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Stolen To Keep (Stolen 2)

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“Where is she?” I say before I hear the cool voice of Peter Guzik on the other end.

“Vaughn, is it? The baby of the brothers. It’s a shame they sent you out like a sheep for the slaughter.”

“Don’t fuck with me, Peter. She doesn’t have anything to do with whatever it is you want. Let her go.” I’m starting to pace just as I see Sean pull the car up to the curb and I jump in. “Tell me where you’re taking her and I’ll give you whatever you want.”

“How about you get the fucking feds off of my ass,” he seethes, and his control breaks just a little. He takes a breath as Sean begins to drive. I can hear him trying to calm himself. “Your little co-ed should be fine for a few hours. At least I don’t think Amos will hurt her. He does love them to look innocent. Tell me, Vaughn, with all your time indoors, have you saved any of her virtue?”

“Goddamn it, just tell me what the fuck you want me to do. You know I can’t do a thing about the feds or their investigation.”

“True. But with enough money I can disappear forever just like your brothers. That’s what I want.”

“To disappear?” Sean is scanning the streets looking for any trace of the white van. He’s also on his phone and sending messages to people I’m hoping can help us.

“I want your fortune. All of it. I want your bank accounts drained and wired to my offshore account so I can get out of this fucking country.” He sucks on his teeth like he’s disgusted being here and then takes a breath. “I’m in need of a holiday.”

“Done,” I agree, because there is nothing I wouldn’t give for Berkley. I would give my own life without hesitation if he asked for it. “Now give her back.”

“I’m going to send over the wire instructions and as soon as the money is there, what’s left of her is all yours.”

I don’t miss the threat in his voice or the chill that rolls down my spine. “No, I want to see her and make sure she’s safe while the transfer happens. You could take the money and leave her with that psycho.”

“True.” He hums like he’s thinking over what to order on a menu. “I’m a reasonable man. How about we strike up a deal?”

I grind my teeth together as I wait for him to finish. I can almost hear the sick smile he’s got right now and it makes me want to throw up.

“Meet me at Burgess Park near the bridge at sunset. I’ll bring the transfer codes and you bring your wallet.”

“And Berkley.” I squeeze the phone so tight in my hand the plastic sounds in protest.

“I’ll see if Amos has anything left to bring along.”

I close my eyes tight and remind myself that he’s doing this to fuck with me. He’s only trying to get a rise out of me and make this hurt. Berkley will be okay no matter what. She’s so fucking strong, but I just need her alive. I can deal with anything as long as her heart is still beating.

“Deal,” I grit out, and I feel like I’m going to throw up.

“See you then.” I go to hang up but then I stop. “Oh, and Vaughn, if anyone else shows up, I’ll make sure she doesn’t survive. If I go down, you walk away empty handed.”

My worst nightmare flashes before my eyes and I want to scream.

“Do we have an understanding?” There’s a long pause while he waits and I look out the window.

“Yes.” The word tastes like chalk on my tongue and the thought of losing Berkley sits on my shoulders like an anvil.

“Until then,” he says brightly, like we’re discussing meeting for tea, and then hangs up.

When I hang up the phone I drop my head in my hands and try to breathe. Everything has been put on the line and I don’t know what the fuck to do. How am I going to save the woman I love?

The thought of loving Berkley isn’t new; I’ve known it since the moment we met. But feeling it now in this moment and knowing I may lose her is too much for me to carry. I can’t let anything happen to her. It’s my job to protect her and keep her safe and I won’t let anyone take her from me. Not even that piece of shit Guzik.

“All right,” I say when I sit up and lean back in the seat. “I’ve got a plan.”

Chapter Twelve


I bang on the window but Vaughn only gets farther and farther away as the van speeds down the road. My hand starts to ache and the window gives no sign of breaking as my captor ignores me. I try the door again but it doesn’t open no matter how hard I pull on the handle. It moves but the door doesn’t open. I close my eyes for a moment trying to get myself together as my mind races.

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