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Fondle My Beard - Chasing Dreams

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“I’ll be right back, Gwen. I’m just gonna walk Kylie to the door.”

“Alright. I’ll be here. Kylie, it was so nice to meet you. I’ll call you tomorrow. We’ll do lunch.”

“That sounds good. It was nice to meet you too. I’m available whenever you want to talk, okay.” Mitch gets out of the car. “And for the love of God, please eat,” I tell her before he opens the passenger door.

“I will. Thanks again.” I smile and hop out of the car.

Mitch takes my hand and walks me toward my apartment door. I live on the ground level of a five-story building. “I don’t want to leave you now.”

“I don’t want you to go, but I know you have to.”

“I’ll call you when I get home. Will you answer?” he asks.

“Of course,” I reply.

Then he kisses me again and I swear to God, I forget everything. My name, how to walk, how to breathe. Everything. On a whim, I reach up and touch his beard. God, it is so soft. So manly. So rugged.

“Go inside, kitten, before I drag you inside. Your hands on my beard will get you in trouble.”

“Trouble? Why do I like the sound of that?” He kisses me again, but it’s too damn brief.

“I’ll call you.”

“Mmm, hmm.” I mumble.

“Lock your door when you go inside.”

“Right. I will,” I promise.

As soon as I get inside, I lock the door as he said. Then, I slide down to the floor and wrap my arms around my knees.

Today was the best day of my life. I got my dream job and met the man of my dreams. It’s nice not to have to chase my dreams so hard. I got them all in one day. Now, to keep them.

Chapter Five


Driving away from her was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life. At least ten times on the drive home I almost turned around and went back for her. The only that kept me from doing so, is the fact that I had to get my sister home.

“You were being very obvious,” Gwen says laughing.

“You think?” I ask as I pull into my driveway.

“Definitely. You are so into her,” Gwen says without looking up from her phone.

“I am,” I admit. “There’s just something about her,” I say.

“She’s awesome, I’ll give you that,” she says, getting out of the car. We didn’t mention her again for the rest of the weekend, but she was never off of mind.

Monday couldn’t come soon enough, but now that it’s here, I briefly wonder if I’ve overstepped my bounds. Technically, she is my employee but when she walks in, two coffees in hand, I don’t give a shit if I have overstepped. We spoke on the phone both Saturday and Sunday and texted constantly, but my parents came home, and I couldn’t get away. She said she understood, but I would have rather spent the time with her. She sets the drink tray down on the edge of my desk.

“Good morning, sir. Reporting for duty,” she says saluting. Damn, that was sexy as hell. She is wearing a black skirt that flares out at the knee and a bright, tight pink button up shirt. She’s wearing little black flats too, making her even shorter than I thought she was.

“Good morning, Kylie. You look beautiful.” I manage to tell her, though I’ve all but swallowed my tongue.

“Thanks,” she says, nervously smoothing non-existent wrinkles from her skirt.

“I fucking missed you this weekend.”

“I missed you too, but I get it. Family stuff,” she says smiling.

“Yeah. I should have just picked you up and brought you home with me.”

“How would that have gone over?” she asks, curiously.

“Well, Gwen likes you. My parents would have too.”

“Are they still at your house?” she asks.

“No. They went home this morning.”

“Really? Where do they live?”

“Yes, they live here in Boston,” I tell her.

“Oh. Okay. It’s nice that they are so close. My parents live in Florida now.”

“Florida is nice, at least Tampa and Miami, where I’ve played. Been to Orlando too, but it was so crowded, I didn’t really get to enjoy it.”

“They live in Winter Haven,” she says. “So, um, should we get to work? I am anxious to get started.”

“No,” I say standing.

“No? Are you firing me already?” she frowns and it’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.

“Not at all. There is something else I’d much rather do.”

“Such as?” she asks, setting her briefcase down on the chair in front of my desk.

“You,” I say. She smiles at me softly, blushing. As the word hangs between us, I move toward her. Stalking my prey, I adjust my hard cock in my pants. I need her more than my next fucking breath.

“I’d like that,” she moans, tilting her head a little more to the side to give me more access to her silky flesh. Her signature wildflower scent fills my nose and I deeply breathe her in.

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