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The Messenger (Professionals 3)

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Okay , so maybe I wasn’t that bold yet.

“Do this?” he asked, letting his finger swipe once again. But just once. A little harder than before.

“Yes.” The word came out more like a moan than an affirmation. Maybe it was both.

“I barely ever let myself hope that could happen,” he admitted. “I wish you had told me,” he added, swiping my clit once more. “But this was worth the wait,” he concluded, fingers moving away to slip into the side of my panties, his finger raking up my slick cleft with nothing between us, the realization of that alone enough to make me shudder.

“Kai, please,” I pleaded, fingers gripping his shoulders, holding on as though I was afraid I would fall without doing so. My thighs were shaking with the intensity of my need for release.

A muscle ticked in his jaw as his finger pressed down into my clit, making the orgasm crash unexpectedly through my system, pulling me under wave after wave as I buried my head in his neck, crying out through it all.

I stayed planted there even after the orgasm finally released its grip on my body – made ravenous after so long without – as aftershocks made my body tremble slightly, making Kai’s free hand leave my ass, stroking gently, soothingly up and down my spine, giving me time to come back down.

As soon as I pressed back to look down at him though, his fingers moved suddenly, one thrusting unexpectedly inside me, making my walls tighten around him, beg for more of the invasion.

“Oh, my God,” I whimpered, trying to take in a deep breath, finding it impossible as the need slowly build back up inside me.

“Can’t tell you how many times I thought of this,” He told me as his finger got faster, more demanding. “Dreamed of this a million times, but even my imagination couldn’t let me imagine you as wet as you are for me right now.” The declaration made my walls tighten harder still, something that made a sexy little smirk pull at his lips.

All these years.

All of them.

Thinking Kai was a sweet little puppy dog.

And he was.

But it had blinded me to the possibility that he might also be sexy as hell, that he could make me wanton with desire just from his words.

“Kai, please,” I demanded again, hips grinding down onto his hand, feeling his palm press my overly sensitive clit again. “No?” I asked, a crushing hopelessness moving through my chest as he shook his head at me.

“No,” he confirmed. “The next time you come, I want it to be on my lips,” he declared, closing an arm around my lower back as he surged to his feet, taking me with him, moving until my back hit a wall.

I lost his finger as he urged my feet to touch the ground.

The second they did, he yanked up one by the knee, pinning it to the wall, moving in close, and grinding his hard cock against my heat. My head slammed back into the wall, making pain shoot across my skull, but it was overwhelmed by the way his cock pressed into my clit, then slid down, teasing at the entrance to my body, promising an end to the primal, overpowering need within.

“Not yet,” he reminded me as he ground against me, as my whimpers became moans that turned into choked gasps for air.

“I can’t sto…” I started to object when suddenly his cock was gone, and my foot hit the ground with a slam as he released it.

He had lowered himself to the ground in front of me, eyes looking up at me almost reverently for a long moment before his hand reached out, snagging my panties at the front, slowly lowering them down my legs, helping me keep my balance as I stepped out of them.

I thought he would go slow, kiss up my thighs, drag it out impossibly long, make me beg for it.

But his hand grabbed the underside of my knee, lifting up, pinning it to the wall again, exposing me to him fully. And before I could even register the change in position again, his mouth was on me, lips closing around my clit as his tongue explored it, found the rhythm that made my hands go into his short hair, curling, holding him to me in case he got any ideas of trying to pull away, to deny me what was promised just moments before.

But if there was anything you could know about Kai, it was that he was a man of his word.

He didn’t even try to drag it out.

He found what I liked and did it relentlessly, almost savagely, not even caring that my thighs were shaking so hard that I wasn’t sure they could hold me much longer, not trying to slowly drive me to the cliff.

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