’t know,” Lydia murmured uncertainly. “What if I do and he turns me down? I’d feel like a fool, and I’d have to face him every day after that.”

Shaking her head empathically, Mia said, “I’m telling you, he won’t. Outside of the fact that you’re a beautiful woman, you’re also flipping hot.”

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