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Tough Shit (Rejects Paradise 1)

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“Harrison can go and play with the shark for all I care. If my baby has had a bad day and wants to hang out with her momma, then that’s exactly what my baby is going to get.”

I give mom a tight smile before slipping out of her arms and rushing off to the pool house. I quickly get dressed while avoiding every mirror in this place and before I know it, I’m snuggled up on the couch with a blanket while mom does her thing around me.

She’s just about finished when I see Colton out in the kitchen. He drops his keys on the kitchen counter and starts rifling through the cupboards for something to eat then walks down to the living space that overlooks the ridiculously insane pool.

As I watch him, I can’t help but feel that this is all on him. He could have stopped it. He could have had control over his little followers, and he sure as hell could have at least asked if I was alright.

The more I think about it, the angrier I get and before I even know what I’m doing, I’m out in the living room, storming toward the cocky fuck. His head snaps around, hearing me coming and I watch as his brow raises. I know he sees how fucked up my hair is and I don’t doubt he can see the redness around my eyes and covering my skin. I look like a fucking mess.

I walk right up to him and hold my hand out, not breaking my stare for even a second. “Wallet,” I demand, taking note of all the cuts and bruises left behind from his brawl with Spencer.

He grins at me in amusement before relaxing back against the couch, spreading his arms out along the top. “You’re fucking insane if you think you’re about to get your grubby hands on my wallet.”

“So help me God, Carrington. Give me your goddamn wallet right fucking now before I tell this whole damn town that you’ve been fucking around with the help.”

His eyes narrow just a fraction as he watches me and I feel myself beginning to break. My eyes start watering and I silently scold myself and hope to God that I can hold it together long enough to get what I need. After that, I’m free to break but I refuse to let it happen in front of him.

“Why?” he questions, studying me, and drawing it out, realizing that I’m on the edge and all it would take is a slight push to break me.

“Because I need to fix what you broke.”

“Me? I didn’t do shit.”

I scoff and resist pulling out my claws. “You could have stopped it, and to me that makes you just as guilty.”

The hard edge in his eyes begins to fade and as if finally realizing the broken desperation filling every inch of me, he takes pity and slips his hand into his pocket. He pulls out a brown leather wallet and reluctantly hands it over.

I take it from him, feeling my fingers brush over his warm skin. With his eyes focusing heavily on every little movement, I flip it open and quickly scan through everything in it before finding what I need.

I slip the platinum credit card out of its spot and hand Colton his wallet. “Thank you,” I murmur so low that I don’t even know if he hears it.

Something passes between us but I don’t wait around to figure it out. I turn and walk back out through the kitchen and hear as he gets up behind me. He heads in the opposite direction and I let out a breath. Why does dealing with him always leave me a mess?

I find myself stopping by the counter and I can’t help but notice the keys he’d left here earlier.

He’s going to kill me.

I can’t … but …

Fuck it. After the day I’ve had, I deserve it. Screw him. It’s not like I’m going to hurt it.

I slip the keys off the counter and rush out into the garage feeling the adrenaline beginning to pulse through my veins and somehow managing to heal something within me. I unlock the car and slip in while trying my best not to make a sound but the second I turn on the engine, he’s going to know.

I have to make this fast.

I hit the button for the garage door and check the gate is open then knowing I have an unobstructed ride through the property. I kick over the engine and high tail it out of there.

The Veneno purrs beneath me and I all but come in the seat. The smooth finishes and flawless drive make me want to squeal with delight. I can’t believe I’m driving this.

I do my best to keep my head off the chair while my phone blows up in my pocket, though I’m more interested in the shiny little credit card that’s buried in there with it.

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