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Stolen To Keep (Stolen 2)

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“You said one more last time!” There’s a sob on the last word and I want to do something to make the pain go away.

“Look at me,” Collins calls out and Berkley’s eyes snap up. “You are going to push one more time and you’re going to do it now.”

They stare at one another for a long moment and that connection they share as sisters passes between them. It’s something I understand because I have it with my brothers, and thank God Berkley listens and nods.

“You got this, sweet thing.” I rub her lower back as she leans forward and pushes one final time.

“That’s it!” Lula calls, and then the room is filled with the sweet sounds of our newborn baby.

Berkley is sobbing as she falls back onto the hospital bed and I’ve got my own tears of joy and relief. I lean down and kiss her as I close my eyes and thank whoever it is above us for watching out for her.

“It’s a girl!” Collins shouts, and Berkley starts to laugh.

“You don’t have to say it,” I whisper against her lips. “At least not right now.”

“If I had the strength I’d smack you,” Berkley whispers back, but there’s no anger behind it. I lean back just in time to see her smile at me and I wink.

“You did it.”

“We did it,” she corrects, and I kiss her again.

“Here she is,” Lula says as she places our brand new baby girl into Berkley’s arms.

Berkley pulls her gown down and places our little one against her breasts and then Collins places a blanket over the two of them like a cocoon.

“She has your nose,” I say, wiping away my tears and crawling into bed beside them. “And your eyes.” I watch in wonder as the tiniest little hand reaches out and wraps around my finger. In that one moment I’m done for and I know that the rest of my life is forever changed. “And your hands.”

“I want to call her Iris after your mother,” Berkley says, and my heart moves to my throat.

I can’t answer her, I can only nod as I lean down and kiss the tiny hand and then my wife. I didn’t think I would be so affected, but seeing a tiny version of our love brought into the world has hit me like a brick wall. Just like the first time I saw Berkley.

“Oh my God, that’s the sweetest thing ever,” Collins cries out and we all turn to look at her. She’s sobbing like she’s the one that just had a baby, and in a way she sort of did. We’re all so close that sometimes their kids feel like our own and I know baby Iris is going to be the same for her. “Now I want Kade to knock me up again.”

“I’m sure he won’t have a problem with that,” Berkley says with a laugh and wipes away tears.

“Do you want me to go get him?” Lula offers, and I hold my hand up.

“Only if Collins is ready to be dragged out of here.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll handle this,” Collins says and she marches out of the room.

“I’ll give you two a few minutes alone,” Lula says before she comes around and kisses Berkley on the top of the head. “You did beautifully.”

The nurses help her clean up the room and tell us they’ll be back in shortly to check over our little girl, but for now we can just enjoy the quiet and rest.

“I don’t think I could sleep if I tried,” Berkley whispers as we both stare at the new person we created.

“I’m pretty sure this angel is never going to let us sleep again.” I kiss her tiny fingers and then kiss my beautiful bride.

“I love you, Vaughn.”

I wipe away her tears as I feel my heart swell so big I’m afraid it might break in two.

“I love you too.” My voice is choked and I know I’m probably being a little dramatic with how weepy I am, but I’ve never been so happy. I never knew this kind of thing was possible and here it is in my arms. “And I love you too.”

Iris coos and squeezes my finger as if to say it back. She’s already the smartest girl in the world, just like her mama. I don’t know how I ended up the lucky bastard I am, but I won’t ever take this for granted.



Six years later…

My husband’s heavy arm wraps around me in a tight hold. I’m not sure this is going to work. How many times have we gone at it before and then he passed out? I’m trying to knock him out but I might have done it to myself. Now I’m naked and my plan is not holding up so well.

Slowly, I try and wiggle free because I know if I wake him and give him some random line like “I need to use the bathroom” or “I can’t sleep,” he’ll be up with me. He’ll either wait for me to come back from the bathroom or use that mouth of his to put me back asleep. I move slower than a sloth, gradually untangling myself from his hold. When I’m free I stand next to the bed naked and look down at him. All I want to do is crawl back in but I yawn and know this is the opportunity I’ve been waiting for. Collins and I have been planning this forever.

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