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The Ghost (Professionals 2)

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“I’m not the asshole she was running away from,” I clarified. “I’m the asshole who helped her run away from the asshole she was running away from.”

“Oh,” she said, some of the air leaving her sail. “She didn’t mention anyone else.”

“She’s not much of a sharer.”

“Well, that’s true. I run my mouth nonstop, and she just tosses in a few words here and there. She’s nice though. And so talented. I can’t wait to see the books when they’re done.”

“Yeah, heard about that,” I agreed, wondering about the pictures, about what Sloane had found herself so invested in that she had actually gushed to be about it. Her. This woman who never gushed. Who barely let words trickle out most of the time.

“So why are you here?”

This wasn’t my place. To tell her. To do Sloane’s job as a friend. But she was still blocking my way. “Had to tell Sloane that the asshole she ran away from isn’t a problem anymore.”

“What? Did he like get locked up or something?”

“Yeah.” Or something.

“Well, that is… a relief, I guess. Wish someone would lock up my ex. For longer than the week or so it takes him to work off the child support he owes me. Wait, does this mean she’s leaving?” she asked, her face falling a bit. I never met someone who went up and down and around her feelings quite so quickly – and deftly. “I really like her. The guy in her apartment before her liked to make these really awful-smelling meals like every night of the week. And kept snakes as pets. He swore they were all non-venomous, but I have my doubts. I would hate to see her leave.”

“I don’t know what Sloane has planned honestly, babe. She has a life back in New York, though. A career she left abruptly. But I have to say, I think she’s been happier here than she was there. I don’t know what she is going to do.”

“Are you going to be a part of what she chooses to do?”

“I hope so.”

She nodded a bit at that. “Make sure she keeps drawing and painting,” she demanded, almost sounding like she was pleading. “She’s so good. I don’t think she even realizes how good she is. Billy was going on and on about the pictures in the book we worked on. She’s genuinely talented. And I don’t get the feeling she used that much.”

“She kinda used it, but not in a way she enjoyed.”

Auddie nodded at that, uncrossing her arms. “She was working to try to get a job at the local wine-and-painting place. Do you think she could maybe do something like that when she goes back?”

I shrugged a shoulder at that. “She has a kinda important job, but from what I can tell, it could run just fine if she loosened up the reins a little bit, giving her time to work on other shit. But…”

“But she’s stubborn?” she supplied.

“You’ve known her for a shorter period of time than I have, and you already figured that out?”

“She’s buttoned up tight. Maybe a bit set in her ways. But with the right kind of encouragement, I bet she could be swayed to dedicating more time to art.”

“She really likes you,” I told her. “I think she’s sad to consider leaving. She never really had any friends back home.”

“We can still be friends. Hell, my best friend lives in Spain of all places. She went there for a semester in college, then never came home. We still talk all the time. She visits. And you said Sloane is from New York City, right?”


“My girls would love to visit. See the museum. I heard there is a giant whale suspended from the ceiling.”

“And a multi-level gift shop,” I agreed with a smile when she groaned at the idea. “I’m sure she’d be happy to have you.”

“Are you guys going to be here for a bit? I’d like to visit before she leaves. And maybe show her the book from the printer. Billy told me five days.”

“I think I can persuade her to stay for five more days. She was long-overdo for a vacation anyway.”

“Awesome! Maybe we can persuade her to cook for us. She’s really good!”

“I know,” I agreed, smiling. “She picked up baking too. You have a hand in that?”

“She just needed a little help really. Like how ovens don’t all heat the same. And how baking soda and baking powder aren’t interchangeable. The cookies were good!”

“Banging,” I agreed, suddenly wishing I hadn’t eaten them all the night before. Maybe I could trade her a few more orgasms for some brownies.

“I like you,” Auddie said oddly, head tipped to the side. “I don’t know. I can see you two being good for each other. She’s so buttoned up and careful. You’re very open and blunt.”

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