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Tough Shit (Rejects Paradise 1)

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Jude pauses almost like Colton’s tone had pierced right through him, anchoring him to the spot, the same way an alpha would to his pack. Jude glares, his eyes promising payback before spinning around and facing Colton. A silent message passes between them and a moment later, Jude is gone, leaving Colton standing in my doorway, staring at me with the same disgust.

“Feel free to walk your ass out any time now,” I snap at him.

“How about a thank you for saving your ass?”

“How about not inviting rapists into your home, dickhead? I shouldn’t have to thank you because it shouldn’t have happened in the first place. I wonder what daddy dearest would think if he knew all his staff were at risk because of your bad decisions.”

“You’re fucking impossible.”

“And you’re a fucking over-privileged asshole who thinks the world owes him something. News flash, it doesn’t. Without your buckets of cash, you’re just like the rest of us. Now please, get the fuck out of my room so I can change.”

Colton scowls one more time before finally stalking away, making sure to slam the door extra hard as he goes. I let out a heavy breath and start pumping my hands, trying to make the shaky feeling go away as I race to the door and flick the lock.

That was too close. I knew I could sense creepy vibes from the guy but I was way off the mark. I never thought in a million years that I’d be unsafe in this house. How fucking stupid was that? From now on, I’m playing it smart. I can’t have that happen again because next time I might not have Colton there to save me.

I hurry back into my closet, feeling way too vulnerable to be walking around in my underwear despite the door being locked. Who knows what other ways into this room there are. After all, the house is filled with secret rooms and passageways. I’m kind of excited to go hunting for them, but now I don’t exactly feel so safe to do it on my own. Perhaps I can convince Milo to come exploring with me.

Milo was great today. He stood by my side at every chance he got. He introduced me to a few of his friends who most likely won’t try to rape me in a supply closet and I was grateful. Though to be honest, they were kind of nerdy and panicked at the thought of speaking to someone who came fully equipped with tits and a vagina.

I think Milo and I could be good friends. He seems like the girlfriend I’ve never had while also giving me all the benefits of having a guy friend. Have I mentioned how much I despise having girlfriends? They’re so … needy. Ugh. I hope I wasn’t like that to my boys.

Having Milo and his friends to talk to made the day a little more bearable and helped me to tune out the whispers, comments, and rumors. By the end of the day, I think the rumors were that I was Colton’s fuck-buddy sister and there was some disgusting incestual thing going on. Yet among those rich people, the rumor didn’t seem as scandalous as I had imagined it’d be. Back home, if someone suggested that, people would be hurling in gutters, gasping, wide-eyed and horrified. Here, they’re more like ‘Yeah, okay. It happens’ and it makes me wonder if it’s a common rich person thing who all have similar skeletons in their closets, or if it has more to do with wanting to idolize Colton Carrington so bad that any indiscretion can be excused.

What I do know is that I got to witness the second the illegitimate half-sister bullshit rumor caught up to Colton, and it was amazing. His response from across the room was enough to confirm what I already knew—we’re definitely not related. What it also did was prove just how much my being here is affecting him. I’ve taken over his home and now his school. Nothing is safe.

My phone rings from somewhere and I grab the first shirt I see and a pair of sweatpants before rushing around my room trying to find it.

I end up back in the bathroom, scrambling through the dirty washing hamper for my school skirt and manage to pull my phone out just moments before the call rings out. I see Nic’s name across the screen and my day starts getting better again.

I press accept and hold the phone to my ear as I try to dress with one hand. “Hey,” I say with a heavy sigh.

“Hey to you too. Where the hell have you been? I was expecting your call ages ago.”

“Sorry. It’s been a shitty day. I’m only just now getting a second to myself. What’s going on? Been busy?”

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